
Monday, October 14, 2019


I'm excited to be a stop on the blog tour for
Book 3 in the Wits' End Cozy Mysteries
by Kirsten Weiss

The truth is out there…
Way out there.
Susan Witsend, owner of the best little UFO-themed B&B in the Sierras, is absolutely, positively, not going to get involved in another murder case. Not with her small-town sheriff threatening jail time if she interferes in one more investigation.
So when her neighbor is murdered, Susan exerts all her willpower to stay out of the sheriff’s business. But her neighbor’s daughter, Clare, needs Susan’s help. Clare’s been experiencing lost time, a sure sign of alien abduction. Helping Clare is only neighborly… and totally not interfering.
Worse, Clare’s not the only one with UFO issues. Weird lights in the sky, vanishing cows, and little green men are bringing the mountain town of Doyle to the edge of a panic. Can Susan unearth the truth before her town spirals into chaos?


LKBR:  Thank you for being here today, Kirsten!

KW: Thanks for inviting me!

LKBR: Please tell us a bit about you, and your book/series.

KW: Close Encounters of the Curd Kind is a comedy (as you might have guessed from the titles) in the guise of a cozy mystery. It takes place in a UFO-themed B&B in a fictional town in the California Sierras. My heroine, Susan Witsend, suffers from anxiety and she compensates for it two ways – she’s a planner nerd, and she tends to be slightly delusional about a certain authority figure in her life, Sheriff McCourt. She’s convinced herself the sheriff really wants her help, but the sheriff wants her as far away from her murder investigations as possible. It makes for some fun interactions between the two.

As for myself, honestly, I’m not as interesting as any of the people I write about.

LKBR: Any hints or spoilers you can give us about your next book?

KW: For a cozy mystery, it has a REALLY big ending. But I won’t say more.

LKBR: Have you ever written a scene that you loved but had to remove it for the sake of the story?

KW: Frequently. But it’s usually so traumatic that I exorcise the memory from my brain. So I couldn’t tell you which ones I’ve had to get rid of. That said, I do tend to save the big ones, and sometimes I’ll share them with my email list.

LKBR: Have you ever gotten reader’s block? Just find it hard to get into reading because you are so into your writing?

KW: I’m struggling with it now. I love to read. I’ve been a bookworm since I was a kid. But right now my brain just wants to turn to goo in front of the TV.

LKBR: Are there any magazines/publications that as a writer you subscribe to? Are these or others something readers could also benefit from?

KW: I subscribe to the Publishers Weekly newsletters. There’s a lot of great industry info in them. As a reader, I also learn about the hot new books, so that’s fun.

LKBR: Is there anything you would give up if you thought it would make you an even better writer?

KW: Definitely. I’m constantly trying to figure out how to improve. I’m sure there are plenty of bad writing habits I could and should give up to do so. I just wish someone would point them out to me so I don’t have to learn the hard way, like I usually do!

LKBR: Any new projects in the works?

KW: I’m editing the companion to Close Encounters of the Curd Kind. Close Encounters is in my At Wits’ End cozy mystery series, set in the imaginary Doyle, California. I have a witch cozy mystery series set in the same fictional town called The Witches of Doyle. In the book I’m working on now for the latter series, Fate, the witches are seeing the same events Susan Witsend is involved in but from a magical perspective. The two stories overlap, though the murder mysteries do not. And if that sounds complicated, it is. I’m kind of nervous about what I got myself into.

LKBR: If you could ask your readers 3 questions, what would they be?

KW: What’s your #1 pet peeve about the mystery novels you read? What other authors do you enjoy reading? Why do you read fiction?

LKBR: Where can readers go to learn more about you and your books? 

LKBR: Thank you so much, Kirsten for letting us get to know you better!

KW: Thanks for having me!


Author Kirsten Weiss delivers on creativity, mystery, and laughs in this third installment of her, Wits’ End Cozy Mystery series.

Have little green men landed in the Sierras? It sure looks that way. At least it does to the neighbors of protagonist, Susan. It seems the neighbor’s daughter has been losing time. I know the feeling. I was so wrapped up in reading CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE CURD KIND, that I swear I lost a few hours myself.

Though I have read other books by author Weiss, this is the first book I’ve read in this series, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. While I was hoping for a fun, off the wall mystery, I wasn’t prepared for just how laugh out loud (literally) funny this story would be. I suggest you have tissues ready (for laughter tears), and an empty bladder while reading this book.

So, now you know it was funny, but was CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE CURD KIND a good mystery? Yes, it was. Very cleverly written, trying to solve this mystery had me at my wits’ end! Brava to the author.

If you’re looking for an entertaining, different kind of mystery, beam up a copy of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE CURD KIND.

About Kirsten Weiss

Kirsten Weiss has never met a dessert she didn’t like, and her guilty pleasures are watching Ghost Whisperer re-runs and drinking red wine. The latter gives her heartburn, but she drinks it anyway.
Now based in San Mateo, CA, she writes genre-blending cozy mystery, supernatural and steampunk suspense, mixing her experiences and imagination to create vivid worlds of fun and enchantment.
If you like funny cozy mysteries, check out her Pie Town, Paranormal Museum and Wits’ End books. If you’re looking for some magic with your mystery, give the Witches of Doyle, Riga Hayworth, and Rocky Bridges books a try. And if you like steampunk, the Sensibility Grey series might be for you.
Kirsten sends out original short stories of mystery and magic to her mailing list. If you’d like to get them delivered straight to your inbox, make sure to sign up for her newsletter at

Author Links 
Twitter: @KirstenWeiss   

Purchase Links
Kindle    Author affiliate    iBooks    B&N    Kobo    Google Play Video 


October 9 – I Read What You Write – REVIEW
October 11 – Reading Authors – SPOTLIGHT
October 11 – Nadaness In Motion – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 12 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT
October 12 – MJB Reviewers – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 13 – The Book Decoder – REVIEW
October 14 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW
\October 15 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW
October 16 – Hearts & Scribbles – SPOTLIGHT
October 16 – I Read What You Write – GUEST POST
October 17 – Cozy Up With Kathy – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 18 – Baroness' Book Trove – REVIEW
October 19 – Cassidy's Bookshelves – SPOTLIGHT
October 20 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT, RECIPE
October 21 - The Book's the Thing – REVIEW, GUEST POST
October 22 – Elizabeth McKenna - Author - SPOTLIGHT

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  1. Great review, Lisa! If I didn't already want to read it before I would after reading your review! All of Kirsten's books are a joy to read. Great mysteries and lots of feel good humor injected as well!

    1. Thank you so much! If you love Kirsten's other books, you will for sure love this one!

  2. Thank you for hosting me today, and for taking the time to read and review!

  3. Great author! Haven't read this series yet but I look forward to starting.

  4. Thank you for your review on "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE CURD KIND" by Kirsten Weiss and for being part of the book tour. Enjoyed the interview and getting to know Kirsten better. Can't wait for the opportunity to read this book. Isn't that cover a hoot!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Kay, there cover is great! Poor Bessie cow, her eyes say it all!
