
Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Well happy Tuesday to you, Karen here with a project I have in the Research and development stage, as in I have what I need to make this have for months but have not gotten around to making it...

How cute are these? Honestly I wish I could make a class set, I found this tutorial on Needle Pointers. Com,  This would be amazing for any book lover of any age and honestly this might be a Christmas project that I do for the u coming year.

I have found so many wonderful prints of broadcloth for this, some Harry Potter for my niece, Flamingo for me etc... I may make a few for my teacher friends too, tuck in a book and a treat in the pillow and a beautiful gift this would be, actually it would be a cool Easter Basket too, just a thought. 

Speaking of projects I have on my to do list, the Southern Quilting Mystery series by Elizabeth Craig is on my TBR pile, there are 12 books in the series and it is about quilting and a corgi, sounds like a pretty good series already! 

Retired folk art curator Beatrice Coleman knows everything there is to know about quilts, except how to make them. But with her recent move to Dapple Hills, North Carolina, she’s learning all sorts of new things—including how to solve a murder…

As the newest member of the Village Quilters Guild, Beatrice has a lot of gossip to catch up on—especially with the Patchwork Cottage quilt shop about to close. It seems that Judith, the landlord everyone loves to hate, wants to raise the rent, despite being a quilter herself…

But when Judith is found dead, the harmless gossip becomes an intricate patchwork of mischievous motives. And it’s up to Beatrice’s expert eye to decipher the pattern and catch the killer, before her life gets sewn up for good.


I do love a cozy with a character that is not in her 20's! As this is an older series you can find it on Amazon or hopefully in your local libary!

I look forward to sharing more with you again soon, happy sewing and reading!


  1. That reading pillow project looks really cute!
    I like cozy mysteries with older sleuths, too.
    Happy Tuesday, Karen and Lisa!
    Pat T

  2. happy tuesday. 38 and 36 years ago I made two of these pillows. It started out as an accident. I accidentally sewed a piece of fabric on the one side. It was a bit crooked but when my son came in and saw it he put his book into the slot and said "Did you make this for me?" well LOL of course I did and he loved that pillow for years. at age 39 it sits in his sewing room as a reminder that some mistakes are happy mistakes.
