
Friday, December 16, 2016

Cozy Food Friday

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

Today I'm featuring 
Book 1 in the Ethnic Eats Mysteries
by Kylie Logan

The national bestselling author of the League of Literary Ladies Mysteries introduces an all-new cozy culinary mystery series featuring ethnic eats.

After flopping as a personal chef to a Hollywood movie star, jobless Laurel Inwood finds herself humbled in Hubbard, Ohio, helping her aunt Sophie run her restaurant. Much to Laurel’s dismay, Sophie’s Terminal at the Tracks is not the cozy bistro her aunt would have had her believe—it’s a run-down greasy spoon in an old railroad station. To save the dingy diner, Laurel cooks up a plan to feature alternating ethnic cuisine as specials.
But first there’s the problem of the body in the booth. Slumped over a table with a receipt spike in his back is Jack Lancer—”the Lance of Justice”—an investigative reporter for local TV news. Assisted by the drop-dead gorgeous owner of the neighboring Irish store—who may or may not be a suspect—Laurel sets out to track down a killer who had no reservations about impaling a newshound. But as she turns up the heat, will she end up in the soup herself?




A great start to another fantastic series by author Kylie Logan!

If you’re looking for a great cozy mystery, it’s always a safe bet to pick up a book by Kylie Logan. Her writing is so very enjoyable. It has the feel of having flowed effortlessly onto the pages.

IRISH STEWED, the first in Ms. Logan’s new Ethnic Eats Mystery series, was impossible for me to put down. Hooked from page one, I carried this book around with me just waiting for a chance to get back to Hubbard, Ohio, and Sophie’s Terminal at the Tracks, the restaurant owned by the aunt of the series lead. Laurel Inwood may not have been thrilled with it on first seeing it, but this diner housed in an old railroad terminal, stole my heart the first time I “walked” through the doors.

I was simply captivated by IRISH STEWED. Extremely well written with an outstanding plot, the story moved at a brisk pace, leaving me just about breathless by the time I reached the exciting conclusion.

If you’re looking to start a new series, look no further than the Ethnics Eats Mystery series.

The back of the book has a recipe, and a sneak peek of FRENCH FRIED, book two in the Ethnic Eats Mysteries by Kylie Logan!


About Kylie Logan

So maybe you already know that I'm not just Kylie Logan, I'm also Casey Daniels and a few other writers, too. 

So who is Kylie? I'm a fulltime writer who has loved mysteries since I was a kid. My dad was a Cleveland Police detective, and he introduced me to Sherlock Holmes stories. He also gave me my first investigating experiences when on his days off, we'd pile into the car and hit the streets to look for stolen cars. When he retired from the force, Dad became the head of security for the Cleveland Public Library. 

Crooks and books! I guess I come by my love for mysteries honestly. 

I have a degree in English, experience as a journalist and writing teacher, and lots of ideas about interesting ways to kill people. This makes me an excellent guest as cocktail parties, but I've noticed that the hostess doesn't always trust me near the food. Could that have something to do with the book on poisons sticking out of my purse? 

When I'm not writing, I'm usually with my family and our two dogs, Ernie, an adorable Airedale, and Oscar, a Jack Russell rescue who came for a short-term stay and ten years later, is still here. Those of you who have ever lived with/met/had dealings with a Russell will certainly understand how knowing him has increased my propensity for murder.


On to the recipe!

(What else from a book called IRISH STEWED? 😉)

All food photos courtsey Google Images
Your dish may vary in appearance


1¼ pounds chuck beef stew meat, cut into 1½ inch chunks
3 teaspoons of salt (more to taste)
¼ cup olive oil
6 large garlic cloves, minced
4 cups beef stock or broth
2 cups water
1 cup Guinness Extra Stout
1 cup hearty red wine
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon dried thyme
1 tablespoon Worcesteshire sauce
2 bay leaves
2 tablespoons butter
1 large onion, chopped (1½ to 2 cups) 
2 cups ½-inch peeled carrots cut in pieces
3 pounds russet potatoes, peeled, cut into ½-inch pieces (about 7 cups)
½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 cup parsnips, peeled and cut in pieces


Sprinkle salt over the beef.
Heat oil in a large pot and brown the meat.
Add garlic and sauté for 30 seconds

Add beef stock, water, Guinness, red wine, tomato paste, sugar, thyme, Worcestshire sauce, and bay leaves. 
Bring to a simmer, then reduce heat, cover and cook for 1 hour. 

While that is cooking, melt butter in another pot and add onions and carrots.
Sauté until onions are golden, about 15 minutes. 
Add to beef along with potatoes after the beef has simmered for one hour.
Also add black pepper and salt to taste.
Simmer until vegetables are tender, another 40 minutes or so. 
Because they're delicate, add the parsnips during the last 30 minutes.


Serves 6.

It's getting so very cold outside. 
This wonderful stew sure will warm you up!
 Let me know what you think if you try this one out. 


Please keep reading and check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56

Both are also from 

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading

My Book Beginnings

"I can explain."

At my side, Sophie Charnowski pressed her small, plump hands together and shifted from one sneaker -clad foot to the other. The nearest streetlight flickered off, then on again, and in it's anemic light, I saw perspiration bead on her forehead. "It's like this, you see, Laurel."

"Oh, I see, all right."

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Friday 56 

"I don't have the time. And I don't have the disposition. So if you're waiting for tears, you're going to wait a long, long while"

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


  1. Yum! Thanks, Lisa. Today would be a good day for this stew. Happy Friday, to you.

  2. Sounds like a good beginning of a new series. I'm going to check it out.

  3. This book sounds wonderful, and now I'm hungry for some Irish stew. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  4. This sounds interesting, though I'm really not a cozy mystery reader at all. I do enjoy the play on words in the title, though, and think it's neat that they come with recipes--I've always loved when authors include things like that, or playlists, or other little "goodies"!

    Thanks so much for sharing, and for stopping by my Friday 56 earlier--it's much appreciated! Happy book-ing to you in the near future, and happy Friday!

  5. This sounds like an entertaining story. I'm not a big fan of stew because I don't like potatoes cooked in gravy. Since they are such a big part of the recipe, I doubt I could leave them out. Happy reading!

  6. Love that title and whimsical cover. Cozies are so fun! And I'm in the mood for some stew now:)

    My Friday 56 from In The Blue Hour

  7. Such fierceness in that excerpt! And that stew looks amazing too, especially because it's getting gold. Happy weekend!

  8. This looks like a good book and yummy recipe! Here is my 56:

  9. Thanks for sharing your post. Loved the book.

  10. Yum. That stew looks delicious. I make a very simple but tasty sew my family loves but I think I'll try this some day. How did your family respond to it?

  11. Sounds like a good start! I do love a good Irish Beef stew. :-)
    Happy weekend!
