
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Cozy Food Friday!

This is Tuesday...

How does this keep happening? 
Who cares! 
It means we get another yummy recipe! 

Cozy Food Tuesday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!
Today I'm featuring

The Consignment Shop Mystery series
by Duffy Brown!

Book One                                       Book Two

        Book Three                               Book Four Novella  

Book Five

Today's recipes are featured in the yet to be released. 
Coming soon! 

On to the recipes!

It’s summer in Savannah and Reagan Summerside and her sidekick, Auntie KiKi are knee-deep in solving more mysteries. Not that they go looking for them mind you, but dead bodies just seem to fall across Reagan’s path. It’s all her ex’s fault! The way Reagan sees it when she got divorced that took one lifeless piece of crud out of her life and now the fates feel they have to fill the void by sending a whole bunch more her way.

Reagan and Auntie KiKi talk clues and suspects on Reagan’s front porch of her old Victorian. 

Bruce Willis, Reagan’s canine BFF sits beside her and a shaker of martinis sits beside Auntie KiKi. Talking dead people and whodunit it comes a lot easier while sipping something tall and cool.

Here are two of Auntie KiKi’s fave martini recipes. With or without booze they are totally delish!

Auntie KiKi’s Summer 
On The Veranda Watermelon Martini


 Sugar + kosher salt
 6 oz watermelon juice (mash or use food processor and strain)
 2  1/2 oz vodka or pellegrino sparkling water
 2  1/2 oz Limoncello or orange liqueur or oj
1 oz fresh lime juice
Watermelon wedges for garnish


Chill glasses in freezer 10 minutes

Combine sugar and salt and dip you dampened glass rim.

Fill cocktail shaker with the watermelon juice, vodka or sparkling water, liqueur and lime juice. 

Fill shaker with ice and shake 6-8 times.

Strain and pour into the glasses and garnish with a watermelon wedge.

Reagan’s Sexy Savannah Nights Martini


1 tablespoon finely grated orange chocolate
1 teaspoon sugar
2 orange slices
1/2 cup premium chocolate ice cream, at room temperature for 5 minutes
1 ounce orange vodka (or fresh squeeze orange juice)


Gently stir together the chocolate and sugar and put it on a plate. 

Run an orange slice around the rim of a chilled martini glass and dip the rim in the chocolate/sugar mix to coat.

Add the ice cream and vodka to a cocktail shaker with ice and shake well. 

Strain into the prepared glass and garnish with the remaining orange slice.

Mmmmm.....The perfect treat to have 
with this luscious drink. 


Note: DEMISE IN DENIM picks up where the eBook DEAD MAN WALKER leaves off. It would be a good idea to read that story before this one, but not one hundred percent necessary. 

This book started out running, and the action and laughs never slowed down. There were more twists and turns in this story than on a rollercoaster. Many times while reading, I was sure I knew who the killer was, only to doubt myself and change my mind. It was a shock when I read who the culprit was, because of course, I was wrong. ;-) Even the very last sentence threw a major surprise my way! 

The characters in the series are delightful! Set in Savannah, Georgia, author Duffy Brown knows how to write the sassier side of the south. With hysterical lines like, “Well, buy me a hound dog and call me Elvis”, Ms. Brown will have you talking with a southern accent before you finish the book. 

If you enjoy a great mystery, love to laugh, and a can’t resist adorable dog (his name is Bruce Willis!), DEMISE IN DENIM is the book for you!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. Keep those recipes coming. Every day can be a yummy day.
