
Sunday, March 3, 2019


I'm so happy to be a stop on the blog tour for
Book 3 in the Kabob Kitchen Mysteries
by Tina Kashian

As summer comes to an end in her Jersey Shore town, Lucy Berberian continues to manage her family’s Mediterranean restaurant. The Kebab Kitchen also has a food tent at this year’s beach festival. But now a local businessman is under the boardwalk—dead by the sea …
With a sand castle contest and live music, Ocean Crest bids a bittersweet farewell to tourist season. Summer will return next year … but Archie Kincaid won’t. The full-of-himself store owner has been fatally shot, soon after a screaming match with Lucy’s best friend. Katie’s far from the only suspect, though, since Archie had some bitter rivals—as well as some relationships no one knew about. It’s up to Lucy to look into some seedy characters and solve the case before the wrong person gets skewered …
Recipes included!

LKBR:  Tina, thank you for being here today!

TK: Hello, Lisa! Thank you for featuring me today.

LKBR: Please tell us a bit about your new release, One Feta in the Grave.

TK: One Feta in the Grave is the third book in my Kebab Kitchen cozy mystery series. It can also be read as a stand-alone book. It features my amateur sleuth, Lucy Berberian, who leaves her Philadelphia law firm job to return home to her family’s Mediterranean restaurant, Kebab Kitchen, at the Jersey Shore.
To celebrate a successful summer season, the town plans a beach festival. But things soon take a turn for the worse when an arrogant businessman gets in a screaming match with Lucy’s best friend, Katie, over a sand castle contest. And when the same businessman is found shot dead under the boardwalk, things don’t look good for Katie. It’s up to Lucy to investigate before the wrong person gets skewered.

LKBR: Any hints or spoilers you can give us about One Feta in the Grave?

TK: After a businessman gets shot under the boardwalk, Lucy and her best friend, Katie, have their hands full investigating a growing list of suspects. A boardwalk fortune teller, a stripper, a barber, and the town mayor are just a few interesting people. And when Lucy and Katie break into a boardwalk shop at night, nothing goes as planned.

LKBR: Have you ever written a scene that you later had to edit out of One Feta in the Grave?

TK: Yes, I have had to edit out scenes from some of my books. But I save all of these, and, sometimes I include the scenes in the next book in the series. I also have plans to put deleted scenes on my website. It adds a bit of fun for readers.

LKBR: I love that idea!

LKBR: Any new ideas in the works for you?

TK: I recently signed another contract for two more additional books in my Kebab Kitchen cozy mystery series with my publisher, Kensington Books. I’m excited about this and I’m working on the next book now!

LKBR: Have you ever gotten reader’s block? Find it hard to get into reading because you are so into your writing?

TK: Sometimes, but one of my favorite and most relaxing things to do is to read. I’ve been a huge reader since my teenage years. I’m usually reading two books at the same time. I read all types of genres. Only if I’m under a hard deadline will I stop reading for pleasure. And not for long.

LKBR: Are there any magazines/publications that as a writer you subscribe to? Are these or others something readers could also benefit from?

TK: I’m a member of Mystery Writers of America, Sister’s in Crime National and my local Central Jersey chapter, and Romance Writer’s of America. Most send electronic newsletters, one sends a monthly magazine, and I always read them. I love to cook and also receive the Food Network Magazine. I think if a reader subscribes to anything that interests them, then they will benefit.

LKBR: Is there anything you would give up if you thought it would make you an even better writer?

TK: Hmm. This is a hard question. I would say TV, but I don’t watch many shows. I do watch the Hallmark Mystery Channel, but I think that makes me a better mystery writer. I’d have to go with junk food when writing. I’ve been on a health food kick, and I think giving up salty snacks has helped make me healthier and a better writer.

LKBR: If you could ask your readers 3 questions, what would they be?

TK: 1. What is your favorite genre to read?

2. What do you like best about cozy mysteries?

3. What type of occupation would you like to see an amateur sleuth involved in for a cozy mystery?

Lisa's Note: Please answer Tina's questions in the comments section. I'm sure she'd love to see your answers!

LKBR: Where can readers go to learn more about you and your books?

TK: I love to keep in touch with readers. My website has excerpts of all my books, mentions where I’ll be appearing, and has a sign-up link for my newsletter. I offer giveaways every month to my newsletter subscribers, including one of my books, and two to three books from other mystery authors.

You can also connect with me at:

Tina Kashian is an attorney and a former mechanical engineer whose love of reading for pleasure helped her get through years of academia. Tina spent her childhood summers at the Jersey shore building sandcastles, boogie boarding, and riding the boardwalk Ferris wheel. She also grew up in the restaurant business, as her Armenian parents owned a restaurant for thirty years. Tina’s books have been Barnes & Noble top picks, and the first book in her Kebab Kitchen Mediterranean mystery series, Hummus and Homicide, spent six weeks on the B&N bestseller list. Please visit her website at to join her newsletter, receive delicious recipes, enter contests, and more!

LKBR: Thank you so much, Tina for letting us get to know you better!

TK: Lisa, thank you again for featuring me on your blog!



 4 lucky readers will win choice of 
Print or Digital copy of


USA only

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.

Winner will be chosen after March 9 at the end of the tour

This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.



Murder comes back to the Jersey shore in this third installment of the Kabob Kitchen Mysteries.

I so enjoyed the first two books in this series, I could only hope to enjoy ONE FETA IN THE GRAVE half as much. Well, it turned out to be twice as much! I should have known, because author Tina Kashian has a way of pulling me into her stories that keeps my butt firmly planted in my seat as I absorb page after page.

I adore the characters in this series. I’ve enjoyed watching them and their relationships grow as the author fleshes them out. The feel of family and friendship rings true to me. There is a warmth I feel when reading them that makes me smile every time.

As for the mystery in, ONE FETA IN THE GRAVE, it was top notch! There were plenty of suspects to keep me twisted like a boardwalk funnel cake in my guessing. When I finally had it figured out and was giving myself a pat on the back for being brilliant (that never lasts long), I read the reveal. What a slap to the forehead that was. I was way off! LOL Well, played Ms. Kashian.

Fans of this series are going to love this addition. Culinary mystery fans, you’ll delight in the delicious recipes included. And fans of mysteries in general, you’re going to want to add ONE FETA IN THE GRAVE to your reading list!

About the Author

Tina Kashian spent her childhood summers at the New Jersey shore, building sand castles, boogie boarding, and riding the boardwalk Ferris wheel. She also grew up in the restaurant business where her Armenian parents owned a restaurant for thirty years. She worked almost every job—rolling silverware and wiping down tables as a tween, to hosting and waitressing as a teenager.
After college, Tina worked as a NJ Deputy Attorney General, a patent attorney, and a mechanical engineer. Her law cases inspired an inquiring mind of crime, and since then, Tina has been hooked on mysteries. The Kebab Kitchen Cozy Mystery series launches with Hummus and Homicide, followed by Stabbed in the Baklava and One Feta in the Grave by Kensington Books. Tina still lives in New Jersey with her supportive husband and two young daughters. Please visit and join her Newsletter to enter free contests to win books, get delicious recipes, and to learn when her books will be released.

Author Links

Purchase Links

Amazon - iBooks - Barnes & Noble - Kobo - Google Books

a Rafflecopter giveaway


February 26 – Laura`s Interests – REVIEW
February 26 – The Book Diva's Reads – CHARACTER GUEST POST
February 26 – A Holland Reads - SPOTLIGHT
February 27 – Babs Book Bistro - REVIEW
February 27 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf - GUEST POST
February 27 – My Reading Journeys - SPOTLIGHT
February 28 – Ruff Drafts - SPOTLIGHT
February 28 – The Avid Reader - REVIEW
February 28 – Reading Is My SuperPower - REVIEW
March 1 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW
March 1 – Christa Reads and Writes - GUEST POST
March 2 – Cinnamon, Sugar and a Little Bit of Murder - REVIEW
March 2 – Cassidy's Bookshelves - SPOTLIGHT
March 2 – Brooke Blogs - AUTHOR INTERVIEW
March 3 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW
March 3 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews - REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW
March 4 – Here's How It Happened - SPOTLIGHT
March 4 – Baroness' Book Trove - REVIEW
March 4 – Mystery Thrillers and Romantic Suspense Reviews - SPOTLIGHT
March 5 – Rosepoint Publishing - REVIEW
March 5 – A Wytch's Book Review Blog - REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW
March 5 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW
March 6 – I'm All About Books - CHARACTER GUEST POST
March 6 – Readeropolis - SPOTLIGHT
March 7 – The Montana Bookaholic - REVIEW
March 7 – The Cozy Pages – REVIEW
March 8 – A Chick Who Reads - REVIEW
March 8 – MJB Reviewers – REVIEW
March 9 – Socrates Book Reviews – REVIEW
March 9 – Melina's Book Blog - REVIEW

Book One                                  Book Two


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  1. Thank you for your interview with Tina Kashian and for being part of the book tour for "ONE FETA IN THE GRAVE". I would LOVE the opportunity to read this book and definitely on my TBR list. Fabulous cover!

    My favorite two genres are cozy mysteries and Amish stories. There are a lot of reasons why I enjoy cozies, but here a just a few of them. They are fun mysteries to solve. Even though there is a murder involved, there isn't the gore and horror usually in other murder mysteries. I enjoy them because they are a clean read that you can share with anyone (which I do). The characters are folks we can relate to either in ourselves or someone we know. A lot happen in small town USA which I can definitely relate to since I live in a town of less than 3,000. And that is just a few of the reasons I love cozies. :) As far as an occupation for a cozy, that's a hard one because I can't think of an odd one off hand or one that won't work in my mind.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. this book will be a good read! thanks for the chance to win!

  3. Hi Lisa! Thank you for featuring me and for your lovely review of ONE FETA IN THE GRAVE!

  4. Thanks for this guest post, review and giveaway!! I do love all cozy & cozy sub-genres, though, some more than others.. :)

  5. This looks like a good book. thanks for the change to win it!
