
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors are doing when they aren't writing those wonderful cozy mysteries that we love so much?

Do they have other jobs, hobbies, hidden talents?

Now you can find out!

Stop by the blog on Thursdays for delightful guest posts from our amazing authors! 

They're going to be sharing all sorts of things that they do when they're not writing.

Today's special guest author is 

Sherry Harris!

Sherry  is the author of the fantastic 
Sarah Winston Garage Sale Mysteries

So, what does Sherry do when she's not writing?

When I’m Not Writing...

by Sherry Harris

My obsession with vintage postcards started when I discovered some in my grandparent’s basement in Missouri. There were a bunch from New York City. My grandfather was stationed there during World War I so I’m guessing that’s where they came from. Here are a couple of old buildings.

I also found one of a baseball player and Polo Field -- home to the Giants at the time. 

Last spring when I was at my favorite yard sale I found these two pictures. I loved the graphics and colors.

Here’s the rest of what I bought that day.

Friend and author Matthew Clemens saw some of my posts about vintage postcards. When we were both at Bouchercon last year, he brought me five boxes of postcards his mother collected.

 Lots of them are more recent -- the 1960’s to 1980’s. But there is over a box full that are from the early 1900’s to the 1940s. I found four from places I’d lived and that inspired me to try to find more. 

Who knew there were so many amazing 
posts cards out there? 

Pick up some postcards on your next trip. 
They'll be extraordinary to someone on day!

Check out Sherry's awesome series!

Book One

Book Two

Book Three

Her Next Sale

When Sarah Winston started the virtual garage sale, it seemed like a keystroke of genius and the next logical step in her business. No more collapsing card tables and rainy-day washouts. But what began as a fun way to run garage sales during the long New England winter has become a nightmare of managing people and putting out fires. Online, she can avoid the crowds--but not the crazies. 

May Be Her Last

She certainly never bargained on dealing with frightening threats. And when a client is murdered, it's time for Sarah to swallow her pride and seek the help of her ex--C.J. Hooker, chief of police. Forging a tense alliance, they search--online and off--for the killer. But solving this crime before someone else gets tagged seems virtually impossible…

About the author

Agatha award nominated author, Sherry Harris, started bargain hunting in second grade at her best friend's yard sale. She honed her bartering skills as she moved around the country while her husband served in the Air Force. Sherry uses her love of garage sales, her life as a military spouse, and her time living in Massachusetts as inspiration for the Sarah Winston Garage Sale series.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


  1. Thanks, Lisa (and Sherry). I love vintage postcards, too, and have collected some. Happy Thursday, to you.

    1. Happy Thursday to you! The images they used in old postcards are amazing!

  2. Great post. This series is next on my list -- it looks like a lot of fun.

    1. Oh, thank you, Jenny! It has been a lot of fun to write!

  3. What a great collection. Thanks for your blog post, Lisa.

  4. Thanks for having me today, Lisa and for all the support you give to writers!

  5. Those post cards are really cool! What fun!

  6. Vintage postcards are so interesting. I love looking at them. You have a wonderful collection, Sherry!
