
Sunday, February 12, 2023

How was your week?
I had a lot going on here. I'm going to slowdown today, and just breath. 

What is your typical Sunday like?
Do you have any plans for today?

I just heard of a new book I can't wait to read! 

Food Trucks Can Be Murderously Good
Get a taste of murder and mayhem in four cozy mysteries.
Birch Tree, Maine, is experiencing a rash of deaths, all mysteriously linked to food trucks that frequent the Birch Point Lake Park. Angel’s new donut truck was doing great, until deathly rumors started. Shanice thought she had customer support when taking over her grandpa’s potato truck, until one started complaining. Marisol’s taco truck is a fixture in the park, until linked to a food judge’s death. Mey’s noodle truck was her ticket to a new life, until her ex-boyfriend threatens to take it away. Could competition between vendors have led to this murder and mayhem?

Doesn't that sound good?
But it doesn't come out until July! 😯


I thought it would be fun to learn a few new things about each other. 
In the comments, share 3 things about yourself that others may not know. I'll go first. 😉

1. Up until the day I was born, my parents thought I was going to be twins. The doctor said everywhere he listened he heard baby heartbeat. Turns out that I was just a big baby, weighing almost 11 pounds at birth!

2. I once modeled in a fashion show. Local, but it counts! LOL The person in charge of our music somehow messed up, so for the whole show, we all modeled to "I'm Every Woman" over and over and over.

 3. I was in a relationship with a wonderful guy, but we were too different. I lived in a house in Dover De, and I liked going out during the day. He lived in tunnels under New York City, refused to get laser treatment for the abnormal amount of hair all over his body, and could only go out at night. It could have been so good between Vincent and me but . . .  

 Okay, so that was my fantasy brain typing. 😉

3. I once met Erik Estrada. We talked for a few seconds, and then he smiled and posed for a photo. His smile took my breath and words away. Seriously, I couldn't say one more thing to him. And you know what? He knew it. That man knew his smile rendered me speechless. Sigh

Your turn! In the comments, share three things about yourself that people may not know. It can be fun, serious, hard to believe, anything you'd like!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Fun, fun, fun, Lisa!
    My fantasy/dream come true would be a room (or two), with wall to wall bookshelves and filled with every book I’ve ever wanted.
    Happy Sunday and happy reading!
    Pat T

  2. P.S.-I forgot to tell you I LOVE your baby picture!
    Pat T

    1. Thank you! I spent my whole life being told how much I look like my Mom and Mommom. But this baby picture, it's my Dad I see. LOL

  3. that was a fun three things about you. #1 I did barrel racing on a Palomino named Goldie #2 My cow (shorthorn) Burgundy Rose and I was in the newspaper and we won a trophy for AZ, CA, NV then went on to nationals #3 I raised a runt piglet in the house, at least until he got too big. Squeak became an 800 lb boar and thought he was a human
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

    1. Yours all involve critters! I love it! 800 is a big boy!
