
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

 It is Wednesday again and my turn to share, I did not do much writing just a few sentences since last week, much going on and Girl Guide Camp this weekend, My father in law (partners dad and we are common law at this point) is also here and my normal schedule has been a bit off, I have however been doing lots of baking and thought I might share the recipe.

In all seriousness, I should not be making these, let alone twice a week and I have run out of chocolate chips. This is a Becel Recipe which is a margarine here in Canada, not sure what you have where you are but our butter is weird here in Canada, too hard and doesn't seem to soften, so I have switched to baking with margarine. If you click here you will be taken to the site for the recipe. I did not have the flaked salt but it was absolutely amazing.

Amazing until I ran out of Chocolate Chips, I have teens, boys, always fixing for a treat and well we made a few recipes with chocolate chipits here this week and I had about 1/4 of what I needed so I problem solved with a box of chocolates I got for my birthday,,,
They taste better than they look, I was given a box of Lindt Chocolate Balls, and with the dough that lacked chips, I added one big ball to it, squished it down and baked it until well it looks like this.
A house full of grateful boys and we are now also out of milk, so I guess I will leave you here and hit the grocery store!
Happy Wednesday, Happy Baking oh and check out this

Rhys Bowen's Up coming Her Royal Spyness Mystery cover was just released. I can't wait! Save the date as this one is going to be released November 7, 2023

Thank you for letting me share today and I hope you have a lovely week!


  1. Yum! Those cookies look fine to me.
    What a pretty cover on Rhys’ new book!
    Happy Wednesday, Lisa and Karen.
    Pat T

  2. yum those cookies look great. tomorrow is another day. you have got this.
