
Friday, May 14, 2021

Coming in June

National bestselling author Rosie Genova reprises her tasty Italian Kitchen Mysteries for a new audience!

The first book in her series, Murder and Marinara, will release on Amazon in June. In the meantime, here’s a peek at her fresh new cover. . .

READY . . .


SET . . .


REVEAL . . .


                Award-winning author Rosie Genova left her heart at the shore, which serves as the setting for much of her work. The inspiration for her cozy series, the Italian Kitchen Mysteries, comes from her deep appreciation for Italian food, her affinity for the New Jersey seaside, and her love of classic mysteries from Nancy Drew to Miss Marple. 

A former journalist and teacher, Rosie also writes women’s fiction and suspense. The proud mama of three grown sons, she still lives in her favorite state with her husband and a charming mutt named Lucy.

For news and info about the Italian Kitchen Mysteries, including releases of further books in the series, check out Rosie’s website,, where you can sign up for her newsletter. Also, be sure to like her Facebook page.


Cover Reveal Participants

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  1. Cool cover! Can't wait for the opportunity to read "Murder and Marinara" which is on my TBR list.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Hi Lisa!
    Love the post and thanks for including my ahem, updated, photo. (Ignore the brunette in the comment. . .)

  3. Sounds like Rosie writes great mysteries. Love the Italian food theme.
