
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Book 13 in the Kitting Mystery series 
by Maggie Sefton

In the latest novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Yarn Over Murder, Kelly Flynn and the Lambspun Knitters must unravel the truth from the lies to clear a friend’s son suspected of murder…

Kelly Flynn’s summer in Fort Connor, Colorado, is off to a great start with romantic celebrations with her boyfriend, Steve, and enjoyable—albeit challenging—knitting classes taught by her friend Barb at the House of Lambspun. But while Barb’s advanced stitches are giving Kelly the slip, a more deadly problem soon has her friend coming apart at the seams.

A young woman has accused Barb’s son, Tommy—a young doctor doing his residency—of assaulting her. The yarns spun by the local rumor mill are bad enough, but when the young woman is found dead in her ransacked apartment, Tommy becomes the number one suspect.

The police are ready to close the case, but Kelly is convinced that there are a few more likely suspects. Now she has to knit together the clues herself to uncover a killer who doesn’t seem to drop a stitch.


I’ve mentioned this in a previous review, but 13 certainly not an unlucky number. At least not when it means the 13th in a cozy mystery series! PURL UP AND DIE is one of the best books in the Knitting Mystery series so far! Author Maggie Sefton has written another wonderful whodunit with this book.

I went through a lot of nail biting reading this story. I wasn’t sure how the author was going to sort things out at the end of the book. I was so sure I was on the right track at times, but something always happened that completely threw me off. When the reveal came, I was stunned. I really didn’t see it coming. Well done, Ms. Sefton!

It would be fun to understand kitting, but it certainly it’s not required to enjoy this book or the series. You may however feel the urge to learn, because the group of characters in this series seem to have a great time with it!

I’m very much looking forward to see what mystery author Sefton knits together for the fourteenth installment in this entertaining and wonderfully written series! 

And don’t miss the knitting pattern and delicious recipe at the back of the book! 

now for it's 
Tuesday, June 2 
release date!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. The book sounds very good! I tried knitting many years ago, I do crochet some. Maybe these books would get me to try knitting again. Thanks for the review!

  2. I absolutely love this series and am excitedly awaiting this title!!

  3. Thanks, Lisa! Whenever a series lasts this long it has to be good. I love your little bookworm picture! :)

  4. Thanks for the review! Love it that you couldn't figure out who did it. The best kind of book!
