
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Book 2 in the Pickled & Preserved Mystery series
Mary Ellen Hughes

From the author of The Pickled Piper comes another Pickled and Preserved Mystery...

Piper Lamb knows how to make fruits and vegetables keep for months. Unfortunately, it’s the people around her who are expiring too soon…

After her fiancĂ© left her, Piper came to Cloverdale to rebuild her life and open up her shop, Piper’s Picklings, to sell pickles and preserves. When her ex decides to drop in for a visit—just as things are heating up between her and a local Christmas tree farmer—Piper finds herself in a jam.
But there are other visitors to worry about…

An Italian soccer team is set to play the Cloverdale All-Stars in an exhibition game. Their manager, Raffaele Conti, was a bitter rival of Piper’s dill supplier, local farmer Gerald Standley. After Conti is found dead in Standley’s field, Piper must work to clear Gerald’s name and find out who relished killing Raffaele before the town is soured by another death.


My Review

While reading LICENSE TO DILL, I was reminded of why I loved the first book in this series, THE PICKLED PIPER. Ms. Hughes pens a story that flows at a wonderful pace. Each page makes you want to turn the next. Each chapter excites you for what is to follow.

Being back in Cloverdale was like going on a long awaited vacation. The wonderful cast of characters like old friends I had waited an entire year to see.

This delightful, well written mystery was so fast paced it kept me reading longer into the day that I had planned, completely ignoring my own everyday chores. It was packed with suspense, suspects, and motives that keep me guessing until the surprising reveal.

Also included are two great recipes for canning projects and a fun lesson on dill!

I highly recommend you pre-order your copy for the Feb. 3 release day. 

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. I love the puns in the blurb and would also love to win a copy of the book for my ever growing home library.

    1. Nora, I love the puns they come up with for cozies. Crack me up!

  2. Thanks, Lisa! I remember my grandmother's pickles...ten times better than any store-bought, today!

    1. My Mom didn't do pickles, but she made some sort of relish with pickles and corn and I have no idea what else. It wasn't something I would eat. But I remember she gave it to a friend and he said he put it on everything, including cheese steaks.

  3. Replies
    1. It's a great series, Lisa. Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  4. I love culinary cozies and this one sounds good, and your review was great.

  5. Loved the first one. This one looks awesome. I found it amazing how many different things Piper pickles & sells in her store. Love triangle will be interesting. :)

    1. I know. I had know idea so many things could be pickled or made into preserves!

  6. Loved the first, looking forward to this one.

  7. The reason that I started with this series is that I used to do a lot of pickling. so I am truly looking forward to the next book coming out. Will pre order it very soon. Thank you for the great blog post, Lisa. These titles are definitely creative as you mentioned and they really are a great source of smiles for me when I see them all listed in the series especially.


  8. I have not read the first book in this series yet, but then after I do I will be happy I won't have to wait a year for the adventure to continue.
