
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Mary Kennedy 
has a new book coming out
June 7! 

Book 3 in the Dream Club Mysteries!

An elderly Southern heiress’s nightmare becomes a real case of murder in the latest Dream Club Mystery from the national bestselling author of Dream a Little Scream.

When Abigail Marchand, Savannah’s famously reclusive heiress, invites the Dream Club ladies to lunch at her Beaux Reeves mansion, Taylor and Ali hope for an invitation to join the distinguished Magnolia Society. But Abigail has a more pressing concern: a recent dream that seems to foretell her death. 

Taylor reassures Abigail that there are many ways to interpret a dream, but at the next meeting of the Dream Club, their discussion is cut short by a call from Detective Sam Stiles. She's at Abigail's mansion, where the elderly woman appears to have been pushed to her death down a flight of stairs. Now Taylor, Ali, and the Dream Club need to catch a killer before someone else is laid to rest.

Mary wants to celebrate with a


One lucky reader will win their 
choice of a signed copy of 
Dream Club Mystery Book 2
or an adorable
Cat Tote!

For your chance to win
use the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post

4 chances to enter
May 28, 29, 30, and 31!
Come back each day!

Giveaway open to US only



Absolutely the best installment in this wonderful series so far. Even better then I dreamed it would be!

Author Mary Kennedy has really set the bar high for herself with A PREMONITION OF MURDER. Truly an edge-of-your-seat cozy whodunit, this third book in her Dream Club Mysteries is a wonderful combination of murder, mayhem, and drama, with a healthy dose of southern class and charm!

The idea of a dream club to share and interpret dreams is such an original and intriguing idea for a cozy mystery series. There are absolutely endless possibilities for Ms. Kennedy to explore that will keep this series fresh and exciting with every new book in the series. I for one look forward to reading more!

Fans of the Dream Club series are going to love A PREMONITION OF MURDER!

Make sure to check out the back of the book for a dream symbol guide!

Releases June 7! 

Pre-order your copy now! 

Look at these sale prices! 
They'll lock in if you pre-order while they are on sale!

Amazon - $5.92
Barnes & Noble - $5.99

The Dream Club Mysteries

About the author

Mary Kennedy is the national best-selling author of two mystery series for Penguin-Random House, The Dream Club Mysteries and the Talk Radio Mysteries. She has written over forty novels, including a young-adult fiction series called The Hollywood Nights.  Dr. Kennedy is a psychologist in private practice on the East Coast where she lives with her husband and six neurotic cats. She has tried unsuccessfully to psychoanalyze both husband and cats but remains optimistic. 

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This series sounds wonderful! Thank you for the chance to win.

  2. I love this series. I dream all the time. Many of my dreams are pretty wild and crazy. Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. Hey Marlene! I don't remember most of my dreams. But the ones I do remember are normally very mashed up.

  3. Thank you for the chance to win, I love a good cozy mystery and I would love to read this!

    1. Hi Cynthia! You'll enjoy this series. Mary is an awesome writer.

  4. Can't wait for the next one. Wonderful series.

    1. Hi TM! A PREMONITION OF MURDER is excellent! The best of the series.

  5. First of all, that photo of the book and your notes is absolutely stupendous! I love that more than anything else besides the writing itself. I cannot wait to read this. This series is what started it all for me with cozies. Mary started my cozy addiction and I blame her for my loss of cash and now my large amount of books. Ha!!! Thanks introducing me to this wonderful genre and group of people I would not have met otherwise. Love to you!!!!

    1. Hey Sheryl! I'm so happy you're enjoying today's blog. And I am thrilled Mary's books were your introduction to cozies! Mary's books are great to draw people into the genre.

  6. Thanks for introducing me to a series that I haven't read yet, can't wait to try it!!!

    1. Hi Taryn! I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

  7. Thank You Mrs. Kennedy, I have enjoyed reading your Dream Club cozies, and everything thing is better with a cat or two >^..^<

  8. this series sounds good. i'm going to try it.

  9. Thanks so much for the great review, Lisa!! I really appreciate it, and I hope everyone participates in the giveaway.

  10. Thanks for the chance to win. I love cozies and cats and always on the lookout for new books.

  11. All of these books look great!!

  12. Thank you for the chance to win. Looks like a great series.

  13. This is a great series and I am really looking forward to reading "A Premonition of Murder". Thanks for the chance.

  14. I love all of Mary's books (I introduced a friends teen daughter to Mary's YA books and she loves them), but this series is a favorite of mine. The books are wonderful, and the covers are so great that I have them displayed on a shelf like art. I am so glad that the release date on this one is finally getting close.

  15. Series sounds great. Thank-you

  16. Thanks for the chance! I loved the first two books in this series and can't wait to read this one! I love this tote!

  17. I have not yet had the opportunity to read this series. I'd like to though.

  18. Sounds great and your review and the cute way the photo is put together makes this a great prize. Thank you for the contest. I still love books so that would be my choice.

  19. Wow,is this a series? Let me read it.

  20. Thanks for a chance to win a copy. It sounds like a book that I would really enjoy.

  21. i can always buy your books but not the tote. i hope i win. thank you

  22. I am so interested in dreams. I analyze my own, so hopefully, I am figuring them out properly. I have a book on dreams which I can reference, which I find to be very insightful. But I could always use you, Mary, I am sure. :)

    I just love the tote bags. So many items that you authors offer are not available to purchase so would love to win this.

    Looking forward to reading your latest book too.

    Cynthia Blain

  23. Have thoroughly enjoyed your reviews. I have added so many new books and learned about many new authors Am so grateful. Lovely giveaway It was hard to pick one. thanks for the chance to get a wonderful prize. Della at

  24. Saw this one at Barnes and Noble. Had to pass it up as I was over my book Would love to read it.
