
Friday, August 14, 2015

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

Today I'm featuring two recipes from


Great meals don’t have to be a mystery—but they can come from a mystery. Selecting the most delicious recipes from some of the most popular names in crime solving, The Cozy Cookbookserves up mouth-watering appetizers, entrèes, and desserts that will leave your family or book club group asking, “Whodunit?”

In addition to recipes, choose a sleuth du jour from our menu of mystery series and get a taste of each of our authors’ bread and butter—page-turning puzzles and stay-up-all-night suspense in excerpts from their bestselling works.

Whether you like your meals sautéed, roasted, baked, or served cold like revenge, The Cozy Cookbook has something to satisfy every mystery fan.
This book contains previously published material.

This recipe is from author
Connie Archer
featured in her book
Book 2 in the Soup Lovers Mystery series

Even a town called Snowflake, Vermont, has a summer season. In August, Lucky Jamieson’s By the Spoonful serves chilled soups—celery and green onion, cream of asparagus—and salads. The shop also serves as a gathering place to talk about cold-blooded murder…A protest to stop the construction of an ugly car wash in the middle of the town’s picturesque Village Green is interrupted by the discovery of a skeleton that may date back to the Revolutionary War. While the remains pose a historical mystery, a present-day murder shakes the town to its core when local auto mechanic Harry Hodges is found dead in his shop. 

Straining the patience of Chief of Police Nate Edgerton, Lucky soon finds herself in the soup again when her dear friend Elizabeth, the Mayor of Snowflake, goes missing. No matter how much trouble she has to stir up, Lucky is determined to use her noodle to uncover a killer and recover her friend… 

Recipes included!

Today's recipe is perfect for these last hot days of summer. 



2 cups chopped watermelon cubes 
1/2 cup chopped red onion 
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese

1/2 cup chopped fresh basil leaves
8 leaves romaine lettuce, washed and chopped 
Balsamic vinegar, for serving


Mix all ingredients in a large bowl 
Serve with a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar 

All photos courtesy of Google Images. Your dish may look different in appearance. 

Oh my goodness. 
How simple, yet elegant is this dish?

This would be wonderful to take on a picnic 
or a trip to the beach.  
It would also be perfect on a brunch, lunch or dinner table.

Please keep reading and check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56


My Book Beginnings and Friday 56
 for this week from are from 
Book 1  in the Antique Hunters Mystery series 
by Vicki Vass

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading

My Book Beginnings...

"Sybil!" Anne called out, feeling the crunch of breaking glass under her feet. Family photos lay silent on the entryway tile floor looking back up at her. "Sybil!" she called again, with increasing urgency. There was no reply. Faded imprints of where the images had hung lined the narrow hallway walls. With every step Anne took, the ghostly remnants dabbed at the painting that was forming in her mind. 

When she reached the living room, the painting was complete. Screaming, she took a step back, stumbled and fell to the floor, landing face to face with Great-Aunt Sybil.   

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Friday 56...

She rang the buzzer to enter the pawnshop, keeping watch around her. The buzzer sounded and she pushed open the heavy door. Inside, was a small narrow aisle with glass display cases on each side, overflowing with broken dreams. 



THE COZY COOKBOOK is a must have for every cozy mystery fan. You will see so many of your favorite authors included. And cookbook collectors will want to add this book to their collection as well. The mouthwatering recipes by these talented authors are simply amazing!

When I first heard this book was going to be published, I knew I had to have a copy. When I got my happy hands on it, I read it through, cover to cover in less than two days.

The chapters cover a wide range of recipes including Breakfast, Breads, Soups, Drinks, Appetizers, Main Courses, Desserts, and more! From super easy to a bit more work, but they all sound so fantastic!

Interspersed among the recipes are many excerpts from books by the contributing authors. I enjoyed getting to read these shared pieces. They helped me learn more about the series they were taken from and the characters involved.

I profoundly hope the publisher will do The Cozy Cookbook Part II!

It was so good to be back in Snowflake, Vermont. A BROTH OF BETRAYAL reconnected me with all the delightful characters that I got to meet in A SPOONFUL OF MURDER. Lucky Jamieson and her grandfather Jack, as well as the rest of the characters from the first book, were as I remembered them, but even more fleshed out.

I enjoyed the storyline of the skeleton from Revolutionary War days and the connection it had to someone in present day Snowflake. The mystery of who killed auto mechanic Harry Hodges was well written and not an easy one to solve. And if two mysteries aren't enough for you, the Mayor of Snowflake, Elizabeth Dove, goes missing! As the readers we get to know where she is, but her friends and co-workers have no idea. My only problem with this part of the story...for Elizabeth to be Mayor, it took too long for anyone to notice she was missing and do something about it. Putting that aside though, it was interesting to see all the storylines play out and to finally get to the reveal(s).

I liked A BROTH OF BETRAYAL and the characters enough to read the next book in the series, A ROUX OF REVENGE. You can find my review for it and the first book in the series, A SPOONFUL OF MURDER on their home pages on Amazon, B&N or Goodreads. 

Author Vicki Vass hit the ground running in this wonderful first installment of the Antique Hunters Mystery series.

With a pleasant, flowing way with words, Ms. Vass made each scene and chapter of MURDER BY THE SPOONFUL a joy to delve in to.

I immediately liked Anne Hillstrom and her friend CC Muller. I enjoyed their dynamic together. And when a scene didn’t contain both of them, it didn’t always just follow Anne. There were times where the reader gets to follow CC as well. I liked being able to see what each of them were up to. Garage and estate sale fans are going to love this book. I had a lot of fun following the ladies around to different sales.

There are two mysteries going on in this story. Who killed Anne’s Great Aunt Sybil and why? And what happened to recent lottery winner and newly recently deceased Tom Whitmore? With twists, turns, and intrigue everywhere, MURDER BY  THE SPOONFUL was an awesome mystery and a great start to what is sure to be a hit series. Author Vicki Vass is an author to keep your eye on for sure.

I’m eagerly awaiting the second book in the Antique Hunters Mystery series!  

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


  1. I've not had a watermelon salad before. Look yummy! Thanks for sharing!
    Love the array of mysteries too!
    I added you to the Linky! Happy weekend!

  2. I've never had a salad like that before...I love watermelon, but I don't know if I'd like it mixed with those things.

    I like the cover of Murder by the Spoonful! The snippets sound very intriguing.

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings) and current giveaway.

  3. I always visit your blog for Friday 56 and end up talking about your recipes. This watermelon salad look delish!!!!

    My Friday Quotes

  4. Thank you for the salad recipe. I am now carving watermelons. Thank you for introducing me to the new author Vicki Vass.

  5. MMM, I'm coming to your house - dinner and a good book. Can't beat that. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  6. Thanks, Lisa! I really want to read Murder by the Spoonful...Vicki Vass is a new-to-me author. Happy Friday!

  7. I have had my eye on this cookbook in the more recipes I hear from it, the more I think I need to go ahead and just get it. Do you know if this watermelon recipe would work with yellow watermelon also? Thank you for sharing this and thank you for sharing your reviews on these two wonderful books! These are two authors I have not yet had the pleasure of reading.

  8. Hi Sheryl. I've never had yellow watermelon so I'm not sure of the taste. If it's like regular watermelon, I would say yes. If not, then I think it would depend on rather that flavor matched the others in the salad. Maybe Connie Archer will stop by and can tell us.

  9. That salad looks sooo delicious! Now I am hungry for it! LOL

    The books, as always, look like fun and delightful reads. Here's MY BOOKISH FRIDAY POST

  10. I think that is a recipe for me to skip. While I like watermelon, I don't like basil or feta. It looks incredibly good though. I am spotlighting Enchanted Glass by Diana Wynne Jones from my TBR mountain this week. Happy reading!

  11. That salad looks yummy. I have so much basil too.

    Thanks for sharing, and enjoy those cute books. Love the titles.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  12. Thanks for sharing about the book and the recipe. :)

  13. Looks delicious! And all of those cozies sound fun. I do a love a food cozy:)

    Here's my 56 -

  14. That salad looks amazing, if I had watermelon I would so be making it for dinner. I cannot get over the cover of Murder by the Spoonful though it creeps me out. Happy Friday!
