
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Kathi Daley
has a new book!
Book 6 in the Tess and Tilly Cozy Mysteries

If you love small towns, endearing relationships, food, animals, and a touch of murder, you will love this cozy mystery series.

Sixty years ago a man made a promise to the woman he loved to meet her on Saint Patrick's Day. They were to meet in the park on the bench where they liked to sit and watch the world go by. The couple were deeply in love and planned to marry but he never showed up at the rendezvous point. Every Saint Patrick's Day since then the woman has made a pilgrimage to the bench to wait for her one true love. Tess and Tilly see the woman sitting with her granddaughter on the bench and decide to stop and chat. During their conversation the granddaughter tells Tess the story of her grandmother and the man who professed his love and promised to return but never did. Tess is drawn in by her story and agrees to try to find the answers, the elderly woman has sought all her life. She enlists the help of Tony as well as the woman's granddaughter. 

Meanwhile, Bree is knee deep in wedding planning, there is a new murder in town, and Tony gets a lead on Tess's father.



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  1. Thanks, Lisa. Happy Thursday, to you!

  2. I love the cover of this book!! Kathi Daley always has the cutest covers!!

  3. Great Sounding Book 📖 Thanks for Sharing this book with us 😍

  4. I love the cover. Thank you for the review and sharing with us.
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