
Friday, September 25, 2015

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

Today I'm featuring a recipe from
The Cozy Chicks
Ellery Adams, Lorraine Bartlett, Duffy Brown, Kate Collins, Mary Kennedy,
Mary Jane Maffini, Maggie Sefton, and Leann Sweeney

The Cozy Chicks Kitchen Series Book 2

The Cozy Chicks realized that tea was such a perfect complement to cozy mysteries that we decided to write a book about it. Not only does Tea Time with the Cozy Chicks have delicious recipes, but it also includes themed tea menus, fascinating articles, fun facts, curious quotes, and helpful hints on how to host the most memorable tea parties ever! And for an extra treat, a few of us have included excerpts of our work as well! Read, cook, drink tea, savor, and most of all enjoy!

Available now in eBook 
Coming soon in print

Dear Friends and Cozy Mystery Readers,

Tea Time with The Cozy Chicks, is a fun book and an invitation to pull up a chair and join some of our fictional characters for an afternoon of sipping tea and sampling delicious treats.

As readers of mystery novels, you already know what an important role food plays in our books. Characters gather around the table to discuss cases. They drink a staggering amount of caffeinated beverages and seem to be surrounded by an endless array of mouth-watering sandwiches, cookies, pastries, and chocolate. In short, these gals have a pretty good time, and we thought it would be fun to spend a little time in their world.

The result is Tea Time With The Cozy Chicks—filled with the lore of tea in so many of its incarnations, and an assortment of tea parties like how to have a Bon Voyage tea, bachelorette tea, proper Yorkshire Tea, Chocolate Lovers tea etc all complete with menus and recipes included, and hosted by our characters. You’ll find menu themes to cover life’s major celebrations as well as those more intimate moments between close friends or romantic partners.

If you’re worried about setting the perfect tea table because you aren’t a professional pastry chef, floral arranger, or decorator, never fear. Neither are we. Hosting the perfect afternoon tea is about opening your home and your heart. You take care of that part and we’ll help you with the rest. In fact just in time for fall here is a mighty fine Southern recipe for… 

Auntie KiKi’s Praline Pumpkin Pie

Yield: Makes one 9-inch pie

1 unbaked 9” pie shell
1/3 cup ground pecans
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons of butter, softened

Preheat the oven to 450°F (230°C, Gas Mark 8). 

Combine the pecans, brown sugar, and butter. Press into a pie shell. Bake for ten minutes. 


3 eggs beaten
1 cup canned pumpkin
2/3 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1 tablespoon of all-purpose flour
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
¼ teaspoon allspice
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ginger
½ teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup evaporated milk

Mix all the filling ingredients together until smooth and creamy. 

Add the filling to the partially baked pie crust (you can add a few of those pecans on top if you have a mind to) and bake at 325°F (170°C, Gas Mark 3) for another 40 minutes.

And you’ll find a ton of other recipes and an a list of tea themes like tea-paring, tea stories, reading tea leaves and making your own tea blends. So are you a tea person? Got a fav tea? Have you ever had a tea party…as an adult or kid…and have you ever gone to high tea?
Share some of you tea experiences and I’ll give away two adorable Brew Up A Mystery With the Cozy Chicks teapot tape measures from the answers.

And now…it’s tea time!

The Cozy Chicks…
Ellery Adams
Lorraine Bartlett
Duffy Brown
Kate Collins
Mary Kennedy
Mary Jane Maffini
Maggie Sefton
Leann Sweeney

I absolutely adore this book! 
I've yet to do an official review of 
(been sick for a bit), but I can tell you it is wonderful and you need to add it to your book list of must haves!

Remember to leave your comments for a chance to win one of the adorable tape measures!

Please keep reading and check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56


My Book Beginnings and Friday 56
 for this week are also from

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading

My Book Beginnings...

“Tea to the English is really a picnic indoors.”
—Alice Walker, American author and activist

by Mary Kennedy

If you find your energy flagging in late afternoon and you yearn for a hot drink and a tasty snack, you’re in good company. Anna, the 7th Duchess of Bedford, complained of having “that sinking feeling” every day and used to retire to her room with a pot of tea and a pastry or sandwich. As time went on, she began to invite her friends to join her and the custom of “afternoon tea” caught on. After all, in the early nineteenth century, most people only ate two meals a day, breakfast and dinner, so no wonder they had hunger
pangs in mid-afternoon. Hot tea and a selection of pastries and sandwiches provided a nice pick-me-up and would carry them over until dinner, which was usually served at 8pm.

Soon London hostesses followed her lead and drawing rooms were filled in late afternoon with women enjoying tea and sandwiches before heading out to Hyde Park fora promenade. It was the perfect opportunity to enjoy a quick snack with friends and catchup on the latest gossip before the traditional afternoon “walk.”

Queen Victoria took the tea ritual to a new level when she began offering “tea
receptions” to her guests. At these gatherings, usually held between 4 and 7 pm, as many as two hundred people would enjoy a delightful selection of finger sandwiches, scones, cakes and pastries. It was similar to our “open house” parties and guests were free to drop in as 
they pleased during those hours.

Nowadays, afternoon tea is still served in hotels and restaurants in England and is popular with tourists and Brits alike.

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Friday 56...
Page 56 is in the middle of a recipe. 
But there was this fun little item to share...

Shot Glass Appetizers


Ranch salad dressing
Celery sticks
Carrot sticks
Green olives
Cherry or grape tomatoes

Place the dressing in the bottom of a shot glass. Add a few celery and carrot sticks, and 
one or two skewered olives, and cherry tomatoes on a colorful toothpick.


Ellery Adams is the author of three New York Times bestselling series, including the Book Retreat mysteries, the Books by the Bay Mysteries, and the Charmed Pie Shoppe Mysteries. In addition to these, she also writes three ebook series. These include The Supper Club mysteries, The Hope Street mysteries, and the Molly Appleby Antiques and Collectibles mysteries. For more killer reads, please visit

The immensely popular Booktown Mystery series is what put Lorraine Bartlett's pen name Lorna Barrett on the New York Times Bestseller list, but it's her talent—whether writing as Lorna, or L.L. Bartlett, or Lorraine Bartlett—that keeps her in the hearts of her readers. This multi-published, Agatha-nominated author pens the exciting Jeff Resnick Mysteries as well as the acclaimed Victoria Square and Lotus Bay mystery series, and the Tales of Telenia adventure-fantasy series, and has many short stories and novellas to her name(s). Visit her website:

While others girls dreamed of dating guys like Brad Pitt, Duffy Brown longed to take Sherlock Holmes to the prom. Today she is a National Bestselling author and conjures up who-done-it stories for Berkley Prime Crime. She has two series, the Consignment Shop Mysteries set in Savannah, and the Cycle Path Mysteries on Mackinac Island. Visit her website at

Kate Collins is the New York Times bestselling author of the long-running Flower Shop Mystery series. After publishing a series of children’s stories, she sold her first historical romantic suspense novel in 1995. Seven romance novels later, she switched to her true love, mysteries. Kate is very proud that The Flower Shop Mystery series was named The Best Continuing Cozy Mystery Series for 2013 by popular online review site Escape with Dollycas. When not growing roots at her computer, Kate loves to garden. Other passions include yoga, travel, decorating, reading, spending time with family and friends, sampling great wines and fine dark chocolate, and enjoying every moment of life. She lives in Northwest Indiana and Key West, Florida. Read about Kate’s mysteries, historical romances, and children’s anthologies at

Mary Kennedy is a practicing psychologist and author of the Dream Club and Talk Radio Mysteries, as well as the Hollywood Nights young adult stories. She lives on the East Coast with her husband and seven neurotic cats. Both husband and cats have resisted her attempts to psychoanalyze them, but she remains optimistic. Visit her website at

Lapsed librarian and former mystery bookstore owner, Mary Jane Maffini is the author of thirteen mysteries in three series: The Camilla MacPhee books, The Fiona Silk Capers and the Charlotte Adams mysteries. She’s won a number of awards, including an Agatha, for short stories and the fifth Charlotte Adams book, The Busy Woman’s Guide to Murder, won the Romantic Times award for best amateur sleuth. As that shadowy figure known as Victoria Abbott, she writes the book collector mysteries with her daughter, the artist and photographer, Victoria Maffini. Find out more at

Maggie Sefton is the author of the New York Times bestselling Knitting Mysteries. She was born and raised in northern Virginia and has worked in several careers over the years, from a CPA to a real estate broker in the Rocky Mountain West. However, none of those endeavors could compare with the satisfaction and challenge of creating worlds on paper. She is the mother of four grown daughters, currently scattered around the globe, and resides in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Visit her website at

Leann Sweeney is the author of the Yellow Rose Mysteries, that feature Abby Rose and Yellow Rose Investigations hoping to reunite adoptees with their birth parents in Texas. She also writes the Cats in Trouble Mysteries, featuring quilt maker and cat-rescue sleuth Jillian Hart, set in South Carolina. She lives on a lake in South Carolina with her husband, her dog and two cats. To learn more about Leann and her books, visit her website:


  1. My mother always inspired our inner princess and we would often have tea parties. When my girls were little she would host tea parties just for the granddaughters. As they have grown, she carries on the tradition, but often takes us to a tea room or someplace that will do the work for her. All the rand daughters LOVE tea parties for this reason.
    My Friday Quotes

  2. Welcome back, Lisa!

    I am a coffee drinker and usually only have tea in the evening. But "afternoon tea" is another story. I love it! I was lucky enough to work in England for several weeks and experience high tea at Betty's in Harrogate. A friend and I still go to tea every once in a while and my granddaughter's birthday party one year was a tea party, complete with hats, boas, and jewelry. Even the moms wanted to come along.

    This looks like a fun book, and of course all the series by these authors are must reads.

  3. Auntie KiKi’s Praline Pumpkin Pie looks scrumptious! Thank you for the recipe. I will have to check out TEA WITH THE COZY CHICKS.

  4. Hello Lisa. I am so glad that you are better and out of the hospital. I wish you good health.

    I love going out for tea. And I love reading cozy mysteries that include culinary themes. I think that's one reason I enjoyed writing my mysteries.

    Very nice excerpt from Mary Kennedy of A BRIEF HISTORY OF AFTERNOON TEA.

    Have a great weekend, Lisa and everyone.


  5. Hi! I love tea, have always been a tea drinker. But I don't have any tea stories. :-) I will have to get this book though, it sounds great.

  6. Thank you for the post, Lisa, and I'm glad you're home and feeling better!

  7. This will be an excellent try to make for the weekend.I did not get into having tea until after I got married and my husband started taking me to teahouses.obviously, he is the best husband in the world! Welcome back and I cannot wait to hear your official review of this amazing book.

  8. Your reads always sound so lovely and your recipes make me jealous every single time! I really need to get back to baking! I would love to host a tea party, have cakes, the whole bonanza, but I don't even have a real garden to place it in! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great weekend!
    My Friday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  9. Wonderful, Lisa! I definitely want a print copy, when released.

  10. the Civic Club has a High Tea every January. We're always looking for recipes to use for the little sandwiches and desserts. I'd love to have this book. I'd share the recipes with the Club. Enjoy the reviews.
    thanks for sharing.

  11. I've only been to one official "tea" and it was for my sister - my other sister and her friend threw a "High" tea for her baby shower - the food was great, the company was fun and we all really enjoyed it. I need to host tea at home the sound of this's My Book Beginnings and Friday 56

  12. I so want this book and my goodness you trying to kill me with that pie..that is like taking the best of two pies and putting them together! :)

    Friday Memes

  13. That measuring tape is so sweet. Love tea, and I have the book on pdf order. Glad you are feeling better Lisa. Be peaceful

  14. Being a tea drinker for my entire life and throughout all the seasons this post is extremely appealing and resonates with me. When I was younger we had a delightful tea party in the backyard with friends and neighbors who loved this special celebration. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  15. This looks like a great cookbook! And if anyone can give us wonderful recipes for tea time, it's these ladies! Thanks!

  16. Tea warms my heart and soothes my soul. I enjoy lemon teas since they are mild but tasty. I never did have the opportunity to have high tea but would love the experience. Instead I had a tea set and treated my dolls to a special tea and scones in my room. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  17. I mostly drink coffee, but I love going to restaurants that specialize in "high teas," with those finger sandwiches, scones, and pastries. I also adore the image of women gathering around for an indoor picnic to discuss mysterious events.

    Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “THE HOUSE OF MEMORIES”

  18. Thanks so much for chatting about Tea Time. The chicks sure had fun putting this book together using our characters.

  19. I love anything pumpkin so the praline pumpkin pie recipe is the bomb. Thanks.

  20. love those little measuring cute!!

  21. Love the recipe, the books, and the photo of everyone dressed up for tea. :)

    THANKS for sharing.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  22. Thanks for sharing about the book and the recipe, both look great!

  23. I love your food related posts. I love cooking and baking even more. (Though I don't have that much of a sweet tooth) And now I really want to make pumpkin pie. :D

    My Friday post:
    Marie @ Pages to Explore

  24. Thank you everyone for stopping by!

    And thank you to those who left their email addresses. I'm not use to doing giveaways by using the comment, so I forgot to ask for addys. If you didn't leave one, would you please do so. Thanks!

    Have a great weekend!

  25. Sorry, for the email:

    Happy Weekend!

  26. This looks wonderful and a beautiful cover!

  27. I love Pumpkin pie. Never had it with pralines though. Sounds delish.
    Looks like another great cozy!

  28. When my girls were little and we moved from Ca to Md they were so scared of thunderstorms. So every time we had a storm we would have a tea party. It was so fun and it took their minds off thunder and lightning. I love going to afternoon tea at a historic tavern in Annapolis now. Joan Somers.

  29. I usually drink coffee, but I love drinking tea at Chinese restaurants. My most memorable tea experience was going to High Tea at The Palace in San Francisco.
