
Saturday, October 30, 2021

Happy Friday everyone!
It's an overcast, blustery fall day here in Delaware and I couldn't be happier! I'll be heading out to do errands, and other than when it snows, this is my favorite errand/shopping weather.

How was your week? 
Do you have any plans for this weekend? Shopping? Errands? A play/musical? Skydiving? Mountain climbing? Cleaning house? Snoodeling up with a comfy blanket and a good book?
Inquiring, okay, nosey minds want to know!
Whatever it is, enjoy, stay safe, and love yourself.


  1. Hi, Lisa! It’s been rainy here, too. I’m not a fan.
    A quick storm is okay but days of rain are dreary.
    I’ve been trying to clean out “junk”, going through boxes and totes. It seems to be never ending!
    Happy Saturday!
    Pat T

  2. It's been a busy but good week. We got out Covid booster shots. This weekend since it's still raining and colder, I figure we will be staying inside where I will enjoy some reading. Need to rest up since this coming week has lots of doctor appointments.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. Today I'm making lasagna and for Halloween tomorrow I'm watching The Ghost and Mr. Chicken with a big bowl of popcorn.

  4. Your weekend sounds like a fun one.
    My plans for the weekend is to pass out candy to the little and big "Monsters" that come trick or treating on Sunday. I'll be at my parents passing out the candy and helping them so with snow on it's way it's going to a busy weekend.

  5. Meeting friends for dinner and a play.

    jtcgc at yahoo dot com

  6. plans this weekend are cleaning up the back yard, getting it ready for when spring comes. Cleaning up some of the house and hopefully starting on canning applesauce

  7. My week has been wonderful. My only plans for this weekend are to do some reading and knitting or crocheting, watch Hallmark movies, and cuddle with my kitty.

  8. I'm off but it's Halloween! I get to dress up and have fun! We have dinner reservations at The Keg, then a party at my sister's to attend.

  9. My week was the same as always, helping my daughter (she's a professional cake baker), taking care of my chickens, yard stuff, house stuff. What's different this week. my favorite Uncle turned 80, we had a party and of course it's Halloween! I always go trick/treat with my daughter.. this year my 7 yr old granddaughter will be Alice in Wonderland, mom & dad will be Tweddle Dee & Tweddle Dum, I the Cheshire y'all stay safe! nani_geplcs(at)yahoo(dot)com

  10. It was ok week. Did as usal this past weekend.
