
Tuesday, May 12, 2015


I'm so excited to be a stop on 
author Linda O. Johnston's blog tour for
Book 1 in the Barkery & Biscuits Mystery series

Veterinary technician Carrie Kennersly has become known for offering healthy dog treats at the clinic where she works. So when the owner of the local bakery moves away, Carrie jumps at the chance to buy the business and convert half of it into the Barkery, a shop where she can make and sell her canine delights.
But Myra Ethman, co-owner of another pet product store, hates the new competition. At the Barkery's opening party, she badmouths Carrie's homemade dog biscuits, insisting she'll find a way to shut the place down. When Myra is found dead with a Barkery biscuit beside her, Carrie must prove she didn't do it before she's collared for murder.

Available now!

A word from Linda O. Johnston

Dogs, Cozies and Me Blog Post
by Linda O. Johnston

I'm a dog person.  Always have been, and always will be.   That's one reason why I write cozy mysteries that feature dogs.

I've also always enjoyed mysteries, from the time I was a kid reading Nancy Drew.  Additionally, I liked to write from a young age, when I initially looked forward to capturing my dreams and more in essays I wrote for school assignments.

So, finding a way to blend my three adored interests, writing cozy mysteries that contain dogs?  It's wonderful!

At the moment, I am writing two cozy mystery series where dogs are important.  My newest one, the Barkery & Biscuits Mysteries, is about protagonist Carrie Kennersly, a veterinary technician--and, yes, dog lover--who also gets to realize her dream of becoming an entrepreneur.  A good friend has to sell her bakery, Icing on the Cake, and move away from Knobcone Heights, California, because her mother is ill.  Carrie buys it from her and converts half of Icing into Barkery and Biscuits, a store that sells handmade dog treats made from healthy recipes Carrie developed for patients as a vet tech.

I'm also writing the Superstition Mysteries.  Yes, superstitions are a major theme in the stories--but the protagonist there, Rory Chasen, winds up managing a pet boutique in Destiny, California, which is all about superstitions, after her lucky black and white dog Pluckie helps to save the life of the boutique's owner.

My prior two mystery series were the Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter Mysteries and its spinoff, the Pet Rescue Mysteries.  So yes, I've been writing dog-themed cozies for a while.

That affects other parts of my life as well.  When I attend writers' conferences the panels I'm invited to participate in sometimes involve others who have pets in their mysteries.  Fun!  On Facebook, not only am I a host of the Nose For Trouble group, along with others who blog on Killer Characters and also write pet-themed cozies, but I also get links frequently about dog rescues as well as Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, my adored breed of choice for ages.

And, yes, I am currently owned by two adorable Cavaliers, Lexie--whose counterpart was featured in the Kendra mysteries--and Mystie.

In addition, I write romances as well for two Harlequin series.  One is Harlequin Romantic Suspense, and no dogs have appeared in my stories there... yet.  But the other is the paranormal romance series Harlequin Nocturne, and my own mini-series there is about Alpha Force, a covert military unit of shapeshifters, largely werewolves who happen to have cover dogs!

Am I dog-crazy?  Absolutely, and proud of it!


I have read Linda O. Johnston's other series, so I was excited when I  heard about BITE THE BISCUIT in her new Barkery & Biscuits Mystery series. I loved it!

This series is off to a wonderful start! Ms. Johnston has once again written a good solid mystery, with very enjoyable characters. And once again, her love for animals shines through.

I really enjoyed the idea a the profession for the protagonist. Owning her own pet food bakery is so cool. I would be in a place like that all the time for my pup!

If you're a fan of Linda O. Johnston's other titles, you are going to love BITE THE BISCUIT as much as I did!

Click on the above link for a full list of tour participants.

About the autor

Linda O. Johnston's first published fiction appeared in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine and won the Robert L. Fish Memorial Award for Best First Mystery Short Story of the year. Since then, Linda, a former lawyer who is now a full-time writer, has published more short stories, novellas, and 39 romance and mystery novels, including the Pet Rescue Mystery Series, a spinoff from her Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mysteries for Berkley Prime Crime. She currently writes the Superstition Mysteries and the Barkery & Biscuits Mysteries for Midnight Ink, and also writes for Harlequin Romantic Suspense as well as the Alpha Force paranormal romance miniseries for Harlequin Nocturne.

Linda enjoys hearing from readers. Visit her website at and friend her on Facebook.


  1. Thanks, Lisa! I love cozy mysteries with dogs and cats. Plus, it's great to get started with a first in a series. Happy Tuesday!

  2. Interesting premise for Bite the Biscuit and great review, Lisa.

  3. Have to get this book. Sounds awesome!

  4. Nice review - each review I read tells me that I have to read this soon! thanks for being part of the tour! jeaniedannheim (at) ymail (dot) com

  5. She is a good writer! This book looks good, too. Thanks for the interview and the review!

    ElaineE246 at msn dot com
