
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Four years ago today, my sister, Darlene and I set out on a trip to Lancaster County, PA. It's a trip I have been taking with my family since I was a little girl.

On this particular trip, we were heading to PA not for another day trip, but to meet author Laura Bradford. I had so much fun I had to share this memory with you again. I hope you enjoy.


Journey To A Signing

I have so much fun working on my blog. Sharing my likes and thoughts on authors and books makes me happy. 

I'm lucky enough to get to be in contact with many wonderful authors. They're great people. So kind and giving. But until this past Friday I have never had the chance to meet one of these amazing people. (Well, years ago I did. Before I became a blogger and reviewer.)

And then I found out one of my very favorite authors was going to be signing books at Aaron's Bookstore in Lititz, PA. 

What author?, you ask. 
Laura Bradford was going to be at Aaron's signing her newest book in the Amish Mystery series,  


Laura has been one of my favorite authors since I read her first book in this series, HEARSE AND BUGGY. So, when I heard she was going to be in Lancaster County, PA, a place I have been visiting since I was a little girl, my sister Darlene and I planned a road trip!

So, on the morning of Friday March 13 (not an unlucky day at all!), with clear skies and sunshine, we set out from Delaware, in Darlene's car, and headed for Lititz, PA!

We soon traded the flat highways of DE for the hills of PA. 

By the time we reached Gap, PA, we were both ready to get out of the car and stretch our legs. So, we pulled into one of our "must stop at" destinations, The Town Clock Cheese Shoppe. And what luck! They were having an Irish cheese tasting! Perfect for two lasses with the last name Kelley! 

The cheese shoppe is the brick building on the left. Named after the town clock on the right.

Fortified with cheese and crackers, and some to take with us, we were back in the car and on the way to Lititz.

We still had some time before we could check into our hotel, so we stopped off in Intercourse, PA and another of our must stop places, The Kitchen Kettle Village. This is a wonderful place. Everything from buggy rides, to jams, jellies, and pickled items, to smoked meat and cheese, souvenirs, hot food, and soft pretzels. 

My sister Darlene is in the light green jacket, photobombing my pic on the left. 

With our new goodies in hand, it was time to head to our hotel, rest up a bit, and then
 get ready to go meet Laura.

Photo courtesy of Holiday Inn Express, Lititz, PA

As a courtesy to my sister and the fear of getting smacked in the head, I did not post the photo of Darlene all but passed out on her bed. 

Rested and all dressed, we head out for the signing. We had about a 3 minute drive to Main Street Lititz and Aaron's Book. After twenty five minutes, we finally found a parking space on main street. (Lititz has what they call Second Friday, where all the shops stay open a little later and all sorts of fun things go on. So the crowd was big!

Photo courtesy of Google Images. This was not at the book signing, but doesn't it just add to this page? ;-)

Finally we make it to the front door of Aaron's and I am slammed with a case of the nerves! I have been communicating with Laura for almost two years, but only online. We have never spoken out loud to each other. What if I get in the store and my talent for saying anything I want with the written word fails me when I open my mouth to speak to her? 

I swallow down what I can of my nerves and we walk to the back of the store. And there sits Laura Bradford. The same lady I talk to online. I've seen her photos, read her posts, and of course have read all her books. There she is. 

You got it. My nerves slammed back into my stomach. Darlene and I waited while Laura spoke with some other people. I stood there trying to remember to breathe. 

Then suddenly we were next and standing in front of Laura. She stood up, looked at me and said, "Lisa! Give me a hug!" And then I was pulled into a wonderful hug from not Laura Bradford author, but from Laura Bradford friend. And my nerves flew out the window.

Laura Bradford is one of the sweetest, dearest people I have ever met. She made me feel like we have been friends for most of our lives. We talked in between other fans and friends coming up to her. It was wonderful watching her with her readers. The time came where we needed to get moving. With another hug to say goodbye, we were on our way.

What about the signed book you ask? Here it is. :-)

I had the very best time. I would love to have just sat with Laura over coffee/tea and talked for hours. 

I won't bore you with the story of my sister and I keeping each other awake that night in the hotel with our snoring. Or with the story of our packing up the next morning for the rainy trip home. Although we had just as much fun on the way home as we did on the trip up. I will say, even in the rain, the views in Lancaster County, PA are stunning.

If you ever get the chance to attend a signing of Laura's, please do so. And don't be nervous! She is so down to earth and wonderfully kind, you will feel like you have known her forever.  

 Learn more about author 
Laura Bradford.

Visit Laura's Facebook page and give her a Like. 
Tell her Lisa K sent you! ;-)

Follow Laura on Twitter and tell her Lisa K sent you

Laura also writes the Southern Sewing Circle Mystery series under the pen name 
Elizabeth Lynn Casey.


One thing I didn't speak enough about four years ago is just how much fun my sister, Darlene and I had on this overnighter. We laughed so hard, ate so much, talked, shopped, and played. It's a trip I will forever cherish.

Best big sister in the world!

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let me know what you think!

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  1. I can imagine the thrill of meeting Laura in person. Sounds like a wonderful trip - specially sharing it with your sister. Maybe you need to plan another trip - to Shipshewana, IN in August to the Keeping Up With The Amish AMISH COUNTRY ADVENTURE 2019. These are some of the author's scheduled to attend: Lenora Worth, Amanda Flower, Jennifer Spredemann, Patrick E. Craig, Debby Giusti, Ashley Emma, Meghan Carver, Laura V Hilton, Vannetta Chapman, Naomi Miller, Rachel L. Miller, Ruth Reid, Kathleen Fuller (?) Rachel J. Good, Diane Craver, Dana R. Lynn, Molly Morris Jebber, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Laura J. Marshall, Amos Wyse, Murray Pura, Jennifer Beckstrad and maybe more! AND if you came, I would get to meet you as well. <3
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. sounds like you had a fabulous time. my mom, my sister and I would take road trips. then when the kids came, they would join us.something our kids still talk about today. thanks for sharing your time with us
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  3. I really enjoyed this post, Lisa. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Not sure how this post escaped me last year... But this was a special day for me, too, Lisa! One I will remember as one of my favorite event moments!
