
Monday, August 13, 2018

Today joining #BerkleyMystery
in celebrating author
Jenn McKinlay
and her paperback release of
Book 8 in the Library Lover's Mysteries

In the latest Library Lover’s Mystery from the New York Times bestselling author of Better Late Than Never, the library’s big fund-raiser leaves director Lindsey Norris booked for trouble . . . 

Lindsey Norris and her staff are gearing up for the Briar Creek Library’s annual Dinner in the Stacks fund-raiser. The night of dinner and dancing is not only a booklover’s dream—it’s the library’s biggest moneymaker of the year. But instead of raising funds, the new library board president is busy raising a stink and making the staff miserable.

Although Olive Boyle acts like a storybook villain, Lindsey is determined to work with her and make the event a success. But when Olive publicly threatens the library’s newest hire, Paula, Lindsey cracks like an old book spine and throws Olive out of the library.

The night of the fund-raiser, Lindsey dreads another altercation with Olive—but instead finds Paula crouched over Olive’s dead body. Paula may have secrets, but Lindsey and the rest of the crafternooners know she’s not the one who took Olive out of circulation. As the plot thickens, Lindsey must catch the real killer before the book closes on Paula’s future . . .


From my review of the hardcover edition

My idea of the perfect library is one stocked with all cozy mysteries! And of course that would mean an entire Jenn McKinlay section.

Each book in this series just gets better and better! And this holds true with DEATH IN THE STACKS. Over the course of the eight books in the Library Lover’s Mysteries, the town of Briar Creek, and all of its wonderful, endearing characters have grown to become among my favorites in the cozy mystery world.

DEATH IN THE STACKS was another well plotted mystery that moved at a brisk pace. Even in the quiet moments of the book I could tell something exciting was waiting to happen on the next page. And as always with a Jenn McKinlay book, there were parts where I laughed out loud, and even a part that had me close to tears.

The victim in this tale being such a disagreeable person, there were plenty of people who would have liked to finish her off. I think protagonist Lindsey Norris would have been happy to sit out this investigation, but she couldn’t since one of her friends was a suspect. With twists and turns popping up all over, I never had it narrowed to one person. When I read who the killer was, and why they did it . . . well, I never would have guessed it!

I was thrilled to see that Jenn McKinlay incorporated characters from her Cupcake Bakery Mysteries, and her Hat Shop Mysteries. The Cupcake Bakery Mystery series is one I anxiously wait for every year. To see all of those fantastic characters interact was so much fun!

An excellent mystery, fun moments, a craft, and recipes? DEATH IN THE STACKS has a little of something for everyone!


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  1. excellent book to read, thank you for the information. I also recommend you to read a lot of ebook pdf that can be obtained for free

  2. I really enjoy The Library Lover's Mysteries and can't wait to read this new addition! Thanks for featuring Death in the Stacks on your blog and for your review!

  3. Thank you for the review and information on "DEATH IN THE STACKS" by Jenn McKinlay. Love her books and I'd love the opportunity to read this book.

    Totally agree with you on a library full of cozy mysteries. I would add some Amish stories but would be one happy camper sitting there reading. :)
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  4. This looks really good thank you...
