Monday, February 8, 2016

Julie Seedorf 
has a new series out!
The Brilliant, Minnesota Mysteries!

Book 1
is available now!

Jezabelle Jingle and her neighbors in the Penderghast section of Brilliant, Minnesota, have a mystery on their hands. Someone is stealing sections of hardwood floors in their homes and the thefts may be connected to a long-hidden treasure left by the founders of Brilliant. Not only that, there's a dead body in a basement to add to the mix. Can Jezzie and her quirky friends figure out the puzzle and find the treasure before some other, unknown person--maybe the murderer--beats them to the punch? Or will the town’s Chief of Police, Hank Hardy, prevent the group from their sleuthing? Anything can happen in the strange little town of Brilliant, Minnesota. After all, brilliant minds create brilliant finds!


One of the funniest, and well done mysteries I have ever read!

It’s very clear author Julie Seedorf loves her home state of Minnesota. It also seems that Ms. Seedorf either knows a few odd characters, has an incredible imagination, or both.

Lead character Jezabelle Jingle is a hoot! I’d love to think I’ll be a lot like her at her age. LOL I have a sneaking suspicion there is a little of author Seedorf in Jezabelle as well.

THE PENDERGHAST PUZZLE PROTECTORS has an extremely original plot. Not something I’ve ever seen done in another book. Completely clever, I spent the entire story trying to figure it all out and never did until the author spelled it all out.

The Brilliant, Minnesota Mysteries is the perfect name for this series. This first book is totally brilliant…and hilarious! There are thousands of positive adjectives that can be applied to this book. I know without a doubt you will find several of your own when you read this masterful story by a first class author.   

I highly recommend you pick up a copy of this hysterical, fun mystery for yourself!

But first, you can try and win one! 


Julie is celebrating her new release by giving one lucky reader a signed print copy of 
(US only for print copy)
and 3 lucky winners each a Kindle copy! 
Use the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.

And now, a word from 
Jezabelle Jingle herself! 

Well how do you do. Welcome to Brilliant, Minnesota. I must apologize, I am not usually so formal but these tv camera's make me a little nervous. Oh, they aren't tv camera's? Well, they look like tv camera's up on the polls to me. What? Surveillance camera's? We have surveillance camera's in Brilliant? When did that happen? Oh, they're just for looks. I see, makes sense someone will just think we are surveiling them. Well then, no camera's.

Hey there, I'm Jezabelle Jingle, welcome to Brilliant Minnesota. We're all Brilliant, well maybe not all of us but most of us. I have heard you are familiar with Granny and Fuchsia Minnesota.  Yup, so are we. Granny visits us once in awhile and we make sure the town is still in one piece when she leaves. We're about twenty minutes as the crow flies from Fuchsia. And one of Granny's friends is my niece. You might have heard about her, Delight Delure. Delight and I both like to bake, but that's about all we have in common. We here in Brilliant aren't quite as nosy as those in Fuchsia and those people are a little quirky.

I live in the Penderghast neighborhood of Brilliant. It is the first neighborhood in this community founded by, of course, the Brilliant brothers. Everything in Brilliant is brilliant,meaning everything the brothers named starts with Brilliant. We have the Brilliant Library, The Brilliant BeDazzle Brewery, The Brilliant Bank, the Brilliant Bistro, well you get my drift.

My neighborhood consists of myself, Mr. Warbler, which is fitting since he feeds the birds. Didn't Mary Poppins do that? Then we have Rock Stone, yes you heard me right, Rock Stone, who names their kids like that? Next to Warbler lives Phoebe Harkins. We haven't figured out what she does yet. I think between you and me she married rich and divorced even richer. Then we have Miranda Covington. She's a night wanderer. Phoebe, Rock and Miranda are all youngsters compared to me and my best friend Lizzy, who lives across town.

Then we have dear departed Annabelle. Her house is empty. She was a nice old lady but her kids said she was imagining things so she went to live with them and then she died. Maybe her ghost inhabits her house because we see lights over there occasionally at night.

We have all the normal things in Brilliant. We have excellent police and good looking firemen. Phoebe doesn't care if they're young or old she flirts with them all.

Yes siree, we have quite the town. Not too much happens here,until--it does, if you know what I mean.

Right now we're in the middle of a puzzle and we are puzzled. But don't tell that Hermiony Vidalia Criony Fiddlestadt from over there in Fuchsia. Delight wanted to come over and help us but I told her it was top secret. We don't want Granny butting in and stealing our fun. Of course we have to be careful because Hank Hardy, Brilliant Chief of Police, doesn't want us taking over his investigation. They have terrible movies at that jail and I and my neighbors should know since we have spent considerable time at the station recently.

Come on over and visit Brilliant. Settle in, I might even make you some of my famous chocolate peanut butter cup cheesecake. You might even want to stay for a while but I warn you the first residents of Brilliant planned on that and then they disappeared, never to be heard from again. It's a Puzzle all right and we are The Penderghast Puzzle Protectors.

Thank you Julie and Jezabelle!



  1. This sounds great! I enjoyed the Granny series.

  2. Thanks, Lisa and Julie/Jezzie. Sounds like there's never a dull moment in Brilliant, with these quirky characters!

  3. Sounds like a fun read. Hope to win a paperback copy.
    Becky Prazak

  4. Great review, Lisa! Sounds like you really enjoyed this mystery. I value your recommendations.

  5. I love books set in my home state. Thanks for the contest.

  6. If Lisa likes it that means it must be great and it sounds like a winner. While I don't read kindle only paperback it looks like I won't mind purchasing this one if I'm not fortunate enough to win.

  7. Adding this fun series to my tbr list! Great review.

  8. Sounds like a fun read. Thank you for the giveaway.

  9. This sounds like a great book. I love the cover!

  10. What a great review! This sounds like a fantastic new book! I haven't read the Granny series would love to start a new series from the beginning! I love puzzles, humor written into the cozy, and miss the Midwest (Michigan). thank you for the chance to win and congrats on the new mystery! PS enjoyed the author's bio on Amazon, too. jeaniedannheim (at) ymail (dot) com
