
Sunday, August 12, 2018

Today joining #BerkleyMystery
in celebrating author
Sofie Kelly
and her paperback release of
Book 9 in the Writer's Apprentice Mysteries

In this charming mystery from the bestselling author of Paws and Effect, two magical cats have powers of detection that prove indispensable to librarian Kathleen Paulson…
With a well-placed paw on a keyboard or a pointed stare, Kathleen’s two cats, Hercules and Owen, have helped her to solve cases in the past—so she has learned to trust their instincts. But she will need to rely on them more than ever when a twenty-year-old scandal leads to murder…
The arrival of the Janes brothers has the little town of Mayville Heights buzzing. Everyone of a certain age remembers when Victor had an affair with Leo’s wife, who then died in a car accident.
Now it seems the brothers are trying to reconcile, until Kathleen finds Leo dead. The police set their sights on Leo’s son and Kathleen’s good friend Simon, who doesn’t have much of an alibi. To prove her friend innocent, Kathleen will have to dig deep into the town's history—and into her sardine cracker supply, because Owen and Hercules don't work for free...


1 lucky reader will win 1 paperback copy of
USA only

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.



Picture from my review of last year's hardcover edition.

Another magically fun visit with Hercules and Owen!

In A TALE OF TWO KITTIES, author Sofie Kelly’s talent for writing, and amazing imagination shine their brightest. Book nine is every bit as wonderful as the eight that came before.

I loved the interaction between protagonist, Kathleen and her furry housemates, Owen and Hercules. They’re the coolest cats in town, and some of the best crime solvers out there. Their antics and abilities always make for an entertaining read.

Mystery and intrigue were in abundant supply in A TALE OF TWO KITTIES, and kept me guessing through every new chapter. From the fun first page through to the exciting reveal, this captivating kitty para-cozy held me in its spell.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks for hosting another great giveaway. I've not heard of this series until now. I can't wait to check it out though!

  2. Thank you for your review on Sofie Kelly's book "A TALE OF TWO KITTIES". You had me at "mystery and intrigue were in abundant", but add Owen and Hercules and this book is going on my TBR list. I would love the opportunity to read this book.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
