
Sunday, April 11, 2021


I'm so excited to be a stop on the blog tour for
Book 4 in Food Blogger Mysteries
by Debra Sennefelder

Food blogger Hope Early takes on a cold case that's heating up fast . . .
Building on her recipe for success with her food blog, Hope at Home, Hope is teaching her first blogging class at the local library in Jefferson, Connecticut. She’s also learning about podcasts, including a true-crime one called Search for the Missing, hosted by Hope's childhood friend, Devon Markham. Twenty years ago on Valentine's Day, right here in Jefferson, Devon's mom disappeared and was never found. Finally Devon has returned to solve the mystery of what happened to her mother—and she asks Hope to help.

The next day Hope discovers Devon's apartment has been ransacked. Her laptop with the research on her mother's cold case is missing, and Devon is nowhere to be found. When her friend's body is later discovered in a car wreck, Hope is convinced it's no accident. Clearly, Devon was too close to the truth, and the cold-blooded killer is still at large in Jefferson. Now it's up to Hope to find the guilty party—before the food blogger herself becomes the next subject of another true-crime podcast . . .

Includes Recipes from Hope’s Kitchen!



1 lucky reader will win a print copy of


USA only

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.

Winner will be chosen after April 14 at the end of the tour

Having already adored this series since book one, I was truly over the top excited for, THE CORPSE WHO KNEW TOO MUCH. I have felt connected to lead character, Hope, from the beginning. It’s been fun to read about a fellow blogger, even if we do blog about different things.

 This is perhaps my favorite book in the Food Blogger Mysteries so far. I’ve enjoyed watching, author Debra Sennefelder, flesh out and grow her cast of characters. Characters I both love, and love to not like. They are layered with wonderful, and not so perfect layers. She truly is a gifted writer.

 Sennefelder’s gift of writing doesn’t stop at creating rich characters. She uses it to superbly pen mysteries that keep the reader both intrigued and engaged. That talent is doubled in, THE CORPSE WHO KNEW TO MUCH, which features murder both past and present.

Trying to follow along with everything that was going on in this story, both delighted me and made my head spin (in a good way). Seriously, for as many cozy mysteries as I have read, it’s rare for me to figure out whodunit. But with author Sennefelder at the helm, I didn’t even stand a fair chance. She has a way of sidetracking me every time I think I’m on to something. I’d get all excited because I just knew I had it all worked out, and she would pull the rug out from under me. LOL Well done, Debra. Brava!

Above, I mentioned this may be my favorite book in the series so far. Honestly, there’s no maybe about it. THE CORPSE WHO KNEW TOO MUCH win hands down.

LKBR:  Thank you for joining us today, Debra. I loved, THE CORPSE WHO KNEW TOO MUCH, and I know others will as well. What are your plans for this series?

DS: I’m getting ready to release book five, THE CORPSE IN THE GAZEBO in the fall.


LKBR: Are you working on any new projects?

DS: I’ve just finished writing the fourth book, BEAUTY AND THE DECEASED, in my Resale Boutique Mystery series.


LKBR: When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?

DS: When I was kid. I loved writing stories. My Barbie dolls had the best adventures.


LKBR: Was getting your first book published everything you thought it would be? The feelings? The process?

DS: It was everything I thought it would be. I’d been around the publishing world for several years and I had friends who were published, so I knew what to expect but nothing really prepares you for seeing your book in print and on a bookstore shelf. That was an amazing moment.


LKBR: How did you handle it when changes were made to your first manuscript? I don’t have a thick skin, so I know how I would have felt.

DS: I welcomed the changes because I wanted to put out the best possible book. I’d been a part of critique groups, so I was used to having my work marked up and torn apart. I’m very fortunate to work with a great team at Kensington.


LKBR: What is your favorite part of being a writer?

DS: I love making up stories and now I get to do it full-time. And when I’m writing a Food Blogger book, I get to do a lot of recipe testing.


LKBR: Have you ever read a book that has stayed with you long after reading it?

DS: Yes. The most recent is Verity by Colleen Hoover gave me a book hangover. It’s the first book of hers I read, and I devoured it. It’s not a cozy at all and I wouldn’t recommend it if your preference is for only clean reads.


LKBR: Why are reviews, good or bad, so important to authors?

DS: Reviews help other readers find books that they would enjoy reading.


LKBR: On what sites do you recommend readers leave their reviews? All the sites!

DS: I know that’s a big ask. I would encourage readers to leave reviews where they are comfortable doing so and where they go to read reviews. Goodreads is a great place and so is BookBub.


LKBR: If you could spend one hour with a reader, what would you want to talk about?

DS: Books of course! And hobbies. I love learning about what people enjoy spending their time doing. And if they’re a gardener, I’d love some garden tips.


LKBR: Thank you so much, Debra, for letting us get to know you better!

About Debbie Sennefelder

Debra Sennefelder is an avid reader who reads across a range of genres, but mystery fiction is her obsession. Her interest in people and relationships is channeled into her novels against a backdrop of crime and mystery.

Her first novel, THE UNINVITED CORPSE (A Food Blogger mystery) was published in 2018. When she’s not reading, she enjoys cooking and baking and as a former food blogger, she is constantly taking photographs of her food. Yeah, she’s that person.

Born and raised in New York City, where she majored in her hobby of fashion buying, she now lives and writes in Connecticut with her family. She’s worked in retail and publishing before becoming a full-time author. Her writing companion is her adorable and slightly spoiled Shih Tzu, Connie.

Author Links

 Purchase Links 
Amazon    -    Barnes & Noble    –     Kensington    -    Kobo    -    Google Play 


April 1 – Baroness' Book Trove – REVIEW*
April 1 – I'm All About Books - SPOTLIGHT
April 2 – Literary Gold – REVIEW
April 2 – My Journey Back – SPOTLIGHT, RECIPE
April 3 – Here's How It Happened – SPOTLIGHT
April 3 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
April 4 – Christa Reads and Writes – SPOTLIGHT
April 4 – I Read What You Write – REVIEW*
April 5 – Laura's Interests – REVIEW*, INDIVIDUAL GIVEAWAY
April 5 – StoreyBook Reviews – AUTHOR GUEST POST
April 6 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW*
April 6 – Mysteries with Character – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
April 7 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book - REVIEW, INDIVIDUAL GIVEAWAY
April 7 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
April 8 – Ruff Drafts – AUTHOR GUEST POST
April 8 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
April 9 – Novels Alive – AUTHOR GUEST POST
April 9 – View from the Birdhouse – REVIEW
April 10 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT, RECIPE, INDIVIDUAL GIVEAWAY
April 10 – A Wytch's Book Review Blog – REVIEW
April 12 – Christy's Cozy Corners -SPOTLIGHT
April 12 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT
April 13 – Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic – REVIEW, INDIVIDUAL GIVEAWAY
April 13 – Rosepoint Publishing – REVIEW
April 14 – BookishKelly2020 – SPOTLIGHT
April 14 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT

USA only please

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. I like that cover! I always look at the cover before reading more about the book.
    Happy Sunday!
    Pat T

  2. Thank you for your review on "THE CORPSE WHO KNEW TOO MUCH" by Debra Sennefelder and for being part of the book tour. Enjoyed reading your chat with Debra and can't wait for the opportunity to read this book. Most definitely on my TBR list. Love this author's books!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. Sounds very good thank you for the review

  4. It looks like I would love to read this.
