
Saturday, June 10, 2017

I'm excited to have author
Sharon Pape
on the blog today!

Sharon is celebrating the release of 
Book 1 in her Abracadabra Mysteries 
with a

What’s in a murderer’s bag of tricks?

Twenty-something Kailyn Wilde has learned to embrace her unpredictable life as a descendant of small-town New Camel’s most magickal family. She just didn’t expect to inherit her mother and grandmother’s centuries-old shop, Abracadabra, so suddenly. The surprises keep coming when Kailyn goes to finalize the estate at the local attorney’s office—and stumbles over the body of her best friend Elise’s husband . . .

As a brash detective casts the blame on Elise, Kailyn summons her deepest powers to find answers and start an investigation of her own. What with running a business, perfecting ancient spells, and keeping up with an uninvited guest of fabled origins, Kailyn has her hands full. But with the help of her uncanny black cat Sashkatu and her muumuu-clad Aunt Tilly, she’s closing in on a killer—who will do anything to make sure she never tests her supernatural skills again!



Sharon is giving away a Kindle copy of 


Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter for your chance to win!
Giveaway open to US and Canada.



A magical mystery delight that will have you under its spell.

When I started reading cozy mysteries I had no desire to read any with a paranormal aspect to them. However, with authors like Sharon Pape, and a handful of others conjuring up stories like this, even cozy reader purists will surely find themselves with shelves full of “para-cozies”.

MAGICK & MAYHEM, the first installment in the Abracadabra Mysteries was a wonderful escape from everyday life. Ms. Pape made the pages of this book come alive. From chapter one on, I let the magic carry me away to a group of wonderful characters, and a first rate mystery that held me spellbound until the very last page.

If you’re looking for a great new cozy mystery, MAGICK & MAYHEM is the enchanting book for you!

You can find a full list of Sharon's titles at . . . 


a Rafflecopter giveaway

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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clicking on the link in the 
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  1. It's a great book, I loved it and cannot wait to read book two! Good luck to all who enter!

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Happy Saturday, to you.

  3. Thanks for the great review and giveaway. I am not a big fan of the paranormal either. But this one sounds like it is very much worth trying.

  4. I really enjoyed this book. Thanks for sharing your review.

  5. I love anything Sharon Pape writes. This book is going to be fabulous! Way to go. Thank you!
