
Saturday, May 9, 2020


I'm excited to be a stop on the book tour for
Book 1 in the Alaskan Diner Mysteries
by Elizabeth Logan

A young chef might bite off more than she can chew when she returns to her Alaskan hometown to take over her parents' diner in this charming first installment in a new cozy mystery series set in an Alaskan tourist town.

When Chef Charlie Cooke is offered the chance to leave San Francisco and return home to Elkview, Alaska, to take over her mother's diner, she doesn't even consider saying no. After all--her love life has recently become a Love Life Crumble, and a chance to reconnect with her roots may be just what she needs.

Determined to bring fresh life and flavors to the Bear Claw Diner, Charlie starts planning changes to the menu, which has grown stale over the years. But her plans are fried when her head cook Oliver turns up dead after a bitter and public fight over Charlie's ideas--leaving Charlie as the only suspect in the case.

With her career, freedom, and life all on thin ice, Charlie must find out who the real killer is, before it's too late.



1 lucky reader will win a

A Gift Basket From the Author

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.

Winner will be chosen after May 12 at the end of the tour.

This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.

A Word From Elizabeth Logan

Location, Location, Location

My fifth and newest series is set in Alaska. The first order of business was: where in Alaska? It’s a big state, the largest by area of the fifty states, at more than 650,000 square miles.

Do I choose a known city like Anchorage or Fairbanks, or make one up?

Not a tough decision. I’d learned my lesson with my first series, which I set in my hometown of Revere, Massachusetts.
Since then, I’ve created towns in northern California, near Mountain View; in northwestern Massachusetts, near North Adams; in southern Massachusetts, on the way to Cape Cod; and now on the George Parks Highway, part of which runs through Denali National Park in Alaska. For a standalone mystery, I also created a fake university in the Bronx, but I knew they could handle it.

Why the switch to fictitious towns?

Because here’s what happened when I used a real city.

My first eight novels and four short stories are set in the real Revere, with one small addition: I had to put a nuclear research laboratory on a street that in reality houses the city dump. I needed the lab to house all the scientists, tech support, and administrators who'd kill or be killed over the course of the series.

 I was lucky enough to be able to visit Revere often for research. I took a pile of photos, talked to many citizens. I also had old and new friends who did heroic duty on a daily basis as I called from 3000 miles away to ask how many trees lined the 200 block of Malden Street, or how many shops there were between the city hall and the fire station.

Maybe you're one of the many mystery readers who really care about that kind of accuracy!

In spite of all the support I had, I was worried that since I hadn't lived in Revere for decades, I'd gotten something wrong, if not the vegetation, then the citizenry or the spirit of the town. I waited with trepidation for a review of the first in the series,"The Hydrogen Murder," in the local paper, the Revere Journal.

What a relief. I got it right, the reporter said. Except for one key mistake. Uh-oh.

What was my error? An incorrect one way street? A new post office building? I read through the Journal paragraph again.

"The author put a Starbucks on School Street," the reporter wrote. "There is no Starbucks in Revere."

My bad.

However, there was no word in the article about the nuclear lab I'd placed within the city limits.

Apparently, nuclear waste and the chance of a radiation leak were more acceptable than Starbucks in some quarters.

I checked recently, and Revere now has three Starbucks.

Too bad I didn’t wait a few years.

But I still will never set another novel in a real town.

Also attached: Photo of Revere Public Library, where they strung police tape in honor of my first reading there.

I’ve always wanted to visit Alaska, well, by way of an Alaskan cruise, so I was happy to see another cozy in this state. It’s one of the reasons I wanted to read, MOUSSE AND MURDER. The other reason is because of the author. Elizabeth Logan is the pen name for author Camille Minichino.  I have loved every cozy mystery she has written. I now add this book to that list.

Right off, on the first page, I clicked with protagonist, Chef Charlie Cooke. We share a quirkiness. Lying to her mother makes her feel she’ll do jail time (although for me it was h**l). She talks to her cat, and imagines his answers. I hold full conversations like this with my dog. I like her more and more as the book progressed.

As for the story itself, MOUSSE AND MURDER is a smart, well plotted mystery that has everything I look for when starting not only a new book, but a new series. The speed in which author Logan let the mystery play out was simply perfect. She didn’t rush it, nor did she drag it out. It truly was dead on.

If the second installment is anything like MOUSSE AND MURDER, we can all look forward to reading this series for a long time to come.

About Elizabeth Logan


  Camille Minichino is turning every aspect of her life into a mystery series. A retired physicist, she’s the author of 28 mystery novels in 5 series, with different pen names. Her next book is “Mousse and Murder,” May 2020, by Elizabeth Logan. She's also written many short stories and articles. She teaches science at Golden Gate U. in San Francisco and writing workshops around the SF Bay Area. Details are at

Author Links 

Purchase Links 
Amazon      -      B&N      -      IndieBound 

Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


May 5 – Cinnamon, Sugar, and a Little Bit of Murder – REVIEW, RECIPE
May 5 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – GUEST POST
May 5 – I'm Into Books – SPOTLIGHT
May 5 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW
May 6 – Elizabeth McKenna - Author – SPOTLIGHT
May 6 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW
May 6 – The Power of Words – REVIEW
May 6 – Hearts & Scribbles – SPOTLIGHT
May 6 – Island Confidential – SPOTLIGHT
May 7 – Ruff Drafts – GUEST POST
May 7 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW
May 7 – Reading Is My SuperPower - REVIEW
May 8 – Reading Reality – REVIEW
May 8 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT
May 8 – Ascroft, eh? – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
May 8 – Carla Loves To Read – REVIEW
May 9 – Christy's Cozy Corners – REVIEW
May 9 – The Ninja Librarian – REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST
May 9 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – REVIEW, GUEST POST
May 9 – Eskimo Princess Book Reviews- SPOTLIGHT
May 10 – Socrates Book Reviews – REVIEW
May 10 – Brooke Blogs – REVIEW
May 10 – Literary Gold- SPOTLIGHT
May 10 – Moonlight Rendezvous – REVIEW
May 11 – eBook Addicts – REVIEW
May 11 – Brianne's Book Reviews – REVIEW
May 11 – Sapphyria's Books – REVIEW
May 11 – A Wytch's Book Review Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
May 12 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW
May 12 – Diary of a Book Fiend – REVIEW
May 12 – Mystery Thrillers and Romantic Suspense Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
May 12 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book - REVIEW

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let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. I like the protagonist talks to her cat! Happy Saturday!

    1. Hey, Pat! I like it too! Emma and I have awesome conversations!

  2. Thank you for your review on "MOUSSE AND MURDER" by Elizabeth Logan and for being part of the book tour.

    What a way to start a new series! Sounds like a wonderful book and I can't wait for the opportunity to read it

    Since Alaska would have been my home state if Mom hadn't been RH- and sent back stateside, I've always wanted to travel there too.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Hi, Kay! I've always wanted to visit there. My sisters think I'm nuts because I want to take one of the Alaskan cruises.

  3. I love Alaska and this sounds like a good book.

    1. Hi, Riley! It is a good book, and a promising start to what I hope will be a long series!

  4. Thanks for hosting me, Lisa, and thanks for taking the time to review Mousse and Murder! Thanks for sharing your relationship with your dog. I love that gun and matching tea cup by the way 😀. Camille/Elizabeth

  5. Great review, Lisa and a such a good book, too!

    1. Hi, Camille! My goodness, you're welcome anytime! I adored MOUSSE AND MURDER so much! Really looking forward to more.
      Wouldn't you love to have a whole place setting of that china with the gun? Just think of the murder mystery dinner you could with those!
