
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Kathi Daley 
has a new book out! 

You know what that means don't you? 


Kathi is giving away one copy of her book  
Book 6 in the Tj Jensen Paradise Lake Mystery series

In the midst of the annual Halloween frenzy, Tj finds herself pulled into a series of events that occur at the high school where she works. She not only must help one of her girls deal with the increasingly popular pastime of cyber bullying, but she must help a student who has recently suffered a personal tragedy. And if Tj wasn't busy enough, in walks Samantha Colton, a reporter for Second Look; a television series which takes a second look at unsolved murder cases. The case that Ms. Colton is in town to investigate is the death of a popular student after the homecoming dance ten years prior. To make matters worse, or maybe more convenient, the graduating class Holly was part of is in town for the ten year reunion of their own homecoming. In other words, all the suspects in Holly's murder, just happen to have converged on Serenity for the weekend. When Samantha turns up dead Tj realizes that someone has a secret they don't want revealed.

Giveaway is open to both US and CANADA
US winner - choice of print or Kindle copy
Canadian winner - Kindle copy only

Use the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post to enter 

Learn More about Kathi Daley

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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clicking on the link in the 
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  1. Thanks, Lisa! I've gotten behind on Kathi's books...need to do some catching up!

  2. I love reading books themed to holidays. It extends the seasonal enjoyment! :O)

  3. It would be great to become the recipient of Kathi's Halloween themed book; I don't think that I have read any book with that theme in ages if ever come to think of it. I do like holiday themed books and it is great this this book will out before the end of October too. Thank you for the chance Kathi and Lisa.
    Cynthia B

  4. I really like Kathi Daley's books, and if it wasn't for your "Book Thoughts," I wouldn't know about some great reading adventures.

  5. I commented, but it didn't finish loading... I enjoy your "Book Thoughts," and Kathi Daley's books are great! Halloween is a favorite holiday and theme for books and movies. Really looking forward to this book.

  6. Love your blog Lisa . I really enjoy reading Kathi Daley's books . Thanks for the chance to win this one .
