
Sunday, May 29, 2016

DEAD END STREET by Shelia Connolly

Book 10 in the Domestic Diva Mysteries
by Krista Davis

The New York Times bestselling author of The Diva Steals a Chocolate Kiss serves up a new mystery steeped in murder...
When The Parlour opens up in town, domestic diva Sophie Winston finally has a place to satisfy her cravings for all things tea and crumpet related. And the shop serves as the perfect place for the ladies of the town to gather and gossip, especially since it’s conveniently located right across the street from the new antique store run by the handsome and charming Warren Smith.
But speculation around Warren really boils over when he’s found dead—a victim of poisoning after attending a literacy fundraiser at The Parlour the night before. What Sophie learns about the man leaves a bitter taste in her mouth, and she’ll have to strain out a killer from a strange brew of suspects...


The Domestic Diva is back, and better than ever!

Ten books into this wonderful series, and Krista Davis still gives a story that is as fresh as tea time treats.

The first thing I have to mention is how much I love that each chapter begins with a “Dear Natasha” or “Dear Sophie” letter. I went through and read them all before I started the book! I couldn’t help myself.

A friend of mine has been teaching me the way of “tea”. She doesn’t know she if, but I’ve been paying close attention to her FB posts. So, needless to say, I was thrilled to see Ms. Davis had made this a part of her latest Diva mystery.

Expertly written, THE DIVA SERVES HIGH TEA, is now my favorite in this amazing series. With an excellent plot, this fast paced whodunit was all I hope it would be and more! I simply couldn’t put it down until I had finished.

Fans of this series are going to adore this installment, and be left anxiously awaiting the next. Personally, I think it is time for one called The Diva Write A Book. Krista Davis, if you’re reading this, you can use that idea if you’d like. ;-)

Keep reading when the story is over, for tasty recipes, and entertaining tips. And check out the excerpt of MISSION IMPAWSIBLE, Krista Davis’s next Claws & Paws Mystery.


Book 2 in the Bad Luck Cat Mysteries
by Kay Finch

The author of Black Cat Crossing is back as mystery novelist Sabrina Tate and her cat Hitchcock find themselves roped into another dangerous murder case...
Sabrina finds it difficult to work on her latest suspense novel when her Aunt Rowe’s antics keep tying up her thoughts. This time Rowe and her fun-loving friends have decided to compete in the upcoming Texas Hill Country Senior Pro Rodeo. The problem is these women have little to no experience with lassos, bulls, or even horseback riding.
Before Sabrina can keep the stubborn seniors from mounting their steeds, she’s sidetracked by a bigger problem. An uppity local business owner is found dead in an accident—right after a black cat was seen in her office. While the townsfolk think the bad luck cat has struck again, Sabrina suspects there might be something more murderous afoot. With a twisted killer on the loose, she’ll have to round up clues quickly before she or her aunt are steered straight into the path of danger...


Black cats are unlucky? Maybe for some, but certainly not for author Kay Finch or her readers!

Cat cozy fans are going to be thrilled with this second book in the Bad Luck Cat Mysteries, but you certainly don’t have to be a cat lover to enjoy this wonderful tale.

My return trip to Lavender was just as exciting as my first. With murder, seniors (as in citizens) rodeo, and paranoid fear over an innocent black cat…how could it not be?

THE BLACK CAT KNOCKS ON WOOD was a wonderful mystery. Writer Sabrina Tate and her black cat, Hitchcock, are once again at the center of a murder. With one thing after the other going wrong, I was uncertain the murderer would ever be found. But of course the baddy was found! With a great plot, superbly penned by author Finch, this story kept me guessing until the action filled reveal!

The back of this book has some yummy recipes. Make sure to check them out!


Book 7 in the Museum Mysteries
by Sheila Connolly 

The New York Times bestselling author of Privy to the Dead returns to Philadelphia for more history—and a chilling mystery . . .
When the Pennsylvania Antiquarian Society discovers it owns some unique real estate, a deadly plot unfolds . . .
Society president Nell Pratt believes life is finally going her way. Everything’s running smoothly at work, and her love life is thriving. Then some unexpected news rocks her foundation. Two members of a local neighborhood rescue program, Tyrone Blakeney and Cherisse Chapman, inform Nell that her society owns an abandoned row house in a rundown area of Philadelphia and they insist on taking her to see the property before its date with the wrecking ball.
But soon after they arrive at the house, Cherisse is fatally shot and Tyrone is badly injured. The police believe it’s just random violence in a bad neighborhood, but Nell thinks there’s more to it and is determined to find answers before someone else becomes history . . .


Another well written story in the Museum Mysteries!

If you are looking for a true-in-every-way cozy mystery, DEAD END STREET may not be for you. But, if you’re looking for a bit of an edgier cozy, one that is a great read, then this is the book for you!

Author Sheila Connolly takes us back to the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, PA. I really enjoy reading the Museum Mysteries because I live just about two hours from Philly, and I’ve been there often. I love reading about places I’ve been.

DEAD END STREET shows Philly at its best and worst, but it showcases Ms. Connolly’s skill as an author in the best possible way. The author has penned a story that contains just the right balance of mystery, intrigue, and action.

If you love mysteries that keep you guessing until the outstanding end, look no further, DEAD END STREET is the book for you.

Make sure to check out the back of the book for an excerpt from Sheila Connolly’s newest Count Cork mystery, A TURN FOR THE BAD!

All 3 of these wonderful titles are now 
available for pre-order

Release date:
June 7, 2016

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thank you for saying nice things about Dead End Street! Yes, it's edgy, but I wanted to end it on a positive note--one that might even work in the real world. Maybe you'll see Philly differently now.

    1. Great reviews, Lisa, and thanks for sharing them.

  2. After reading this delightful posting at 5:00 a.m. on my phone, I wrote up a nice long and "obviously" interesting reply, but Google would not send it through... again. Since Windows 10 took over my computer last weekend, nothing has worked correctly since. All kinds of glitches. So, what I in essence said earlier was how I am a long time reader and fan of both Sheila and Krista, and both of the new to be released books sound fabulous. Will make sure to order them. I am not familiar with Kay Finch yet but hope to be soon. Your reviews always make me excited, Lisa. You set the stage for my fingers to dash to Amazon's book section to order as you are so good as describing your reading material. Thank you for that. I started out with Sheila's Orchard Mystery series and thanks to her talent of diversity, have enjoyed her other series and cannot wait to find out what Dead End Street holds inside those covers!!!!
    I hope that if there is a contest to be had for any of these author's that I will be included in the giveaway. Summer heat keeps me inside a lot so reading is a great way to spend the time with A/C and a fan overhead too!!!
    Have a great rest of the weekend.

  3. Thanks, Lisa. I can hardly wait until June 7.
