
Saturday, February 18, 2023

 Karen here again with my dog Sage, she and I thought we would talk a bit about the cozy companions we all love in the series we read. 

Personally we are a household with one dog and two cats largely influenced by the characters in two series that I love so much. The Cat in the Stacks Mystery series will make a cat lover out of just about anyone! 

I have a cat named Squirrel, she is about 12 and  she was adopted after I found the series by Miranda James,  reading about and falling in love with Diesel is next to impossible.  Find Author Miranda James (Dean James) on Facebook by clicking here to find out more about this series. 

While not a Maine Coon Cat, she does have the ears and the width, of a cat with the intelligence and charm of Diesel, and she was a feral rescue, who has been large and incharge for the entire time we have been blessed with her. 

Sage and well our newest furry family member Kit (My son named her Kit because a baby Squirrel is called a Kit, and she looked the same as our older cat when she was tiny) remind me more of the amazing series I love by Krista Davis, called the Paws and Claus Mystery series, if you are not familiar with this series and you love animals this is a series for you. 

The main character comes to live and help her Grandmother run a hotel in a town that openly encourages vacationing with your pets, and everyone in town caters to their customers both human and animal. It is such a delightful series and makes me want to pack up and move there to open my own tea shop for pets and humans. Click here to learn more about this series by Krista Davis. 

Now Kit is much bigger,she was born in August of 2022 we believe and she is growing into this long, silky short haired cat, she loved Christmas with so much  enthusiasm for paper, bows and tree lights that we had to decorate with only stuffed animals and tree lights to the top half of the tree.
I would love to have a tree up all year like in Vicki Delany's Year Round Christmas Series, but I think we will just try again next year and see if she doesn't choose to inhabit the tree.  

We would love to hear more about your connection to the pets in the series that we all enjoy, and how they stay with you long after the books are done. We hope you enjoyed a little look at my furry companions and that you will come visit us again here soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Karen. I no longer have a dog, since my old girl passed away. I’m a cat-mom to six cats, though.
    Happy Saturday, to you and Lisa!
    Pat T
