Monday, May 30, 2022

Remember me? 
My sweet friends, it has been a journey!
I have never had so much trouble and drama purchasing and setting up a new computer.
And, I want to point out, I'm not the one who set it up. I don't like to point fingers, but 
👉the "professionals" at Staples👈
did. It was suppose to save me hours of work, and ended up costing weeks of on again off again working laptop.
It's the first time I have not set up my own computer, and it will likely be the last.

Enough of that!
I'm happy to be back, and so grateful you have all stood by me during this time. It really means the world to me.

That's it for today. 
Check back tomorrow for a surprise!

Tell me, would you be interested in non-cozy mystery content? It would only be one day a week. Like some of the Off Topic posts I have done. Or would you prefer me to stay on topic?
Let me know in the comments.

Have a beautiful day!

For my USA friends, 
have a safe Memorial Day. 


  1. Glad you’re back, Lisa! I’m interested to see anything you choose to post.
    Meditative Monday (and remembering the fallen on Memorial Day).
    Pat T

    1. Thank you, Pat! I want to keep things fresh and hopefully interesting.

  2. I would be interestee in anything you post.

  3. Go glad your back up and running. Can only imagine how frustrating it's been. I'd have been pulling my hair out while yelling D - A - L - E! LOL

    I'm game for any and all topic. Shuffle around and keep it interesting. Either way you do it, I'll be here. <3
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Thank you, Kay! I was thinking, and I will admit, I was saying words I shouldn't have. ;-)

  4. I have no qualms about you posting anything that is an interest to you on a one day a week basis. In my opinion, if someone doesn't like it, they can continue to scroll on down or choose to not look on that day!
