
Friday, October 29, 2021


Hello my friends!

Boy, I have had a couple of upside down couple of days! As you all know by now, I didn't get anything posted yesterday. I'm sorry to have left you hanging. I haven't felt myself the last couple of days, but I'm back and moving! (Mostly 😉) 

My question today is . . . 

What you do to stay calm in times of stress?

I have had so much fun reading all of your comments! Head back over to Wednesday's blog and check the comments for my answers to your questions!

Make sure to come back each day while I'm gone. I'm going to have question waiting for you everyday. Every day leave a comment with your answer to that day's question. When I get back, I'll read all the responses, and randomly pick a winner for a surprise gift. 
Winner will be chosen by
November 14th

NOTE: Please remember, comments are moderated. They will not be posted until I have read and approved them. I don't do this to stop any of my readers from posting, I do it to weed out Spam.


  1. I PRAY!! It calms me down and helps me to remember that everything happens for a reason and that it is going to be alright. Thanks!!

  2. Hi, Lisa! You’ve been having so much fun you’ve worn yourself out!
    My favorite stress reducer (besides my cats purrs) is to read. Reading, with a cat on my lap, is even better!
    Pat T

  3. For me the best way to de-stress is to either bake or read. Since one can only eat so much, I usually do more reading than baking. :)
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  4. Take a walk, listen to music or read.

    jtcgc at yahoo dot com

  5. What you do to stay calm in times of stress?

    Well a lot of this depends on how I am feeling, how far I need to disappear. I go into a different land and different people with their situations in a western romance or a small town cozie book with some cold/hot tea. Or I may sit and quilt or just make some greeting cards.

  6. When I'm stressed it's usually because too many problems are happening at the same time and my mind reviews them over and over. So I write them down in a list. Once it's on paper my mind relaxes and lets them go because now I don't have to worry about forgetting anything. (Unless I lose the paper. :) )

  7. When I am stressed out, I curl up with a book in a bath... usually with a bath bomb and a glass of wine. Freda's Cure-All!

  8. I play with my Sims games and files! Building and furnishing houses is what I love, and organizing the files to share with the Sims world keeps my mind really busy so the stress goes away.

  9. I'm so sorry you've had a couple off days, Lisa. When I'm feeling stressed, cuddling with my cat and listening to him purr is very calming. Sometimes I'll drink a cup or two of hot tea. Working on Sudoku or word puzzles, and knitting or crocheting are also good de-stressors for me.

  10. OH My I do lots of things to calm myself down and get unstressed. I play my Nintendo 3 game, blog sometimes, read a good book, curl up with my cat and talk to her and tell her my problems, write for fun, tear up cardboard, yell at my computer, tell myself things could be worse, recite Bible verses, talk to my stuffed myself and so much more.....

  11. sometimes I read, bath, guided imagery, and turn what ifs into even ifs

  12. To stay as stress free as possible I read, do yard work, draw, play with my chickens, watch murder mysteries (mostly on youtube) & I do deep sighs a lot lol. Hope all calms down for you! nani_geplcs(at)yahoo(dot)com

  13. Sorry to read you were feeling off and then tired. My stress reducers generally were soaking in a nice hot bath with a fun read, usually a mystery, then enjoying a nice cuddle with my cat and drinking a soothing cuppa hot tea. Other times, I veg out doing Sudoku or crocheting or going through my house and finding things to give to the goodwill places. Or I call a friend and just decompress sharing and listening.
