
Monday, February 14, 2022

Well my friends, this will be quick.
I only found one cozy, and there were only two cookbooks, and they didn't seem exciting.
I looked through some other genres, but I just wasn't finding what I was looking for for us.
But this one does sound good!

Use the link below each book for a chance to enter.


Since it can be hard to win, 
I'm giving one you an extra entry!

I have entered each giveaway I have posted today. If I win a book, I will have a giveaway here and one of you will have another chance to win the book . . . from me! I like knowing that your my friends will have that second chance to win. 

So, GOOD LUCK to you! 
And wish a GOOD LUCK to me (for you)!
As always, please leave a comment and 

let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by submitting your email in 
upper right hand corner of this page (on the side bar).

Reading from your phone? Scroll to the bottom of your page and click "View web version". Then follow the above directions.


  1. Thank you!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Happy Galentine's! 💗 I entered for this book not realizing the author also wrote "Gone for Gouda" that is also on my TBR mountain. 📚🏔️ Have a terrific Tuesday!
