
Monday, March 4, 2019

Did you have a chance to join in on
Kathi Daley Books Share the
Love Book Giveaway in February?
It was so much fun. Filled with great prizes 
from wonderful authors!

One of the authors who took part was
Janice J. Richardson
She enjoyed it so much, she wants to do another giveaway! And here it is!



One lucky reader with win a complete eBook set of
Janice J. Richardson's
Spencer Funeral Home Niagara 
Cozy Mystery Series!

Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter

USA only


I just finished CASKET CACHE and loved it!
It's so different for any cozy I've ever read. I'll have my review posted on the blog soon!

You don't have to wait to see if you win the 
series to start reading it.
Book 1 Casket Cache is free in most eBook formats!

Funeral homes are supposed to be quiet ...

Jennifer Spencer inherits her uncle’s funeral home. Her move to the Niagara Region into the apartment above the Home went well, but in the first week alone, someone breaks into the funeral home. Then, Jennifer finds cash in a casket, a lot of cash. Certain it has something to do with the break-in, she’s unable to convince the police and winds up on their list of suspects. But Jennifer has families to serve and funerals to arrange; that is her number-one priority. Someone sinister and dangerous wants the cash back; that’s their number-one priority and Jennifer Spencer, funeral director, is in the way.

Author's note: The main plot continues in Book 2, Winter's Mourning. The series is best read in order.

Not all mysteries involve murder...

Funeral Director Jennifer Spencer's walk along the Niagara Parkway on a rainy, cold day leads her to Winter, a distraught young woman who isn't speaking.
Travis, the temporary director hired when Uncle Bill passed, is still out for revenge. That won't happen if she listens to the police officers assigned to protect her … but she doesn't.

Can Jennifer survive her own harrowing ordeal in order to help Winter get her life back?

Mistakes have consequences.

Funeral Director Jennifer Spencer forgot to check the weather report. A tornado wrecked havoc at the cemetery where a burial was to take place. First mistake.

An interior designer is murdered. Jennifer is determined to find the killer. Second mistake.

Adding to the business of running two funeral homes comes an illness, a wedding and potentially the most grave mistake of all.

Two mistakes too late.

First call. In a funeral home, it means a death has occurred and it is the family’s first contact with the funeral director.

Public health officials call regional funeral directors together for a meeting. An influenza pandemic is sweeping the country. Funeral director Jennifer Spencer is appointed Area Coordinator, working with military, bereavement personnel and public health officials to manage the morgue at an arena in Niagara Falls. 

One of her staff is murdered. The killer makes a second attempt.
As influenza claims more and more lives, overwhelmed personnel succumb to exhaustion, grief and illness. Jennifer and her staff struggle to push through the crushing workload caused by the pandemic's deadly rampage. 

Everyone has a breaking point and Jennifer is no exception.

Born in Toronto a few minutes after my twin, I knew I wanted to be a funeral director when I was eight, although I came to my career as a funeral director a little later in life. The Making of a Funeral Director was written over the course of several years. Writing was so much fun the Spencer Funeral Home Niagara Cozy Mystery series followed.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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let me know what you think about today's blog!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. Sounds interesting. Happy Monday!

  2. WOW! so generous of Janice J. Richardson to give away the entire Spencer Funeral Home Niagara Cozy Mystery Series! I'd love the opportunity to this great sounding series. Entered, shared and hoping. :) Thanks for the chance! <3
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. This sounds like a very interesting series and I would love to read it. Thanks for the chance!

  4. This is great. I am looking forward to reading the series!!

  5. Thanks for sharing these books 📚 with us and the Giveaway

  6. Sounds like some great reads. Thanks for the chance.

    Tighefan42atgmail dotcom
