
Saturday, August 11, 2018

Today joining #BerkleyMystery
in celebrating author
Julia Buckley
and her paperback release of
Book 3 in the Writer's Apprentice Mysteries

Writer's apprentice Lena London is happily working on a new collaboration with her idol and bestselling suspense novelist and friend Camilla Graham, but her joy is short-lived when a dark cloud descends upon the quaint town of Blue Lake, Indiana...

Lena's best friend, Allison, is in a panic. On a walk in the woods by her home, Allison discovers the body of her mail carrier, an argumentative man who recently had a falling out with Allison's husband. Lena quickly realizes that Allison has nothing to worry about as the murder weapon points to a different suspect altogether: Lena's embattled boyfriend, Sam West. 

Sam was cleared of his wife's murder when she was found alive, and now someone is trying to make him look guilty again. Surveillance video of a break-in at his house shows a shadowy figure trying to incriminate him by stealing the weapon from his desk. Lena and Camilla work on a suspect list, but a threatening note and a violent intrusion at Graham House prove that the devious killer has decided to write them into the plot.


1 lucky reader will win 1 paperback copy of

USA only

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.



Not your typical cozy, more than your typical mystery, A DARK AND TWISTING PATH is a wonderfully written, heart pounding whodunit!

Author Julia Buckley once again brings thrills, some chills, and of course, twists and turns to this third installment of her Writer’s Apprentice series. I became lost in the pages of this modern-day tale with a gothic feel and found myself holding my breath more than once.

Readers of the first two books will see the continuation of a running ARC. Will you see a conclusion to it? You’ll have to read A DARK AND TWISTING PATH to find out. For those who haven’t read the series thus far, I would suggest reading them in order. It isn’t a 100% must, but why not read them back to back!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thank you for your wonderful review on Julia Buckley's "A DARK AND TWISTING PATH".

    This books sounds awesome and very much like one I would love the opportunity to read. I have added it to my TBR list for sure.

    Appreciate the chance to win a copy!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Love her books. Wish her other series Emergency Dish would continue.

  3. Thanks, Lisa! Glad you’re back. Happy Saturday!

  4. Really interesting cover, I’d love to read this book.

  5. How have I missed this series. It sounds delightful for this cozy addict! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

  6. Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I've not read this series yet. But I'm for sure going to put it on my list.

  7. Have to read this series. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  8. Thanks for this amazing giveaway, love your mysteries.
