
Sunday, June 11, 2017

ONLY SKEIN DEEP by Maggie Sefton
A JUST CLAUSE by Lorna Barrett

Book 15 in the Knitting Mysteries
by Maggie Sefton


In the latest novel from The New York Times bestselling author of Knit to Be Tied, Kelly Flynn and The Lambspun Knitters are eagerly awaiting a bundle of joy but find themselves heaped with trouble instead…

Kelly Flynn and her boyfriend, Steve, couldn’t be happier as they await the birth of their bouncing baby boy. Kelly’s got a built-in group of fiber arts specialists, the Lambspun Knitters, who are working away on blankets and booties. As they sit around the table crafting their keepsakes, the story of Giselle Callahan is a popular topic of conversation. 

Giselle is the young wife of Henry Callahan, a Fort Connor banking scion, who traded in his previous wife of forty years for a newer model. Giselle’s prowess as a skilled country club golfer and social climber puts her on someone’s hit list. When she is found dead on the greens at the golf club, Kelly and her Lambspun crew worry that a vicious killer is in their midst. They must work fast to bring an unhinged murderer to justice on the back nine before Kelly’s very special delivery…



In ONLY SKEIN DEEP, author Maggie Sefton has knitted a cozy mystery using a new pattern---Heavy on the cozy and light on the mystery.

I very much enjoyed this installment in the Knitting Mysteries. One of my favorite parts of a cozy mystery is the relationship between the characters in the stories. I love spending time with them when they aren’t trying to hunt down a killer. I like when the protagonist talks about other things than the investigation in every single conversation. Lead character Kelly Flynn is extremely close to giving birth through this book. It’s only natural that the characters are going to be wrapped up in the excitement of that. I respect author Sefton for not having Kelly throwing herself into danger while she’s nine months pregnant.

Is there a mystery in ONLY SKEIN DEEP, you ask? Yes, and it’s a well written one. I liked the way Kelly had to take a different approach to her sleuthing, using research instead of foot work (As I mentioned above, she’s nine months pregnant). I found the mystery compelling, and I second guessed myself many times. I was excited to be right in the end. I’ll admit I don’t normally guess the bad guy/gal.

It doesn’t matter if a book is overloaded with mystery, or is a low key mystery with a character driven story. What doesn’t change is the fact that Meggie Sefton is a talented writer. She has earned the title of New York Times Best Selling Author and ONLY SKEIN DEEP is proof of that.


Book 11 in the Booktown Mysteries
by Lorna Barrett


Just when things are getting back to normal in Booktown, Tricia and Angelica have their lives turned upside down by a shocking visitor from their past in this latest entry in Lorna Barrett’s New York Times bestselling series. 

Tricia Miles, mystery bookstore owner and amateur sleuth, is in for a surprise when her ne’er-do-well father, John, comes to town—and promptly becomes a prime suspect in the murder of a woman with her own scandalous past. Even Tricia’s faith in the old man is shaken when the Stoneham police break the news that her father is a known con man who has done jail time.  

But what about bestselling thriller author Steven Richardson? Is it a coincidence that he arrived for a book signing just before the crime or that the victim was found with a signed copy of his latest bestseller?  

From merlot to murder, Tricia is determined to clear the family name before another body shows up and ruins Stoneham’s first—and highly anticipated—wine and jazz festival.



Fans of the Booktown Mysteries will fall in love with this series all over again!

With, A JUST CAUSE, author Lorna Barrett once again takes readers back to Booktown for more mystery, mayhem, and some serious dysfunctional family drama.

I’ve been following this series since the very first book, MURDER IS BINDING (My sister was a fan and asked if I’d like to try it. Well, of course I did! What’s not to love about a town that’s got bookstores everywhere). It’s been fun watching the original cast of characters grow throughout the series, and just as enjoyable to meet and learn more about the characters who have been added throughout the series.

Ms. Barrett certainly knows what it takes to keep her readers engaged. It very was hard to put, A JUST CLAUSE down for any length of time. Every aspect of the story was wonderful. From the murder, to the investigation of looking for whodunit and why, to the dynamics of the eclectic characters, it was a fast paced book that that left me a bit breathless. Add to that a satisfying conclusion, and some wonderful recipes, you’ve got a cozy mystery you won’t soon forget.


is available now!

releases June 13

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  1. Thanks, Lisa! Happy Sunday, to you.

  2. Sounds like two good books. Thanks for sharing Lisa.

  3. Thanks for the great reviews! I've read the first in the Booktown Mysteries and need to get back on that series. I haven't read any of the Maggie Sefton books yet though.

  4. Wonderful reviews. I love the Booktown Mysteries and the others sound really good, too.
