Sunday, February 27, 2022


I'm so excited to be a stop on the blog tour for
Book 5 in the Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic Mysteries
by Elizabeth Pantley

An invitation to a medieval festival. A ferry ride to a mysterious island. A scheming, inept witch. An office break-in, an unidentified body, and a string of suspects. Can Hayden, her brave, sassy cat, Latifa, and the people of Destiny Falls solve the mystery and enjoy the festival?

Jousting and Justice follows the series format of combining two stories that blend into one. A murder mystery and the island mystery.

The Island Mystery: Hayden and all her friends get an invitation to a medieval festival - but it's on "the forbidden island." It's too enticing to pass up. Of course, strange things will happen once they get there! . . . You'll also learn the truth about the witch's sister!

The Murder Mystery: A dead body shows up in the most shocking place. First, they need to figure out who this dead guy is. Then, who killed him and why. There are so many twists and turns on the way to the answers! But we know that Hayden, Latifa, and their family and friends will figure it out and justice will be served.



Winner will be chosen after February 28 at the end of the tour

1 lucky read will receive wins choice of 
2 eBooks or Paperbacks from the series
and a 
120 Page Journal!

See Rafflecopter form below for more information.

USA only

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.

This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.

Elizabeth Pantley

LKBR:  Hi, Elizabeth, it’s great to have you with us.

EP: Thanks so much for having me, Lisa!


LKBR: Please tell us a bit about yourself.

EP: I’m a mom of four, and I’ve spent my career writing books about parenting. I’ve traveled the world speaking on the topic, and my books are translated into 29 languages! When COVID hit, and I was spending more time at home, I figured it was the perfect time to fulfill a lifelong dream: I wanted to write a novel. I decided to write the kind of book that I read the most: a paranormal cozy mystery. Once I started, I couldn’t stop! That was just a year and a half ago, and I’m already busy writing book six! It’s the most fun I’ve ever had at work.


LKBR: Please tell us about your new book.

EP: The Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic series tells the story of an everyday young woman named Hayden, who one day is thrust through a mirror into an enchanted world. She discovers a land she never knew existed, and a family she never knew she had.

Each book in the series is two stories in one: A Destiny Falls mystery and a murder mystery, and they often overlap. In book five, the newest in the series, Hayden gets an invitation to a medieval festival. It takes place on a strange island where few travel – but it’s just too enticing to pass up. She and her friends create their costumes and take the journey. Bizarre things happen during the event, of course. Add that to the stress of finding a dead body, and Hayden and her over-confident, sassy cat sidekick have their work cut out for them.


LKBR: Do you remember where you were/what you were doing when the idea of this book/series came to you?

EP: I found a box of old photos and came across a few from a Renaissance Faire that I attended years ago. I recall being fascinated by the elaborate costumes and the passion that people threw into their role playing. There was even a jousting demonstration that blew me away. I knew that type of event would be perfect for the setting of a mystery!


LKBR: How did you go about submitting your first idea for a book? Was that first book published?

EP: Ahhh! My parenting books were all published by one of the big publishing houses. When I wrote Destiny Falls though, it felt very personal, and it was what you might call a passion project. I decided to keep it to myself and learned all about the Amazon Kindle program for authors. It’s been fantastic to be fully my own boss, and they make it very easy!


LKBR: Is writing your fulltime job? What’s your writing schedule like?

EP: Being an author is my full-time job! It’s so much more than writing, particularly when you’re also your own publisher. Production, marketing, cover design, editing, accounting, sales, organizing book tours. Phew! I’m at my desk about ten hours a day, wearing a pile of different hats. My favorite is the actual writing, though!


LKBR: No matter where you are, do you write down ideas when inspiration strikes?

EP: You sound like you know! Yep! I jot down ideas all the time. Thankfully, I keep my phone in my pocket and make notes anywhere. Even during a hike I’m known for sitting on a rock and writing out a scene idea. The middle of the night seems to be a great time for ideas to pop into my head, too!


LKBR: Do you write your book(s) from beginning to end or do you do you write scenes out of order then pull them together?

EP: I like to know where the story is going. I’ll begin with a major plot idea, then figure out the high points and the ending. Then I get a reaaalllly long piece of paper and make a timeline, jotting down important points, then transfer that to an outline. It changes almost daily, and the characters drive the scenes, but the original roadmap keeps me organized. 


LKBR: Have you ever killed off a series’ regular character? If yes, was it hard for you to do? What were your reader’s reactions to it?

EP: I don’t think I could ever kill off a regular! I get too attached to my main characters for that to happen – even the baddies. That reminds me of the scene in the Galaxy Quest movie when a character realizes he doesn’t have a last name, so he knows he’s going to get killed off the show!  


LKBR: Where do you do most of your writing?

EP: I can write pretty much anywhere, but my office is my main place. It’s set up just the way I like it. I’m in front of a large window so I can daydream when I need to get my thoughts in order.


LKBR: What are three things always within reach when you’re writing?

EP: Haha! I am a creature of habit. Always a cup of tea, my outline/timeline, and various colors of sticky-notes – my desk is always covered by random notes. I was just on the phone and asked my friend, “Why do I have a sticky note on my desk that says, ‘rolling suitcase,’ I’m sure it’s a great plot idea, but I don’t know what it is . . .


LKBR: Please describe yourself in one sentence.

EP: A lucky person who skips happily to work every day.


LKBR: Do you have a message for your readers?

EP: I hope you have as much fun reading the Destiny Falls series as I do writing it. I’m planning a long series, so if you have any ideas for story lines, drop me a note!

LKBR: Thank you so much, Elizabeth, for spending time with us today. Can’t wait to chat with you again!

EP: Thanks for your interest in Destiny Falls, Lisa! It was a fun chat. I look forward to our next visit. 

Elizabeth Pantley says that writing the Destiny Falls Mystery and Magic book series is the most fun she's ever had at work. Fans of the series say her joy is evident through the stories she tells. Elizabeth is also the internationally bestselling author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution and twelve other books for parents. Her books have been published in over twenty languages. She lives in the Pacific Northwest, the beautiful inspiration for the enchanted Destiny Falls world.

Author Links 

Purchase Link - Amazon 


February 15 – Christy's Cozy Corners – REVIEW
February 15 – eBook Addicts – CHARACTER GUEST POST
February 16 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
February 17 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
February 18 – I Read What You Write – REVIEW, GUEST POST
February 19 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT
February 20 – Mythical Books – GUEST POST
February 21 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog – SPOTLIGHT
February 22 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews - REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST
February 23 – The Book's the Thing – SPOTLIGHT
February 24 – Tea Book Blanket - CHARACTER INTERVIEW
February 24 – Socrates' Book Reviews - REVIEW
February 25 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW
February 26 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW
February 26 – Cassidy's Bookshelves – SPOTLIGHT
February 27 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
February 28 – BookishKelly2020 – SPOTLIGHT
February 28 – Girl with Pen – SPOTLIGHT 

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  1. I've been following this author and the Destiny Falls series and even read some of the books in this series on kindle tat I'm so hooked and liked them so well I want to read & review the print format of the Destiny Falls Series.
    I love the titles, book covers, excerpts, review/interview.
    Please enter me
    I so hope I Win
