
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Lisa Ks Book Reviews blog is proud to bring to you

This is a weekly online publication focused on connecting cozy mystery readers to favorite cozy characters by way of their town's newspapers. 

The Cozy Times will be available Wednesdays right here on Lisa Ks blog. 
There will also be weekend editions, and special editions from time to time. So keep watch. 

Today The Cozy Times is featuring the 
Ramble On

The jitterbug, cupcakes, and penguins
 in Ramble, VA? 

Check it out!

  Local Mortician Tosses Bridal Bouquet…Designer

Normally the only tossable blooms at weddings are in the bride’s bouquet.  But after preparing a perfectly lovely bouquet for the mayor’s daughter’s nuptial celebration, local floral designer Audrey Bloom found herself tossed about, during a particularly heated jitterbug.

“It was completely nuts,” one anonymous wedding guest reported. “He was slinging her around like a rag doll. You just knew that wasn’t going to end well.”

Other dancers were able to avoid injury—from either collision or flying shoes—by exiting the dance floor.

While some witnesses expressed sympathy for Bloom, others were more suspicious of her motives. “It had to be some kind of publicity stunt, right?” one man said.  “I mean, at first I thought it was all real, and then her dress comes flying up in the air and she’s wearing penguin underpants. Penguin. Underpants. Who does that? She must have planned it that way.”

Bloom, as readers may recall, was recently focused in the Ramble On when it came to light that none of the brides who ever carried one of her bouquets, specially designed using the old Victorian language of flowers, have ever split up from her spouse. While some brides have claimed Bloom’s bouquets are magical, no amount of magic could overcome the greater forces of gravity and inertia. When Bloom’s dance partner lost his grip, she went flying across the floor and under the cupcake table, nearly upsetting the whole table.

“I would have sued,” the bride said. “Seriously. Audrey’s lucky only one cupcake fell.”

Maybe she was also lucky that local baker Nick Maxwell was in place to save the cupcake table and help Bloom to her feet. Or maybe there was enough of that magic to go around.

Lincoln Point sounds 
like quite the little town!
That's this week's edition of 
The Cozy Times 
I hope you enjoyed!

To learn more about the little town of Ramble, Virginia, and the language of flowers,  read the 
Bridal Bouquet Shop Mysteries 
by author 
Beverly Allen

About the author

Barbara Early aka Beverly Allen writes cozy mysteries with a healthy dose of comedy and sometimes a splash of romance. Bloom and Doom and For Whom the Bluebell Tolls, the first two books in the Bridal Bouquet Shop Mystery series, are now available. Floral Depravity will release in October. Beverly grew up in the suburbs of Buffalo, NY. When not reading or writing, she enjoys cooking, crafts, home-improvement projects, and spending time with her husband, daughter, and four naughty, 
but adorable cats.


Is there a cozy town you'd like to see featured in 
The Cozy Times? 
Please let me know in the comments section.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa (and Barbara). Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday.

  2. Thanks, Lisa and Barbara, for another great edition of theCozy Times.

  3. Juliet Blackwell's latest in the Witchcraft Mystery Series arrives next month, A Toxic Trousseau. I hope you will consider it!

    1. I already have it in my TBR! I would love to feature Juliet in The Cozy Times, or anything else she might like to do on the blog.

  4. The books sound good! Thanks!

  5. I really enjoyed this series and I encourage my cozy friends to read them if you haven't already..
