Tuesday, August 19, 2014

It's happened to most of us. 
We've had a dream and wondered, 
"What did that mean?"

Author and clinical psychologist 
Mary Kennedy 
is here today to answer that question!

If you want to know what your dream means,  
post it in the comments section. 
Mary will be checking in through the day to answer

Mary is also giving away a copy of her new mystery
Book 1 in the Dream Club Mystery series

(This title releases September 2nd. 
Delivery of your prize may take several weeks due to release date.)

Enter using the Rafflecopter form
at the bottom of page

Mary answered a few dream questions this week.
See what she had to say!

Tammie R.  asked - When I was little, between the ages of around 3-9, I had the same dream that I was walking down the stairs and behind me was an old woman had fallen and she was rolling down the stairs behind me. This dream only happened in the years I lived in that house. What does it mean and why did I only have it while living in that house?

Mary’s answer – Tammie's dream about the old lady falling is a tough one...I wonder if when she was little she felt that one of her caregivers was in danger. That is a real fear for young children and sometimes it comes out in dream form.


Lisa K. – Like Tammie R.’s dream, I also had a recurring dream that only happened when I was living in a certain house. I was between 10-15 years old. I would step through the hedges between my house and the neighbor on the left hand side and there was a den with a TV and furniture right there outside. I would sit on the couch and watch the TV when suddenly a huge ghostly hand would come through the hedges and try to grab me. I would run to the neighbor’s house on the other side of mine and bang on the door begging for help. Each time I had the dream we had new neighbors living next door, so in my dream when they opened the door it was the new set of neighbors. They were the only thing in the dream to change. What does that all mean?

Mary’s answer - This sounds like a classic anxiety dream, children and teens often report seeing "monsters in their dreams"--who threaten them, attack them, chase them.


Andrea asks - I had a dream the other night that I can share with Mary. In the dream I was sitting at a table and watching this girl across from me pull out all these checks and cash. I remember thinking how did she get all of those? Then I was also thinking it came to her so easily and that was the main thing. She was saying she had all of this come to her with ease at least it seemed that way. I woke up thinking there has to be an easier way. Maybe something to do with opportunity. I am just guessing maybe Mary could shed some light.

Mary’s answer - Money and opportunity often feature in dreams. I think your analysis is right on target. Maybe you're going through a period where you're re-thinking your priorities, re-thinking your career choice, facing a possible promotion (or job cut) etc. People who read "The Secret" are convinced that all good things (a beautiful house, a fulfilling job, a great relationship) will come to them if they just "believe." Sadly, this is nonsense. The only person who found riches and fame from this book is the author. I've had a lot of clients who've read it--and re-read it--and seem surprised and disappointed when nothing happens. An interesting dream, Andrea, thanks for sharing!

Some interesting dreams.
Thank you Mary for your insights into them.

If you'd like to learn more about your dreams, check out
A Psychologist's Guide

Dream Team

Business consultant Taylor Blake has returned to Savannah, Georgia, to help her sister Allison turn her dream of running an old-fashioned candy store into a reality. Allison is also interested in dream interpretation and invites Taylor to her Friday night Dream Club, where members meet once a week to share and analyze their dreams.

When a local dance instructor, Chico Hernandez, is found dead in his studio, and the murder scene has an eerie resemblance to one of the dreams shared at their meeting, Taylor can’t help but be intrigued. And when her sister, who was briefly involved with the dance teacher, becomes the prime suspect, Taylor and their fellow club members can’t be caught napping. It’s up to them to dream up a solution to the murder before Allison faces a real-life nightmare.

Available for pre-order 


About the author
Mary Kennedy is a national best-selling author, and a clinical psychologist in private practice on the east coast.  She has sold forty novels, all to major New York publishers, and has made the Waldenbooks, BookScan and Publishers Weekly best-seller lists.  Her early novels included middle grade fiction and young adult fiction for 
Scholastic and Penguin.
She blogs every Saturday with Cozy Chicks.
Currently, she's writing the Dream Club Mysteries for Penguin-Random House. Set in Savannah, the series revolves around a group of Savannah women who meet once a week to analyze their dreams and solve a murder or two. Since the Dream Club meets at Oldies But Goodies, a candy shop/café, the members sample southern desserts as they do their sleuthing. The first release is Nightmares Can Be Murder (Sept 2, 2014). 

Mary Kennedy is a member of The Cozy Chicks along with  authors 
Ellery Adams / J. B. Stanley 
Lorraine Bartlett / Lorna Barrett 
Duffy Brown
 Kate Collins
 Mary Jane Maffini / Victoria Abbott
 Meggie Sefton
Leann Sweeney
 And they're having a wonderful contest!

To enter their Sweet Dreams giveaway, be sure to send an e-mail with your name, e-mail addy and DREAMS in the subject line to cozychicks@gmail.com The prize package contains a signed copy of Nightmares Can Be Murder, a Navajo dreamcatcher, tea and cookies and more!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Become a Follower of my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.

Good Luck!


  1. I have added this book to my TBR list. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. LOVE the cover!

    patucker54 at aol dot com

  3. sounds like a great book -- would love to win it -- its already on my wish list!

  4. Sounds like a very interesting book, can't wait to read it
    Becky Prazak

  5. Love the Cozy Chicks. This sounds like another great book.

  6. Congratulations on this debut of your new series!

  7. This sounds like an interesting new series. Looking forward to reading it.
