
Sunday, November 4, 2018


I'm so honored to be a stop on the blog tour for
Book 7 in the Mainley Needlepoint Mysteries
by Lea Wait

Angie's first auction may turn out to be her last—when she bids on a coat of arms that someone would literally kill to possess . . .
Tagging along to an estate sale with her fellow Needlepointer, antiques shop owner Sarah Byrne, Angie Curtis impulsively bids on a tattered embroidery of a coat of arms. When she gets her prize back home to Haven Harbor, she discovers a document from 1757 behind the framed needlework—a claim for a child from a foundling hospital. Intrigued, Angie is determined to find the common thread between the child and the coat of arms.
Accepting her reporter friend Clem Walker's invitation to talk about her find on the local TV news, Angie makes an appeal to anyone who might have information. Instead, both women receive death threats. When Clem is found shot to death in a parking lot, Angie fears her own life may be in jeopardy. She has to unravel this historical mystery—or she may be the next one going, going . . . gone . . .

Other prospective bidders were standing near me, waiting for me to move on. A middle-aged woman with short brown hair highlighted with blond took my place next to the coat of arms.
“What about the samplers?” she said to the bearded man with her.
He shook his head. “Just old stuff. Where would you hang them? I’d rather we used our share of the money to buy some good mahogany furniture, or maybe a gold-framed mirror.”
“Josie’s going to want the dining room table and chairs,” she answered. “She’s always wanted them. We don’t want to try to outbid her on those. What about Grandmother’s wedding ring china?”
“I don’t care about china. You can’t put that old stuff in the dishwasher anyway. What about the clock?” He pointed at a grandfather’s clock nearby.
“It never kept the right time. Drove me crazy.”
They moved on.
I didn’t know who they were, but they must be connected to one of the families who’d owned these furnishings. If they, or Josie, whoever she was, had wanted them, why were they being auctioned off?
A small mystery, but not one that concerned me.
I walked past several water-colored seascapes, a large oil portrait of a ringleted little girl in a blue dress holding a doll by its arm, and several framed World War I posters.
Three men were looking through a box of pictures—prints?—in a corner.
Who’d owned all these things? The parents or grandparents of that woman I’d heard talking about “Grandmother’s china”?
Once, each of these things now lined up to be sold had been chosen, had taken its place in a household, valued, and thought of with sentiment. Now, sadly, they were filling spaces in a large auction-house showroom, destined for antique shops, and, I hoped, for other homes where they’d be valued.
I almost laughed at myself for being so sentimental.
These were things, not people.


Winners will be chosen after November 14.
at the end of the tour

3 lucky readers will win a print copy of 

USA only

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.

This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.


In the Mainely Needlepoint Mysteries, author Lea Wait has created a rich cast of characters that I always look forward to spending time with. It’s been wonderful watching them change and grow over the course of the series.

THREAD HERRINGS was a story I couldn’t tear myself away from. A true page turner of a mystery, with questions stemming from past to present, I just became more and more engrossed. There were scenes that were so emotional, I was literally crying, while other scenes found me gasping or holding my breath.

Lea Wait can stitch more excitement and intrigue into one book than some authors can into an entire series. The best installment yet, THREAD HERRINGS is proof of that.

Truly a book I won’t soon forget.

About the Author

Lea Wait lives on the coast of Maine. A fourth-generation antique dealer and the author of the Agatha-nominated Antique Print Mystery series, she loves all things antiques and Maine. She also writes historical novels for young people set in (where else?) nineteenth-century Maine. 
Visit her at

Follow Lea on Facebook and GoodReads 
Purchase Links - Amazon - B&N - Kobo

a Rafflecopter giveaway


November 1 - The Avid Reader – REVIEW
November 1 - Cozy Up With Kathy -SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT
November 2 - Teresa Trent Author Blog – SPOTLIGHT
November 2 - A Wytch's Book Review Blog – REVIEW
November 3 – The Power of Words – REVIEW
November 3 – Mysteries with Character – SPOTLIGHT
November 4 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – REVIEW, EXCERPT
November 5 – Here's How It Happened - SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT
November 5 – The Montana Bookaholic - SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT
November 6 – Rosepoint Publishing – REVIEW
November 6 – StoreyBook Reviews – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT
November 7 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book - REVIEW
November 7 – Christa Reads and Writes – REVIEW
November 8 – My Reading Journey - REVIEW, EXCERPT
November 8 – MJB Reviewers - SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT
November 9 – Brooke Blogs - SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT
November 9 – A Chick Who Reads – REVIEW
November 10 – Laura's Interests – REVIEW
November 10 – Handcrafted Reviews - SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT
November 11 – Readeropolis – SPOTLIGHT
November 12 – The Ninja Librarian – REVIEW
November 13 – Socrates' Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
November 13 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW
November 14 – Bibliophile Reviews – REVIEW

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thank you for your review on "THREAD HERRINGS" by Lea Wait and for being part of the book tour.

    Enjoyed reading the excerpt and can't wait for the opportunity to open the cover and start reading this fabulous book.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Thanks for the wonderful review, Lisa. I really enjoyed this one too and need to go back and read a few I missed.

  3. Great review. Would love to read this series!

  4. Sounds delightful! Happy Sunday!

  5. This sounds like a great read. I am definitely adding it to my TBR list. Thanks for a great review!

  6. Thanks for providing a review of Lea Wait's latest book, "Thread Herrings". I truly enjoyed obtaining some insight into plot of this book.
