
Saturday, September 26, 2015


I was suppose to be a stop on author 
Ann Summerville's 
blog tour last week (I was in the hospital) for her book 
Book 3 in the Pecan Valley Mystery series.

I'm so happy to have her featured today. 

Not all is what it seems in Pecan Valley and Bea can’t quite put her finger on what is wrong. She’s hoping Marge won’t become a permanent house guest and encourages her to look for a new home, but while they are scouting the neighborhood they end up looking for more than a house for Marge. What Bea wants to uncover is the unsavory dealings of a ruthless realtor and a murderer that might put Bea on the list of victims.


This was my first book in the Pecan Valley Mystery series, bit I plan to go back and read the first two, GRANDMOTHER’S FLOWER GARDEN and BIRDS IN THE AIR.

Author Ann Summerville has penned a wonderful whodunit that I found hard to put down. Great writing and a flowing storyline with likeable characters made NIGHT AND DAY a delight to read.

Lead character Bea thought her biggest worry was getting her friend Marge to move out of her house and into one of her own. That was before murder and real estate fraud entered her life.

A shorter than average book, this story still held all the mystery and intrigue as a much longer book. Page after page I became more involved with this and couldn’t wait to discover who the killer was, even though I didn’t want the book to end. And wow, when the reveal did come, I was completely blindsided! Well done Ms. Summerville.

As I mentioned, I want to go back and read the first two book in this series and I also look forward to future installments.

About The Author 

 Ann Summerville moved from her native England to California before arriving in the Lone Star State. Her publications can be found in Lutheran Digest, Long Story Short, The Shine Journal, Doorknobs & Bodypaint, Associated Content, Trinity Writers’ Workshop newsletters and also their collection of Christmas stories.  Ann is currently working on the fifth book in the Lowenna series set in Cornwall.
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  1. Thanks, Lisa! It's good to have you back! :)

  2. Sorry to hear that you had been hospitalized. Hope things are getting better and you'll be in fine form again soon.
    thanks for all you do.

  3. Thanks for the great review Lisa! Will be adding this book to my every growing list of books to read. Glad you are feeling better!
