
Thursday, May 25, 2023

Just had to get this off my chest. 
I have brought this up before, and am sure I will again.

Do you feel there should be such a thing as an "edgy" cozy? I don't.

I do not think cursing should be in Cozy Mysteries. I have come to except a h*ll or d*mn here and there, but multiple, multiple times on one book? Multiple times only half way through the book? It's too much. And then there are other words that are worse. B*tch, b*stard! What? In a cozy? No! 

Also, sexual suggestions have become a bit too descriptive. We all know some of our characters have sexual relationships. But some of the descriptions have been very risqué. And using the word erotic!

I love our cozy authors. I have a high respect for their talents. Maybe it's the publishers that want them a little more than cozy. But I miss the day when I could pick up a cozy and know it would be like a "Hallmark" type of read. I could pass books on to anyone pre-teen to 100, and know that they were appropriate.

I have friends and fellow readers who feel the same. Anyone out there feel that way too?

Thanks for hearing my rant. 


  1. I totally understand, Lisa. I’ve come to accept the occasional d*mn or h*ll, but, like you, have seen others. I agree publishers must be wanting edgier “cozies”. That’s mainstream fiction, not a cozy. I want to read a good mystery, when reading cozy mysteries, not be shocked (which I have been by some). The f-word has become so widely used, yet it’s a vulgarity to me. When it makes it into cozies, I’ll have to stop reading. I’m glad some authors are staying true to cozy mysteries and I will seek them out.
    Happy Thursday, Lisa.
    Pat T

  2. Wow Oh but I so agree with you. Cozies are supposed to be clean. If someone wants all the curse words along with the gore, they need to go to thrillers etc. I am also glad that some of the wonderful authors are staying clean and fun. I will continue to read them.
