
Monday, July 20, 2015

I'm thrilled for today's post!

Mary Kennedy
is so excited about her new release coming out on August 4 she wants to celebrate with a 

Book 2 in the Dream Club Mystery series

The national bestselling author of Nightmares Can Be Murder once again gathers together the members of the Dream Club in Savannah, Georgia, where the book tour of a famous chef becomes a recipe for disaster… 

Behind her down-home folksy persona, celebrity chef Sonia Scott is a real Dixie diva who’s made plenty of enemies in her climb to the top of the culinary world. One of them is the newest member of the Dream Club, Etta Mae Beasley, who claims Sonia stole her family’s recipes and used them in her latest cookbook.

After Sonia’s suspicious death from anaphylactic shock at a book signing held at Taylor and Ali’s retro candy store, Etta’s revelation sows seeds of doubt in Taylor Blake’s mind. Now the Dream Club needs to put their heads together to determine if one of their own decided to give the chef her just desserts…

Now available for pre-order
Releases Tuesday, August 4!

Mary is giving one lucky winner their choice of...

Book 1 or 2 in the Dream Club Mystery series
(US winner ~ print copy / Canadian winner ~ eBook copy)

Book 1 

Book 2 
(This book will be mailed out after the August 4 release date) 

A beautiful Dream Catcher


The giveaway winner 
4 more lucky readers will win an eBook copy 
Kindle or Nook of Mary's book
 Dream Interpretation: 
A Psychologist's Guide

What are your dreams trying to tell you? Do you ever dream of being stranded in a strange city in the dead of night, alone and afraid? Do you dream of wandering through a beautiful house and discovering hidden rooms filled with treasures? Do you ever dream of loved ones who have passed? Dreams are our passport to our unconscious mind and this brief guide will help you unlock their secrets. Note: All proceeds from this book will be donated to the Wayne County Humane Society in Lyons, New York.

MARY KENNEDY, a licensed psychologist and the author of Nightmares Can Be Murder, the first in the Dream Club Mysteries from Penguin-Random House, brings a unique perspective to this fascinating field.
As the guardian of eight rescued cats, she is happy to donate 100% of the profits from this book to Wayne County Humane Society in Lyons, New York.

Enter using the Rafflecoppter form 
at the end of this post.
Giveaway is open to US & Canada.
(US winner ~ print copy 
Canadian winner ~ eBook copy)

Mary Kennedy is a national best-selling author, and a clinical psychologist in private practice on the east coast.  She has sold forty novels, all to major New York publishers, and has made the Waldenbooks, BookScan and Publishers Weekly best-seller lists.  Her early novels included middle grade fiction and young adult fiction for Scholastic and Penguin.

Mary also writes health and wellness articles, reviews and human interest pieces. Her byline has appeared in Publisher's Weekly, USA Today, Book Page, Gannett News, NPR and industry publications. She recently won "first place" in a communications contest sponsored by the Delaware Press Association and judged nationally.
Currently, she's writing the Dream Club Mysteries for Penguin-Random House.

Many of her articles can be found at Blogher.

She blogs every Saturday with Cozy Chicks.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Such a great series! I entered the Rafflecopter drawing & have my fingers crossed.

  2. This is a new series for me but I'm really intrigued and will be checking them out. Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. I loved the first book, can't wait to read this one.

  4. It was a fun first book in this series. Can't wait to see what happens next.

  5. Just what I need...another cozy series! LOL Thanks for the chance, ladies!!

  6. Enjoyed the first in the series, would like to see what's going on in book 2. dz87507 at gmail dot com.

    1. Glad you liked Nightmares, Denise. In book 2, a celeb chef visits Savannah and--you guessed--she's murdered! And not only murdered but murdered at a book signing at the candy store, Oldies But Goodies. The Dream Club springs into action to solve the crime.

  7. Hi Lisa, thanks for having me as a guest!! This is the perfect day to curl up with a good book (inside, with the AC blasting, of course!)

  8. I loved the first book. I can't wait to read the second!!

  9. Everybody dreams, and the worst ones are where you wake up suddenly feeling like you've fallen from high up landing back in your bed. It's a very startling experience. I've read and own the first book in the series and would be thrilled to win the second book for my collection.

    1. Hi Nora, I've had those dreams too, they are really frightening!

  10. I am so excited to read this new book in the series! Thank you for have this giveaway.

  11. Mary, I enjoyed your Murder, She Wrote article that I read over the weekend.

    Are all of your books dream related? Great titles.

    1. Hi Susan, I'm so glad you liked the article. Don Bain and Carolyn Hart are really amazing. I have another cozy series for Penguin, the Talk Radio Mysteries. I have the first one, DEAD AIR up as an e-book, and the other two are paperbacks and ebooks. The Talk Radio series is quite different from the Dream Club series. It's about a New York psychologist who closes up her practice and becomes a radio talk show host in south Florida (and of course she solved a murder in every book). My agent pitched it and sold it as "Frasier Meets Murder She Wrote." I think you might like it.!

    2. Susan, I forgot to put in the link for DEAD AIR, it's available as an e-book and is the first of the Talk Radio Mysteries.

    3. Thanks, Mary. I love it... "Frasier Meets Murder She Wrote." :)

  12. I have Mary's first book but have not finished it yet. But so far, I know that her writing is superb. I would love to win this second book in the series, and I did enter the Rafflecopter to be able to possibly do that. :) Keep up the great writing, Mary. I follow on Amazon too. Thank you for the great blog post Lisa. You are great.
    Cynthia B.

  13. I would love to read Mary Kennedy's books. The cover draws me to them and tempts me to read between the covers. As always I appreciate your blog.

    1. Hi Robin, I'm very grateful to Penguin for the wonderful covers. They really do a great job. Did you see the two cats on the cover of Dream a Little Scream--I thought the "second" cat was missing until a sharp-eyed reader pointed it out to me. See if you can find it...

  14. This would be a new series for me. Wouldn't have to much catching up to do to be current with the latest book. The dreamcatcher is very pretty.
    thanks for the chance to win a paperback copy.

  15. Thanks for the giveaway! This series sounds very interesting and I'd love to read it. Love your interviews and reviews!

  16. Thanks, Lisa and Mary! Awesome...paw-some! :)

  17. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win. I love getting to know Mary better.

  18. Sounds like a great series! Thanks for the chance to win.

  19. Loved the first one! Cant wait to read #2. thanks for the opportunity.

  20. Hi! You are a new-to-me author and I think I have been missing out. Both of your Dream Club series books sound really good, and I am definitely going to check out your Talk Radio Mysteries. Thanks for the chance to win one of your books in your Dream Club Mysteries!

    1. Hi Vivian, thanks so much. I'm a psychologist (and I also worked at a rock radio station) the Talk Radio Mysteries seemed liked a good fit. And I got the idea for the Dream Club Mysteries from my clients who love to talk about their dreams. Thanks for stopping by.

  21. These books look great! I'd love to win one of them. Thanks! :)

  22. Great giveaway. Love Mary's blog comments everywhere I read them.

    1. Hi Grandma Cootie, you are so nice!! I love having you stop by the Cozy Chicks blog.

  23. Looks like a great series! Thanks for the opportunity!

  24. Love this series:) Thanks Lisa, you rock! BTW my wish list is under my son's name Stephen Marks I goofed and put my name :( I'm a little goofy sometimes:)

  25. I haven't read any of Mary's books yet but that is about to change. Both books sound like a something I would enjoy. I will also be looking for her Talk Radio series. Thanks for the giveaway.

  26. Mary is a new author for me and her books sound like very good reads. Thank you for allowing me to enter this giveaway. :)

  27. Mary is a new author to me. Love dream catchers. Look forward to reading this
    series. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Carol Smith
    penelope223(at)yahoo(dot) com

  28. Thanks for this lovely giveaway. Mary's books are delightful and interest me greatly. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  29. Thank you, Lisa K for introducing me to another author! Okay, and the contest. LOL
    Lisa Kay

  30. Great giveaway. I have five cats. I don't have any of your books.

  31. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway ! Mary's books are great. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book.

  32. Would love to visit Savannah and meet the Dream Club! Thanks!

  33. thank you for this giveaway......sooo generous!!!

  34. This looks like a great series--thank you!

  35. I had an MRI last Monday and between not being able to move, my PTSD was triggered. Friday night I had a nasty nightmare (I kept asking if I was awake yet and wouldn't let my great nurse Josh leave until I was sure I was awake.) after this I kept thinking about the word 'nightmare' and knew that in your first book the word was discussed. Unfortunately, the book was too far away (5 hours) to get. Am looking forward to your new book!

  36. I've really enjoyed meeting everyone on line!! It's nice to meet fellow cozy readers, an of course, cat lovers. Lisa K is simply THE BEST and I am so grateful to her for everything she does for us. Where would we be without her (I don't even want to think about it!). A big thank you for having me on the blog and for your interest in The Dream Club.
