
Sunday, July 19, 2015

I'm so excited to introduce you today to a lady I became fast friends with. We got to know each other through cozy mysteries, and then found we had many other things in common, so when we get to talking, you never know what's going to come up.   

Please enjoy my interview with bibliophile 
Dawn Frazier!

LKBR: Hi Dawn! It’s great having you here!

DF: Hi Lisa! Thank you for having me!

LKBR: What was the first cozy mystery you read?

DF: The first cozy I read was The Cat Who Could Read Backwards by Lillian Jackson Braun.

LKBR: How did you learn about cozy mysteries?

DF: I was working in bookstore when I came across the Cat Who series and read all of them, then read all of Sue Grafton.

LKBR: How long have you been reading cozies?

DF: I read the Cat Who series in the early 90's, I read a few more in between other books, but really got into cozies about 5 years ago, when my husband put some in my Christmas stocking, he said the covers were cute. LOL. Those were books by Victoria Laurie, Jimmie Ruth Evans, Jeff Cohen (EJ Copperman) , and I have been hooked ever since.

LKBR: What does reading cozies mean to you? How do they make you feel?

DF: They are such lighthearted nice reads, they just make me smile, I have so many favorite series, the characters are like friends now.

LKBR: Cozy mysteries often feature pets. Do you have any pets of your own? What are they?

DF: Yes, I have four cats, Edgar, Salem, Catterina, and Izzy.

I do not have the kitties in order, but I do know the black one is Salem.

LKBR: Do you leave reviews? If yes, for all the books you read or just the ones you liked?

DF: I do leave reviews, I try to leave at least a small review for all the books I read, the ones I review for authors, I try to leave a longer, more detailed review.

LKBR: What has your experience in the Facebook cozy community been like for you?

DF: It has been fantastic! I never dreamed when I joined facebook that I would get the opportunity to "meet" and talk to so many of my favorite authors, and to make friends who enjoy reading as much as I do, and that includes you Lisa!

Dawn with author Janet Cantrell

LKBR: What other genres do you enjoy reading?

DF: I read almost anything, cozies of course, I love horror novels (especially the ones from the 80's), thriller, suspense, chick lit, biography if it is someone I like. I also like true crime, and true stories, especially hauntings and things like that.

Some of Dawn's 80's horror novels.

LKBR: Bookstores, on-line shopping, or libraries . . . which is your favorite way to acquire your books?

DF: I buy books everywhere! I see a bookstore and I am immediately drawn in, new, used, rare, doesnt matter. I do buy a lot online, and I use the library for book sales, and audio books.

LKBR: Print or eBook. Which do you prefer?

DF: Print is my favorite, there is nothing like the feel of a new shiny book in my hands, or the smell of an old book that I have been searching for. I do love my Kindle as well though, its great for reading at night without disturbing my husband, but I have found that I read on it quite a bit during the day as well. I always have at least 2 books going at the same time, one print and one kindle.

LKBR: Do you enter in giveaways for books? If yes, have you ever won anything? 
DF: Yes I do, and yes I have won quite a few times in the past.

LKBR: What do you do when you’re not reading?

DF: I read. LOL. No really, I enjoy exercising and bike riding outside when the weather is nice. I love shopping, and antique stores. My husband and I travel a lot as well.

LKBR: If you could say anything to your favorite author (you don’t have to name her/him), what would you say? 

DF: I would say Thank you for all of the wonderful books, and keeping me entertained with what they write.

LKBR: Buy A Friend A Book Day is August 31. Will you be taking part and buying a book for someone? Will it be a cozy?

DF: Yes I will! It was so much fun last year. And yes, it will most likely be a cozy.

LKBR: Thank you, Dawn. I loved learning more about you. Happy reading!

DF: Thank you Lisa, for inviting me!

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Dawn.

I have a fun piece of trivia about Dawn that she doesn't know I'm posting. 

She won a contest from author Jenn McKinlay. 
The contest was to name Jenn's newest 
Cupcake Bakery Mystery book and Dawn's title won! 

So, when you read 
you have Dawn to thank for the wonderful title!  

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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clicking on the link in the 
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  1. Thank you Lisa for the another great interview! And thank you Dawn for the naming Jenn McKinlay's DARK CHOCOLATE DEMISE. (I have it on my TBR list)

  2. Love the blog guys:) Great job.

  3. Thanks, Lisa and Dawn! Great the pet pics! Congrats on the book title...very catchy!

  4. Lisa, what a great interview! Dawn's review of The Deep End made me cry happy tears. I've thought she was the cat's pajamas ever since!

    1. Hi Julie. Dawn is the one who told me about your book and she couldn't stop talking about it. Once I read it I could see why. Really looking forward to the second one.

  5. This was such a fun blog post and I am so glad to have gotten to know Dawn. I see her comments on Gretchen Archer's page all the time and didn't really know who she was until now. Thank you for "interviewing" her.

    And I love your blog Lisa, and try to get to read it every day; but life gets in the way of computer time many times, but it sure doesn't mean that I don't WANT to be caught up with my favorite bloggers at all. I am thinking of you and so glad that I had a chance to read this interview.

    Take care and do keep up the great work, Lisa..

    1. Thank you, Cynthia. You would adore Dawn. She's just as sweet as I am. ;-)

  6. How fun is this! I come over to learn more about Dawn, and there's our picture together--very fun! Great interview. Thanks, Lisa and Dawn. Quincy says "Meow" to the four kitties, too.

    1. Hi Janet! I love this photo of the two of you! We had to use it. :-)

  7. This was a great blog post. I am in a couple of cozy mystery groups on Facebook with Dawn. We seem to have pretty similar tastes in our cozy mysteries so I often consider her reviews for authors or series that are new to me. It was nice to get to know a bit more about her. Thanks for the interview Lisa.

  8. It's such fun learning more about the readers/bloggers we follow! Thanks for the fun interview!

  9. I love the idea of having readers pick the title...and this is a good one! A very good interview!

    Kathleen Bylsma
