
Monday, February 22, 2021


I'm so happy to be joining in the Book Blast for
the newest Consignment Shop Mystery
by Duffy Brown

Wedding cake on top of the table, dead body underneath and a
favorite auntie accused of putting it there is no way to start a

It’s been one-hundred-and-eighty-three days and fourteen hours since Reagan Summerside tripped across yet another dead body but hopes of her Savannah wedding to Walker Boone going off without a hitch are dashed, when a corpse is found under the cake table and Auntie KiKi is accused of putting it there. Can Reagan and Walker find the killer without him finding them first, or will their new address be Bonaventure Cemetery?

About Duffy Brown

Duffy Brown loves anything with a mystery. While others girls dreamed of dating Brad Pitt, Duffy longed to take Sherlock Holmes to the prom. She is a National Bestselling author and now conjures up who-done-it stories of her very own. She has two series the Consignment Shop Mysteries set in Savannah along with rescue pup Bruce Willis and the Cycle Path Mysteries set on Mackinac Island with judgmental cats Cleveland and Bambino. 

  Author Links: 
  Website – 
  Facebook – 

  Purchase Link: 

Wedding Day and Foul Play Book Blast Particapants


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  1. Thank you for being part of the book blast for "WEDDING DAY AND FOWL PLAY" by Duffy Brown.

    Sounds like a great book and can't wait for the opportunity to read it.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
