Karen here with my weekly Wednesday post, and I have written exactly nothing since my post last week. Finding time to write is really making time to write and well between work and Girl Guide Camp (you guys call it Girl Scouts in the USA) this past weekend I have not written anything towards my goal of getting back in to writing. But I think we can safely call it the R&D phase (research and development).
Thinking about things constantly it is as if I have 100 screens going at one time in my head and so many priorities trying to get in the in box and the inbox is already full, while the put box is very much empty, but if you want something done you ask a busy person without boundaries and there you will find me.
It is not all bad, actually I had a great time at camp, 200 girls from ages 5-20 plus leaders and the theme was Witches and Wizards so really not a stretch for me. But it didn't leave me with writing time, it did leave me with ideas however.
Very little sleep, but lots of fresh air (cabin sleeping for me grateful) and the rain held off, for most of the days events. I got some fun ideas for a series idea or a one off book, just as usual stuck on the mystery plot, I am not great at killing off characters, I find that part really difficult to do, so I have to find a mystery that doesn't and isn't all about murder.
Cozy and fun but that is gripping enough for a twist that is not discovered to the end and that takes talent!
Inspired by Lorraine Bartlett's mini mystery, Panty Raid, I may actually have a solid lead on structure.
This mini mystery is available on Kindle and was a great read, with great twists. It is under $1 at the moment to read and is as cozy and funny as can be.
Not a lot to write this week but I absolutely managed enough for mischief! I hope to be back to share more of my writing, thoughts and ideas with you all again soon.