
Friday, January 16, 2015


Book 3 in the Sweet Pepper Fire Brigade Mystery series
J. J. Cook

Sweet Pepper, Tennessee, has the world’s hottest and sweetest peppers—as well as a ghost that cooks and a fire chief who fights crime…
Stella Griffin should be bubbling over with joy now that she’s the full-time fire chief of Sweet Pepper, except trouble is brewing on her doorstep. An angry resident has purchased her cabin, and—with a bulldozer in tow—is ready to tear it down. But as Stella worries over the fate of her home and Eric, her ghostly roommate, there’s soon an even greater cause for alarm.
A suspicious house fire in the pricey Sunset Beach community at Sweet Pepper Lake claims the life of ex-state representative Barney Falk. The nature of the death has Stella feeling out of her depth, so she teams up with the state’s arson investigator. Moving full steam ahead with the case, they must smoke out a killer before the firebug strikes again…


My Review

This book was on fire!

J. J. Cook aka husband and wife writing team Joyce & Jim Lavene, are born authors. Their writing is face paced, fun, adventurous, and just plain wonderful.

I am a big fan of the Sweet Pepper Fire Brigade Mystery series. Each title is better than the one before, as is proven with IN HOT WATER. The action started on page one and never slowed down. Even the last sentence left me breathless!

This book picks up exactly where PLAYING WITH FIRE left off. Fire Chief Stella Griffin defending her cabin, and the ghost* of former Fire Chief Eric Gamblyn, from a bulldozer. From there it’s straight into fighting a huge fire and the discovery of a body. All of this in the first two chapters and before page twenty! And then the mystery is on.

There were so many twists and turns, so much action, that IN HOT WATER left me breathless. I greedily turned each page and was never disappointed with what I found. The depth in which each character has grown since the first book, THAT OLD FLAME OF MINE, has added a real richness to the series. I eagerly look forward to the next installment.

If you haven’t read the Sweet Pepper Fire Brigade series, I strongly suggest you pick up all three titles (plus the eBook short story, HERO”S JOURNEY), and treat yourself to some of the best reading you can find.

You’ll also enjoy the mouthwatering recipes included!

* Thinking to yourself, I don’t like ghosts in my books? Do not let that stop you from reading this wonderful series. You will quickly forget that Eric is a ghost, and indeed will look forward to the scenes that include him. 

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  1. I LOVE this series, too, Lisa!

  2. Love, love, love this series!! I agree 100% with your review!!

  3. This book looks great, so does the series. Thanks so much for the giveaway.
