
Friday, March 15, 2019

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!
But not today.

Today I'm sharing a recipe from
cozy mystery reader and friend
Cynthia Bayer Blain!

Cynthia posted a photo of her recipe on Facebook a few days ago. It looked so good, 
I asked her to allow me to share it with all of you.



"This recipe is my non-recipe meaning the guidelines are there but you make it your own with whatever meat and vegetables or herbs you like and have on hand and in your combination of choices." ~ Cynthia

1  9” pan -  large enough for a deep dish pie crust, either homemade or store bought

1 cup or a bit more of good quality ham trimmed and cut into small cubes or substitute cooked bacon, or diced cooked chicken or turkey, or leftover small pieces of leftover roast beef or steak, etc. (if that’s what you have on hand.)

2-1/2 cups whole milk or half and half or light cream

4 large or extra-large eggs, beaten

2 cups shredded cheeses (suggestions:  shredded Parmesan and/or white or yellow cheddar, Mexican blend shredded cheese, Swiss, or other easy to melt shredded cheese.)  I suggest a combination of at least two for best flavor.

½ cup finely diced yellow onion sautéed in enough butter to keep them moist until slightly caramelized.

Any combination of the following fresh vegetables:  Asparagus tips cut in half inch pieces, sliced mushrooms of any variety or in any combination, halved grape or cherry tomatoes, finely diced green onions (use both white and green portions), sliced black olives or olive variety of your choice.  I also add a few tablespoons of finely chopped curly parsley or flat leaf it that is what I have, but it isn’t a requirement but does add nice color and is a nice fresh element.

You may also use any leftover cooked vegetables that do not have a high water content.  You can use leftover cooked frozen peas and or carrots, or ½ inch pieces of leftover fresh green beans,  small pieces of broccoli or cauliflower, or small pieces of red, orange or yellow pepper, etc.  Whatever you like and what you have on hand is just fine to use.

Salt to taste.  If you use ham and it is salty and your veggies have already been cooked with salt, you won’t need more than a teaspoon or so to flavor your eggs and milk mixture knowing that you will have salt from your cheese as well.

Black pepper to taste.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Line pie pan with your crust and crimp top edge.

Put foil and pie weights in the crust so it doesn’t puff up and then turn oven down to 375 degrees immediately before adding crust. This is to start browning the bottom crust so it won’t be soggy.  Bake for about 7- 8 minutes.  Remove from oven and take out foil and pie weights (or dry beans) and let cool.

Once cool, beat eggs lightly, add milk or cream, cheeses and salt and pepper.  I spread out some of the veggies in the crust and add some of the liquid and eggs separately, then add the remainder of the veggies and the last of the cheese and milk mixture.  Or you can add everything into the crust and then mix your cheeses in separately being careful to not make a hole in the crust.  If you end up with a bit of extra filling, just butter an oven proof cup and fill with the filing and you will have a wonderful omelet type breakfast or lunch during the week.  Those only take about 15 minutes to bake. Check after 10-12 minutes with your knife inserted into the center. 

Bake quiche for approximately ten minutes at 375 degrees then continue baking for another 25 minutes or so at 350 or until a butter knife inserted into the center comes out almost clean.  All ovens vary so if you know your oven well enough use whatever heat will gives you a crispy crust and evenly baked center with just slight browning.  You don’t want to overcook eggs so check often if in doubt knowing that when you take your quiche out of the oven it will need to rest for ten to 15 minutes to firm up well for cutting and during that time it will continue to cook with the residual heat. 

Slice into pie wedge triangles and serve with a side of green salad or accompaniment of your choice.  We like garlic toast or garlic bread with ours, but sometimes just have sweet pickles or even a little salsa with the quiche. Remember it is up to you to have it the way you like it.  There are no rules except for the basics.

Refrigerate leftovers as soon as possible.  Rewarming quiche in your microwave can be done on half power very successfully.  The quiche can also be served at room temperature.

Enjoy your non-recipe quiche!

A big thank to Cynthia Bayer Blain for sharing this wonderful recipe with us.
I can't wait to make one of my own! 
(I bet Cynthia's would taste better.)

How would you like to have one of your recipes appear on my blog?
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  1. Looks so yummy! I love non-recipes and appreciate all the suggested add-ins for the quiche!

  2. Cynthia Bayer Blain's recipe for HAM, CHEESE, AND VEGGIE QUICHE sounds so yummy. And right here a breakfast time too.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. oh this recipe looks divine. Thank you for sharing. I know we would love this. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  4. Looks very delicious!!!

  5. Thank you, LISA. I was so happy to share a recipe with you and your readers. Would be happy to share anytime!
