
Wednesday, April 12, 2023


Good Wednesday morning to you all,( or afternoon evening depending on when you read this), my cup is currently full of Coronation Blend Tea from a tea company I used to work for called Murchie's Tea and Coffee here in Canada. May 6th is the coronation of King Charles III. I understand that for many of you this may not be an important or notable event, however for me, any excuse to savour a great cup of tea and a bit of pomp and circumstance is a true delight. It is for me both a nostalgic and a cultural experience.

 This coming from me who has a life sized cut out of the late Queen still in my living room and on the back of my tea trailer, I still find it hard to believe that she is gone. How the family carries on now I find interesting, the survival mode and future, has me intrigued. 

For me, the Royal Family weddings, christenings and funerals was a pivotal part of my connection to my grandfather and his own love of the Royal family and the country of his birth. So later in my life when I stumbled on to cozy mysteries I was impressed and excited. I found a wonderful series that combined my love and curiosity of the Royal family, and a great cozy mystery. 

When I came to learn about the historical cozy mystery series of Rhys Bowen's, Her Royal Spyness, I bought it hook line and sinker. I would read these in one day never able to put them down. 

This series started in 2007 and we are now awaiting her 17th book in the series, The Proof Is In The Pudding, which will be out in November 2013.

(fascinator I made for the Queen's Jubilee, last year. )

If you are looking to add some Royal Cozy Mystery to your life I don't think you can go wrong with this series, a great excuse to read, make a large pot of tea, put your fascinator on and get lost in the series.

For now I await the May 6th festivities, with my new "crown" and napkins to go with my scones and tea...I also, await the commemorative cup and saucer...perhaps I will start my own royal cozy mystery series of sorts, you never know.

Thank you for having me today and for allowing me to share a bit of your valuable time. Thank you to Lisa for allowing me to share with your audience. 

The kettle is always on and my cup is always full, Cheers! 

1 comment:

  1. I miss the Queen, too, Karen. There will never be another like her.
    Happy Wednesday, Lisa (and Karen).
    Pat T
