
Saturday, December 17, 2016


Book 8 in the Josephine Stuart Mysteries
by Joyce Oroz

No one in Josephine's plain-air watercolor class thought that Mary Milford, also known as Mary Christmas because of her fabulous Christmas decorations, would fall off the Capitola cliffs into the Pacific Ocean. One minute she was there, painting, and the next minute her red sweaters floating in the rough surf. When the authorities determine it was murder, Josephine is all in--studying every angle, every person of interest. Besides poking around in everyone's business to uncover Mary's killer, Jo and he friend Alicia are working hard creating watercolor paintings to sell at the Aromas Christmas Art festival. A deadline looms.

As she homes in on the killer, Josephine teams up with Mary's sister, Marla, and they catch a plane to Tijuana in search of answers. The trip proves to be revealing and highly dangerous. The police are slow to take Josephine's claims seriously. Unfortunately the well being of a five-year-old girl depends on Josephine's skill, instincts and dumb luck.


This is only my second book by author Joyce Oroz, and after reading it I’m wondering why I haven’t read more. I even said in my review of the first book I read by this author, ROLLER RUBOUT, that while it was my first, it wouldn’t be my last. At least I’ve finally made good on my comment.

WHO MURDERED MARY CHRISTMAS? was a fast moving mystery that wasted no time in getting straight into the heart of this story . . . the murder of Mary Milford aka Mary Christmas. Protagonist Josephine Stuart found herself in the middle of another murder, and was more than eager to try and solve it.

I really enjoy the writing style of author Oroz. Her words and descriptions are so fluid, they encourage the reader to keep turning the pages. I also like that there aren’t a ton of “wasted words”. In some books it can feel like authors are trying hard to make their work count by dragging out scenes. Not so with Ms. Oroz.  I never hit a dull or lagging point in the story.

You’re going to want to give WHO MURDERED MARY CHRISTMAS a read! Don’t worry if you haven’t read other books in the Josephine Stuart Mysteries. You won’t feel lost. You can read this as a standalone. (But I bet you’ll want to go back and check out more of the series by the time you’re done.)

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. This sounds interesting. Happy Saturday, to you.

  2. I am going to have to check out this one! Thanks
