
Friday, June 17, 2016

Cozy Food Friday

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

Today I'm featuring a recipe from
Book 3 in the Spice Shop Mysteries
Leslie Budewitz

At Seattle Spice in the Pike Place Market, owner Pepper Reece is savoring her business success, but soon finds her plans disrupted by a killer…

Pepper Reece’s to-do list is longer than the shopping list for a five-course dinner, as she conjures up spice blends bursting with seasonal flavor, soothes nervous brides fretting over the gift registry, and crosses her fingers for a rave review from a sharp-tongued food critic. Add to the mix a welcome visit from her mother, Lena, and she’s got the perfect recipe for a busy summer garnished with a dash of fun.

While browsing in the artists’ stalls, Pepper and Lena drool over stunning pottery made by a Market newcomer. But when Lena recognizes the potter, Bonnie Clay, as an old friend who disappeared years ago, the afternoon turns sour. To Pepper’s surprise, Bonnie seems intimately connected to her family’s past. When Bonnie is murdered only days later, Pepper is determined to uncover the truth.

But when Pepper roots out long-buried secrets, will she be digging her own grave?

is available for pre-order 
October 4, 2106

About Leslie

Leslie Budewitz blends her passion for food, great mysteries, and the Northwest in the Seattle Spice Shop Mysteries and the Food Lovers’ Village Mysteries, set in Jewel Bay, Montana. Death al Dente won the 2013 Agatha Award for Best First Novel. Books, Crooks & Counselors: How to Write Accurately About Criminal Law and Courtroom Procedure, won the 2011 Agatha Award for Best Nonfiction, making her the first author to win Agatha Awards for both fiction and nonfiction. She is president of Sisters in Crime.

Swing by her website, and join the mailing list for her seasonal newsletter. And follow her at, where she shares news of life in the woods and giveaways from her cozy writer friends.


Pepper Reece, owner of the Seattle Spice Shop, gathers every Tuesday with the Flick Chicks, a group of women friends who gather to eat, drink, chat, and pretend to watch a movie. In KILLING THYME, third in the Spice Shop Mysteries (out October 4, 2016, available for pre-order in paperback, e-book, and audio book), Pepper’s mother Lena joins the Chicks for a reprise of an old favorite—and a bit of mother-daughter tension prompted by Pepper’s insistence on investigating a crime that appears to have roots deep in her family’s past.

From KILLING THYME (Chapter 18):

“Casablanca again?” Laurel pretended exasperation. The choice was a clue to Kristen’s stress, the kind of movie we were allowed to watch as kids. Classic film is her comfort food, like popcorn to my neighbor Glenn, and mac and cheese to me.

“It cheers me up,” Kristen said. “After the theft, I need cheering up.”

“Theft?” Seetha said. Laurel shot me a questioning look. In all the other turmoil, I’d forgotten to mention the bracelet. Kristen filled them in.

Seetha’s naturally red lips made an O. “One of your friends stole your heirloom? On the tour?”

“I’m still trying to figure out if it is an heirloom. I don’t remember it. Do you, Lena?” Kristen said. Her blond ponytail swung, held by a silver butterfly clasp.

“The bracelet? No, I have no idea where it came from.”

“Round up the usual suspects.” An antique oak sideboard held a tray of champagne cocktails. I picked up a flute, a raspberry in the bottom, and ignored my mother’s glare. One of the things I like about being a grown-up is playing the smart aleck whenever I want.
But even at forty-three, I can feel my mother’s disapproval like a cold hand on my shoulder.

On to the recipe!

Raspberry Limoncello Sparklers

A marvelous drink for a celebration, 
or whenever champagne is called for.

For each drink:
½ teaspoon sugar
¼ teaspoon grated lemon zest
A few drops of fresh lemon juice
4 to 5 raspberries
2 tablespoons limoncello
Crushed ice
½ cup sparkling wine
A strip of lemon peel, for garnish

On a small plate, stir together the sugar and grated lemon zest.

Dip a clean finger in the lemon juice and moisten the rim of a champagne flute.

Dip the rim in the sugar mixture to coat.

Place the raspberries in a small bowl with the limoncello. 

Use a cocktail muddler if you’re lucky enough to have one, or a wooden spoon, to crush the berries and make a limoncello-berry puree. 

Pour the puree into the sugar-rimmed flute. 

Add a spoonful of crushed ice, and pour in the sparkling wine. 

Garnish with the lemon strip and serve immediately.

(Text and recipe excerpted from KILLING THYME, Oct. 4, 2016, Berkley Prime Crime)

Wouldn't these be 
on a hot summer day?

Please keep reading and check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56


My Book Beginnings and Friday 56
 for this week are from

Book 1 in the Spice Shop Mystery series


Book 2 in the Spice Shop Mystery series

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading

My Book Beginning

"What does Autumn taste like? How does it smell?

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Friday 56

I handed Tory the dark brown jar, Jane's spidery script on the red-rimmed white label yellowed with age. Those labels we would never modernize, except when we couldn't read them anymore. 


My Book Beginning

"Parsley poop."

My Friday 56

"But you think - you think ghost chiles killed her?"

I couldn't imagine someone buying an ounce at a time and hoarding it, pepper shopping like meth makers hopping from pharmacy to pharmacy snapping up Sudafed. The crazy stuff people do. 

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


  1. I can't wait to read Killing Thyme!

  2. This sounds like a good series. I'll have to give it a try once I can see over the top of my TBR mountain. Come see what book I chose this week here. Happy reading!

    1. Ah, Mount TBR -- we all relate! Have a great weekend --

  3. I'll have to check this series out. Thanks, Lisa and Leslie.

  4. Thanks for hosting me today, Lisa. What fun to see the First Line and Page 56 tests applied! Cheers!

  5. The 56 definitely caught my attention. I have the first book in the series and am looking forward to reading it but the blurb on this really caught my eye. It definitely sounds like a book I'd enjoy and I'll have to have one of those sparklers to go with it!

    1. Thanks, Katherine. I hope you enjoy the trip to Seattle -- on the page!

  6. As I did with the books in this series before, I loved each book so I am really looking forward to Killing Thyme. I just got a new special ? kind of Limoncello at a wine tasting event and I wanted to make something like these raspberry sparkling drinks, so now I have the recipe. Thank you. Another great post. Congratulations on the upcoming release Leslie. Great work.

    1. So glad you're enjoying this series and the Food Lovers' Village Mysteries, Cynthia. And a new variety of limoncello -- cheers!

  7. Now I'm thirsty! LOL I adore the titles and covers for this series. Must read!!!

    My Friday 56 from Headed For Trouble

    1. Thanks, Laura! I love these covers, too -- same artist as for my Food Lovers' Village Mysteries. He totally gets the dog!

      And your Friday 56 is a fun one (said the woman trying to shed a few pounds!)

  8. Love these. Looking forward to reading them. Hope you enjoy and thanks for sharing. Happy reading.

    1. My pleasure, Stacey - I hope you get a chance to take a trip to Seattle with me, on the page!

  9. Nice description in the 56, really draws a picture. Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks, Alicia, and a happy weekend back at you!

  10. Really enjoy this series. And the recipe looks great too

  11. I wouldn't be surprised if a ghost chili could kill somebody! :)

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  12. Parsley poop.... LMAO... I can't stop laughing. :-)
    Happy weekend!

  13. Thanks to all of you for the comments, and cheers to Lisa for inviting me to the blog! Wishing you a wonderful weekend --


  14. Great excerpts! I love the idea of a woman named Pepper running a spice shop. And I also adore a Seattle setting any time.

    Great cover, too. Thanks for sharing....and for visiting my blog. And save me one of those Sparklers, please!

  15. Looks like the book and the drink recipe might be worth a look. Enjoy!

  16. Great recipe thanks! I'm looking forward to reading Killing Thyme.
