
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Today and random Tuesdays I'm be bring back
Cookie Jar Tuesday.
I'll include with each one a cozy that is cookie related.
The recipes won't be from the books I'm featuring. They have been posted before by myself and other bloggers, and want to bring you some fresh ones. On with the show (um . . .blog)!

Today's featured cozy is
Book 2 in the Cookie Cutter Shop Mysteries

On a stormy night, Olivia Greyson and her Yorkie discover the body of a man stabbed to death-which looks suspiciously like the intruder seen fleeing the local health food store The Vegetable Plate. Charlene Critch, owner of The Vegetable Plate, has a grudge against Olivia's cookie cutter shop, but could Charlene be hiding a secret serious enough to kill for?

A COOKIE BEFORE DYING, book 2 in the Cookie Cutter Mysteries, is just as wonderful as book 1 was. I know you're going to love it!

Classic and easy, these cookies are the base for wherever your imagination takes you. 


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2 cups all-purpose flour

½ cup powdered sugar

2 tsp vanilla

1 cup butter – softened

Sugar for topping (plain white or kick them up with colored sugar)


   Preheat oven to 350°.

   Mix sugar, butter, and vanilla together; Slowly stir in flour.

   Chill dough for 30 to 40 minutes.

   Form dough into balls roughly ¼ in diameter, place on cookie sheet,    
and flatten to ½ inch. 

   Bake 15 minutes or until edges become light brown.

   Remove from oven, let cool for approximately 10 minutes on cookie sheet(s) placed on cooling racks. 

   Ready to eat!

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Change them up!

   Decorate with frosting: If doing this option, after cooling on cookie sheets, remove from cookie sheet(s) and place cookies on parchment or wax paper on a flat service for 30 mintues or until completely cooled. They're now ready for frosting. 
Do the following steps before placing cookies in the oven. 

   Sugar on Top: Add granulated or colored sugar.

   M&Ms:  Press onto the top of cookie. If you want a lot of M&Ms, mix them into your batter before forming them into balls.

   Sprinkles aka Jimmies: Sprinkle on top, pressing them very lightly into dough. 

   Colored Cookies: Add food coloring before rolling cookies into a ball. Separate dough if using more than one color.

   Shapes: After dough has come together, chill for approx 15 minutes. Roll chilled dough to about a ¼ thick, dip cookie cutters into flour or powered sugar, and cut away. 

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There are boundless things you can do with this simple recipe. Let your imagination go wild!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. Sugar cookies are a good treat. I’ve been known to put a dab of jam on mine.
    Happy Tuesday!
    Pat T

  2. I need to stop reading cookie recipes before I have breakfast! 😜🍪 I have entered the book on my TBR mountain! 📚🏔️ Have a terrific Tuesday!

  3. Now you're done went and made me cookie hungry. But that's ok because you told me about a great book and gave me a recipe to try. Thanks!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
