
Saturday, October 27, 2018

Book Tour

I'm so excited to be a stop on the blog tour for
Book 2 in the Grime Pays Mysteries
by Tricia L. Sanders

An unwelcome visitor, an unrequited love, and a dead body create chaos in a middle-aged woman’s plan for a productive summer. 

Despite a looming divorce, an empty checkbook, and a struggling cleaning business, Cece Cavanaugh is determined to land on her own two feet. Adamant about staying a safe distance from the handsome detective who has her fantasizing about violating the morals clause in her prenuptial agreement, Cece dives headlong into her work.

Even though she has no free time to spare, Cece finds herself guilted into cleaning a hoarder’s home. Her discoveries in the condemned house are too shocking to ignore. Diamond-laden pachyderms, a secret cache of money, and a dead body lure Cece into launching an investigation that places her in direct contact with the one person she’s desperate to avoid--hunky Detective Case Alder.

With clues in hand, Cece runs down leads and eliminates suspects one by one. Her conclusion and brave accusation put a friend’s life in peril forcing Cece to hatch a plan to outsmart the killer. A daring move could either save Cece and her friend or lead to their demise.



Winner will be chosen after November 6.
at the end of the tour

a Kindle copy of 
Book 1 in the Grime Pays Mysteries

a Kindle copy of 
Book 2 in the Grime Pays Mysteries

1 Journal

USA only

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.

This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.

LKBR:  Thank you for being here today, Tricia!

TS: Thanks for the invite. I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me.

LKBR: Please tell us a bit about Death, Diamonds, and Freezer Burn.

TS: Death, Diamonds, Freezer Burn is the 2nd book in the Grime Pays Mystery series. It begins two months after the close the 1st book, Murder is a Dirty Business.

An unwelcome visitor, an unrequited love, and a dead body create chaos in a middle-aged woman’s plan for a productive summer. 

Despite a looming divorce, an empty checkbook, and a struggling cleaning business, Cece Cavanaugh is determined to land on her own two feet. Adamant about staying a safe distance from the handsome detective who has her fantasizing about violating the morals clause in her prenuptial agreement, Cece dives headlong into her work.

Even though she has no free time to spare, Cece finds herself guilted into cleaning a hoarder’s home. Her discoveries in the condemned house are too shocking to ignore. Diamond-laden pachyderms, a secret cache of money, and a dead body lure Cece into launching an investigation that places her in direct contact with the one person she’s desperate to avoid--hunky Detective Case Alder.

With clues in hand, Cece runs down leads and eliminates suspects one by one. Her conclusion and brave accusation put a friend’s life in peril forcing Cece to hatch a plan to outsmart the killer. A daring move could either save Cece and her friend or lead to their demise.

LKBR: How did you come up with the concept?

TS: I attended a conference for children’s writers and the keynote speaker was a disaster recovery specialist who talked about the concept of crime scene cleaners. Why she was at a conference for children’s writers, I do not know. But she planted a seed in my brain that eventually germinated into The Grime Pays Mystery series.

LKBR: What are your future plans for this series? Any hints or spoilers you can give us about the next book?

TS: My next book is the 3rd book in the Grime Pays series. The title is yet to be determined. The only thing I can say is in the midst of yet another murder investigation, there is an unexpected love connection.

Book 4 features a wedding (not Cece’s), a death, and an unlikely suspect.

LKBR: Is writing an energizing experience, or does it take a lot out of you?

TS: Writing energizes me. I love watching the words appear on the computer screen. At times I write so fast, I stumble over the keyboard. The draining part is editing and proofreading. My eyes get tired quickly, so I have to take lots of breaks.

LKBR: Once you knew you wanted to be a published writer, who was the first person you reached out to for help? (Such as a publisher, or author)

TS: A local chapter of the Missouri Writers Guild, Saturday Writers. They have monthly meetings with speakers and other writers who are encouraging.

LKBR: What sort of research do you do for your books? Is it more computer based or hands on?

TS: Mostly computer based with input from my hubby who is a retired cop. But I plan to get more hands on with some police training geared toward writers.

LKBR: What is your writing process? Place, time of day, by the hour or word count?

TS: Usually about 10 in the morning I sit down at my desk. I’ll run through my email and do a bit of marketing, then get down to the business of writing. I try to write every day. Some days I am successful and some days not so much.

Lately, I’ve started keeping an accountability journal to keep me on task. I tend to procrastinate, so I need sticks and carrots to prod me along my journey.

LKBR: How do you come up with character names?

TS: I play around with baby name lists for the years my characters were born. I try to avoid the popular names and tend to go for the less known, but still appropriate for the time frame. 

In an upcoming series, I named a character after two counties that I traveled through. So, now I check out road maps for names too.

LKBR: Is it difficult to write characters of the opposite sex? Do you have someone you use for advice?

TS: Oh heavens, I want my hero male characters to be the men of my dreams, so they are all truly fantasy and made up. I give them all the qualities I would want in a man if I could choose, then I add in a couple of bad habits that don’t make me grind my teeth.

For the bad guys, I do just the opposite. I find the things that I cannot tolerate and sprinkle in a couple of redeeming factors.

I would ask my husband for advice, but he’d just roll his eyes at me.

LKBR: Do you read reviews of your books? If you do, and a review is bad, what effect does it have on you? (I know some reviews are mean as opposed to constructive.)

TS: Yes, I do. I like to use all reviews as a learning experience. I know not everyone is going to love my books, but if they can provide feedback into the reasons why, it’s helpful for future books. And I have to be honest, the mean ones do hurt. If the reviewer can provide some nugget of wisdom that helps me, I would be very 

LKBR: What are 3 things readers may not know about you?

TS: I’m an open book, so there’s probably not a lot. But here goes.
1.     After first grade, I never went to the same school for more than 6 months until my sophomore year of high school. I finished all 3 years of high school at the same school.

2.   I have an extra bone in my foot. (You really wanted to know that. Right?)

3.   My first short story was published when I was in 4th grade.

LKBR: Where can readers go to learn more about you and your books?

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LKBR: Thank you so much, Tricia,  for letting us get to know you better!

TS: Thanks for having me. It’s been fun.

About the Author


 Tricia L. Sanders writes cozy mysteries and women’s fiction. She adds a dash of romance and a sprinkling of snark to raise the stakes. Her heroines are humorous women embarking on journeys of self-discovery all the while doing so with class, sass, and a touch of kickass. Tricia is an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan, so don't get between her and the television when a game is on. Currently, she is working on a mystery series set in the fictional town of Wickford, Missouri. Another project in the works is a women's fiction road trip adventure. A former instructional designer and corporate trainer, she traded in curriculum writing for novel writing, because she hates bullet points and loves to make stuff up. And fiction is more fun than training guides and lesson plans. 
  Author Links

 Purchase Link 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


October 24 – A Wytch's Book Review Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
October 24 – Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
October 25 – A Blue Million Books – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 25 – Handcrafted Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
October 26 – Teresa Trent Author Blog – SPOTLIGHT
October 26 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT
October 27 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT
October 27 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 28 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT
October 28 – Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers - SPOTLIGHT
October 29 – Here's How It Happened – SPOTLIGHT
October 29 – Valerie's Musings – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
October 30 – Mallory Heart's Cozies – REVIEW
October 30 – Laura's Interests – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
October 31 – The Montana Bookaholic - CHARACTER GUEST POST
October 31 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
November 1 - Island Confidential – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
November 1 - MJB Reviewers – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW
November 2 - StoreyBook Reviews - REVIEW
November 2 - The Book Diva's Reads – GUEST POST
November 3 – That's What She's Reading – CHARACTER GUEST POST
November 3 – Cassidy's Bookshelves – REVIEW
November 4 – Cozy Up With Kathy – CHARACTER GUEST POST
November 4 – That's What She's Reading – REVIEW
November 5 – Ruff Drafts – GUEST POST
November 5 – The Avid Reader – SPOTLIGHT
November 5 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW
November 6 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT, RECIPE
November 6 – Mysteries with Character – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

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  1. Thanks for the author interview with Tricia L. Sanders and for being part of the book tour for "DEATH, DIAMONDS, AND FREEZER BURN".

    Sounds like a great book to read.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Lisa, thanks so much for having me on today. Love your blog.

  3. Renee Collins (google account)October 28, 2018 at 5:29 PM

    I really enjoy cozies and this one sounds great!
